

package bobcats

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed trait Algorithm extends AnyRef
  2. sealed trait Crypto[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  3. class GeneralSecurityException extends Exception
  4. sealed trait Hash[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  5. sealed trait HashAlgorithm extends Algorithm
  6. sealed trait Hmac[F[_]] extends HmacPlatform[F]
  7. sealed trait HmacAlgorithm extends Algorithm
  8. class InvalidKeyException extends KeyException
  9. sealed trait Key[+A <: Algorithm] extends KeyPlatform
  10. class KeyException extends GeneralSecurityException
  11. sealed trait PrivateKey[+A <: Algorithm] extends Key[A] with PrivateKeyPlatform
  12. sealed trait PublicKey[+A <: Algorithm] extends Key[A] with PublicKeyPlatform
  13. sealed trait SecretKey[+A <: Algorithm] extends Key[A] with SecretKeyPlatform
  14. final case class SecretKeySpec[+A <: Algorithm](key: ByteVector, algorithm: A) extends SecretKey[A] with SecretKeySpecPlatform[A] with Product with Serializable
  15. trait SecureEq[A] extends Eq[A]

Value Members

  1. object Crypto extends CryptoCompanionPlatform
  2. object Hash extends HashCompanionPlatform
  3. object HashAlgorithm
  4. object Hmac extends HmacCompanionPlatform
  5. object HmacAlgorithm
  6. object Hotp
  7. object SecureEq extends SecureEqCompanionPlatform with Serializable
