
class BigDecimalGroup extends CommutativeGroup[BigDecimal]

Note that combining, removing, and inverting BigDecimal values will use unlimited precision operations.

Note that combining, removing, and inverting BigDecimal values will use unlimited precision operations.

This matches the behavior of Scala 2.12 and earlier versions, but not Scala 2.13, which means that + and |+| (or sum and combineAll) may not agree if you are working with values with limited-precision MathContexts.

trait CommutativeGroup[BigDecimal]
trait CommutativeMonoid[BigDecimal]
trait CommutativeSemigroup[BigDecimal]
trait Group[BigDecimal]
trait Monoid[BigDecimal]
trait Semigroup[BigDecimal]
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def combine(x: BigDecimal, y: BigDecimal): BigDecimal
def inverse(x: BigDecimal): BigDecimal
override def remove(x: BigDecimal, y: BigDecimal): BigDecimal
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def combineAll(as: IterableOnce[BigDecimal]): BigDecimal

Given a sequence of as, sum them using the monoid and return the total.

Given a sequence of as, sum them using the monoid and return the total.


scala> import cats.kernel.instances.string._

scala> Monoid[String].combineAll(List("One ", "Two ", "Three"))
res0: String = One Two Three

scala> Monoid[String].combineAll(List.empty)
res1: String = ""
Inherited from
override def combineAllOption(as: IterableOnce[BigDecimal]): Option[BigDecimal]
Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def combineN(a: BigDecimal, n: Int): BigDecimal

Return a appended to itself n times. If n is negative, then this returns inverse(a) appended to itself n times.

Return a appended to itself n times. If n is negative, then this returns inverse(a) appended to itself n times.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def intercalate(middle: BigDecimal): CommutativeSemigroup[BigDecimal]
Definition Classes
Inherited from
def isEmpty(a: BigDecimal)(ev: Eq[BigDecimal]): Boolean

Tests if a is the identity.

Tests if a is the identity.


scala> import cats.kernel.instances.string._

scala> Monoid[String].isEmpty("")
res0: Boolean = true

scala> Monoid[String].isEmpty("something")
res1: Boolean = false
Inherited from
override def reverse: CommutativeMonoid[BigDecimal]

Concrete fields

val empty: BigDecimal