Package twitter4j.v1

Interface TwitterStream

public interface TwitterStream
Twitter4J 2.2.0
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    shutdown internal stream consuming thread
    Start consuming public statuses that match one or more filter predicates.
    firehose(int count)
    Starts listening on all public statuses.
    links(int count)
    Starts listening on all public statuses containing links.
    Starts listening on all retweets.
    Starts listening on random sample of all public statuses.
    sample(String language)
    Starts listening on random sample of all public statuses.
    Shuts down internal dispatcher thread shared by all TwitterStream instances.
  • Method Details

    • firehose

      TwitterStream firehose(int count)
      Starts listening on all public statuses. Available only to approved parties and requires a signed agreement to access. Please do not contact us about access to the firehose. If your service warrants access to it, we'll contact you.
      count - Indicates the number of previous statuses to stream before transitioning to the live stream.
      this instance
      Twitter4J 2.0.4
      See Also:
    • links

      TwitterStream links(int count)
      Starts listening on all public statuses containing links. Available only to approved parties and requires a signed agreement to access. Please do not contact us about access to the links stream. If your service warrants access to it, we'll contact you.
      count - Indicates the number of previous statuses to stream before transitioning to the live stream.
      this instance
      Twitter4J 2.1.1
      See Also:
    • retweet

      TwitterStream retweet()
      Starts listening on all retweets. The retweet stream is not a generally available resource. Few applications require this level of access. Creative use of a combination of other resources and various access levels can satisfy nearly every application use case. As of 9/11/2009, the site-wide retweet feature has not yet launched, so there are currently few, if any, retweets on this stream.
      this instance
      Twitter4J 2.0.10
      See Also:
    • sample

      TwitterStream sample()
      Starts listening on random sample of all public statuses. The default access level provides a small proportion of the Firehose. The "Gardenhose" access level provides a proportion more suitable for data mining and research applications that desire a larger proportion to be statistically significant sample.
      this instance
      Twitter4J 2.0.10
      See Also:
    • sample

      TwitterStream sample(String language)
      Starts listening on random sample of all public statuses. The default access level provides a small proportion of the Firehose. The "Gardenhose" access level provides a proportion more suitable for data mining and research applications that desire a larger proportion to be statistically significant sample.

      Only samples Tweets written in the given language.

      language - language to be sampled
      this instance
      Twitter4J 2.0.10
      See Also:
    • filter

      TwitterStream filter(FilterQuery query)
      Start consuming public statuses that match one or more filter predicates. At least one predicate parameter, follow, locations, or track must be specified. Multiple parameters may be specified which allows most clients to use a single connection to the Streaming API. Placing long parameters in the URL may cause the request to be rejected for excessive URL length.
      The default access level allows up to 200 track keywords, 400 follow userids and 10 1-degree location boxes. Increased access levels allow 80,000 follow userids ("shadow" role), 400,000 follow userids ("birddog" role), 10,000 track keywords ("restricted track" role), 200,000 track keywords ("partner track" role), and 200 10-degree location boxes ("locRestricted" role). Increased track access levels also pass a higher proportion of statuses before limiting the stream.
      query - Filter query
      this instance
      Twitter4J 2.1.2
      See Also:
    • cleanUp

      void cleanUp()
      shutdown internal stream consuming thread
      Twitter4J 2.1.7
    • shutdown

      void shutdown()
      Shuts down internal dispatcher thread shared by all TwitterStream instances.
      Twitter4J 2.1.9