
Type members


sealed abstract class As[-A, +B] extends Serializable

As substitutability: A better <:<

As substitutability: A better <:<

This class exists to aid in the capture proof of subtyping relationships, which can be applied in other context to widen other type

A As B holds whenever A could be used in any negative context that expects a B. (e.g. if you could pass an A into any function that expects a B as input.)

This code was ported directly from scalaz to cats using this version from scalaz:

The original contribution to scalaz came from Jason Zaugg

object As extends AsInstances with AsSupport
sealed abstract class AsInstances
abstract class Is[A, B] extends Serializable

A value of A Is B is proof that the types A and B are the same. More powerfully, it asserts that they have the same meaning in all type contexts. This can be a more powerful assertion than A =:= B and is more easily used in manipulation of types while avoiding (potentially erroneous) coercions.

A value of A Is B is proof that the types A and B are the same. More powerfully, it asserts that they have the same meaning in all type contexts. This can be a more powerful assertion than A =:= B and is more easily used in manipulation of types while avoiding (potentially erroneous) coercions.

A Is B is also known as Leibniz equality.

object Is extends IsInstances with IsSupport
sealed abstract class IsInstances


type <~<[-A, +B] = As[A, B]

A convenient type alias for As, this declares that A is a subtype of B, and should be able to be a B is expected.

A convenient type alias for As, this declares that A is a subtype of B, and should be able to be a B is expected.

type ===[A, B] = Is[A, B]

A convenient type alias for Is, which declares that A is the same type as B.

A convenient type alias for Is, which declares that A is the same type as B.

type >~>[+B, -A] = As[A, B]

A flipped alias, for those used to their arrows running left to right

A flipped alias, for those used to their arrows running left to right

type Leibniz[A, B] = Is[A, B]

This type level equality represented by Is is referred to as "Leibniz equality", and it had the name "Leibniz" in the scalaz

This type level equality represented by Is is referred to as "Leibniz equality", and it had the name "Leibniz" in the scalaz

type Liskov[-A, +B] = As[A, B]

The property that a value of type A can be used in a context expecting a B if A <~< B is referred to as the "Liskov Substitution Principle", which is named for Barbara Liskov:

The property that a value of type A can be used in a context expecting a B if A <~< B is referred to as the "Liskov Substitution Principle", which is named for Barbara Liskov: