
sealed abstract class SyncIO[+A]

A pure abstraction representing the intention to perform a side effect, where the result of that side effect is obtained synchronously.

SyncIO is similar to IO, but does not support asynchronous computations. Consequently, a SyncIO can be run synchronously on any platform to obtain a result via unsafeRunSync. This is unlike IO#unsafeRunSync, which cannot be safely called in general -- doing so on the JVM blocks the calling thread while the async part of the computation is run and doing so on Scala.js is not supported.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def *>[B](that: SyncIO[B]): SyncIO[B]

Alias for productR.

Alias for productR.

See also
def <*[B](that: SyncIO[B]): SyncIO[A]

Alias for productL.

Alias for productL.

See also
def >>[B](that: => SyncIO[B]): SyncIO[B]

Alias for flatMap(_ => that).

Alias for flatMap(_ => that).

See also
def as[B](b: B): SyncIO[B]

Alias for map(_ => b).

Alias for map(_ => b).

See also
def attempt: SyncIO[Either[Throwable, A]]

Materializes any sequenced exceptions into value space, where they may be handled.

Materializes any sequenced exceptions into value space, where they may be handled.

This is analogous to the catch clause in try/catch, being the inverse of SyncIO.raiseError. Thus:

SyncIO.raiseError(ex).attempt.unsafeRunSync === Left(ex)
See also
def flatMap[B](f: A => SyncIO[B]): SyncIO[B]

Monadic bind on SyncIO, used for sequentially composing two SyncIO actions, where the value produced by the first SyncIO is passed as input to a function producing the second SyncIO action.

Monadic bind on SyncIO, used for sequentially composing two SyncIO actions, where the value produced by the first SyncIO is passed as input to a function producing the second SyncIO action.

Due to this operation's signature, flatMap forces a data dependency between two SyncIO actions, thus ensuring sequencing (e.g. one action to be executed before another one).

Any exceptions thrown within the function will be caught and sequenced in to the result SyncIO[B].

Value Params

the bind function


SyncIO produced by applying f to the result of the current SyncIO

def handleErrorWith[B >: A](f: Throwable => SyncIO[B]): SyncIO[B]

Handle any error, potentially recovering from it, by mapping it to another SyncIO value.

Handle any error, potentially recovering from it, by mapping it to another SyncIO value.

Implements ApplicativeError.handleErrorWith.

def map[B](f: A => B): SyncIO[B]

Functor map on SyncIO. Given a mapping function, it transforms the value produced by the source, while keeping the SyncIO context.

Functor map on SyncIO. Given a mapping function, it transforms the value produced by the source, while keeping the SyncIO context.

Any exceptions thrown within the function will be caught and sequenced into the result SyncIO[B].

Value Params

the mapping function


SyncIO that evaluates to the value obtained by applying f to the result of the current SyncIO

def productL[B](that: SyncIO[B]): SyncIO[A]

Executes that only for the side effects.

Executes that only for the side effects.

Value Params

SyncIO to be executed after this SyncIO


SyncIO which sequences the effects of that but evaluates to the result of this SyncIO

def productR[B](that: SyncIO[B]): SyncIO[B]

Sequences that without propagating the value of the current SyncIO.

Sequences that without propagating the value of the current SyncIO.

Value Params

SyncIO to be executed after this SyncIO


SyncIO which sequences the effects of that

def redeem[B](recover: Throwable => B, map: A => B): SyncIO[B]
def redeemWith[B](recover: Throwable => SyncIO[B], bind: A => SyncIO[B]): SyncIO[B]
def to[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): F[A]

Translates this SyncIO to any F[_] data type that implements Sync.

Translates this SyncIO to any F[_] data type that implements Sync.

override def toString(): String
Definition Classes
def unsafeRunSync(): A

Produces the result by running the encapsulated effects as impure side effects.

Produces the result by running the encapsulated effects as impure side effects.

Any exceptions raised within the effect will be re-thrown during evaluation.

As the name says, this is an UNSAFE function as it is impure and performs side effects and throws exceptions. You should ideally only call this function once, at the very end of your program.


the result of evaluating this SyncIO

def void: SyncIO[Unit]

Alias for map(_ => ()).

Alias for map(_ => ()).

See also