
abstract class Deferred[F[_], A] extends DeferredSource[F, A] with DeferredSink[F, A]

A purely functional synchronization primitive which represents a single value which may not yet be available.

A purely functional synchronization primitive which represents a single value which may not yet be available.

When created, a Deferred is empty. It can then be completed exactly once, and never be made empty again.

get on an empty Deferred will block until the Deferred is completed. get on a completed Deferred will always immediately return its content.

complete(a) on an empty Deferred will set it to a, and notify any and all readers currently blocked on a call to get. complete(a) on a Deferred that has already been completed will not modify its content, and result in a failed F.

Albeit simple, Deferred can be used in conjunction with Ref to build complex concurrent behaviour and data structures like queues and semaphores.

Finally, the blocking mentioned above is semantic only, no actual threads are blocked by the implementation.

trait DeferredSink[F, A]
trait DeferredSource[F, A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class AsyncDeferred[F, A]

Value members

Concrete methods

def mapK[G[_]](f: FunctionK[F, G]): Deferred[G, A]

Modify the context F using transformation f.

Modify the context F using transformation f.

Inherited methods

def complete(a: A): F[Boolean]

If this Deferred is empty, sets the current value to a, and notifies any and all readers currently blocked on a get. Returns true.

If this Deferred is empty, sets the current value to a, and notifies any and all readers currently blocked on a get. Returns true.

If this Deferred has already been completed, returns false.

Satisfies: Deferred[F, A].flatMap(r => r.complete(a) *> r.get) == a.pure[F]

Inherited from
def get: F[A]

Obtains the value of the Deferred, or waits until it has been completed. The returned value may be canceled.

Obtains the value of the Deferred, or waits until it has been completed. The returned value may be canceled.

Inherited from
def tryGet: F[Option[A]]

Obtains the current value of the Deferred, or None if it hasn't completed.

Obtains the current value of the Deferred, or None if it hasn't completed.

Inherited from