
trait Discipline extends ScalaCheck
trait ScalaCheck
trait GenInstances
trait ScalaCheckPropertyDsl
trait FragmentsFactory
trait AsResultProp
trait AsResultPropLowImplicits
trait ScalaCheckParameters
trait ScalaCheckPropertyCheck
trait ExpectationsCreation
trait MatchResultStackTrace
trait ScalaCheckPropertyCreation
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def checkAll(name: String, ruleSet: RuleSet)(implicit p: Parameters): Fragments

Inherited methods

def check(prop: Prop, parameters: Parameters, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): Result

checks if the property is true for each generated value, and with the specified parameters

checks if the property is true for each generated value, and with the specified parameters

Inherited from:
protected def checkFailure[T](m: MatchResult[T]): MatchResult[T]

this method can be overridden to throw exceptions when checking the match result

this method can be overridden to throw exceptions when checking the match result

Inherited from:
protected def checkMatchResultFailure[T](m: MatchResult[T]): MatchResult[T]

this method can be overridden to throw exceptions when checking the match result

this method can be overridden to throw exceptions when checking the match result

Inherited from:
def checkProperties(properties: Properties, parameters: Parameters, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): Result
Inherited from:
protected def checkResultFailure(r: => Result): Result

this method can be overridden to throw exceptions when checking the result

this method can be overridden to throw exceptions when checking the result

Inherited from:
def createExpectable[T](t: => T, alias: Option[String => String]): Expectable[T]

an Expectable with a description function

Inherited from:
def createExpectable[T](t: => T, alias: String => String): Expectable[T]

an Expectable with a description function

Inherited from:
def createExpectable[T](t: => T, alias: => String): Expectable[T]

an Expectable with a description

Inherited from:
def createExpectable[T](t: => T): Expectable[T]

an Expectable

Inherited from:
def createExpectableWithShowAs[T](t: => T, showAs: => String): Expectable[T]

an Expectable with a function to show the element T

Inherited from:
def display(minTestsOk: Int, minSize: Int, maxDiscardRatio: Float, maxSize: Int, workers: Int, callback: TestCallback, loader: Option[ClassLoader]): Parameters

create parameters with verbose = true

create parameters with verbose = true

Inherited from:
protected def fragmentFactory: FragmentFactory
Inherited from:
def frequencies(fq: FreqMap[Set[Any]], parameters: Parameters, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): String
Inherited from:
protected def mapMatchResult[T](m: MatchResult[T]): MatchResult[T]

this method can be overridden to intercept a MatchResult and change its message before it is thrown

this method can be overridden to intercept a MatchResult and change its message before it is thrown

Inherited from:
def prettyResult(res: Result, parameters: Parameters, initialSeed: => Seed, freqMapPretty: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): Pretty

copied from ScalaCheck to be able to inject the proper freqMap pretty

copied from ScalaCheck to be able to inject the proper freqMap pretty

Inherited from:
def prop[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, R](result: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) => R)(implicit arbitrary1: Arbitrary[T1], shrink1: Shrink[T1], pretty1: T1 => Pretty, arbitrary2: Arbitrary[T2], shrink2: Shrink[T2], pretty2: T2 => Pretty, arbitrary3: Arbitrary[T3], shrink3: Shrink[T3], pretty3: T3 => Pretty, arbitrary4: Arbitrary[T4], shrink4: Shrink[T4], pretty4: T4 => Pretty, arbitrary5: Arbitrary[T5], shrink5: Shrink[T5], pretty5: T5 => Pretty, arbitrary6: Arbitrary[T6], shrink6: Shrink[T6], pretty6: T6 => Pretty, arbitrary7: Arbitrary[T7], shrink7: Shrink[T7], pretty7: T7 => Pretty, arbitrary8: Arbitrary[T8], shrink8: Shrink[T8], pretty8: T8 => Pretty, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty, asResult: AsResult[R], parameters: Parameters): ScalaCheckFunction8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, R]

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 8 arguments

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 8 arguments

Inherited from:
def prop[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, R](result: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) => R)(implicit arbitrary1: Arbitrary[T1], shrink1: Shrink[T1], pretty1: T1 => Pretty, arbitrary2: Arbitrary[T2], shrink2: Shrink[T2], pretty2: T2 => Pretty, arbitrary3: Arbitrary[T3], shrink3: Shrink[T3], pretty3: T3 => Pretty, arbitrary4: Arbitrary[T4], shrink4: Shrink[T4], pretty4: T4 => Pretty, arbitrary5: Arbitrary[T5], shrink5: Shrink[T5], pretty5: T5 => Pretty, arbitrary6: Arbitrary[T6], shrink6: Shrink[T6], pretty6: T6 => Pretty, arbitrary7: Arbitrary[T7], shrink7: Shrink[T7], pretty7: T7 => Pretty, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty, asResult: AsResult[R], parameters: Parameters): ScalaCheckFunction7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, R]

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 7 arguments

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 7 arguments

Inherited from:
def prop[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R](result: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) => R)(implicit arbitrary1: Arbitrary[T1], shrink1: Shrink[T1], pretty1: T1 => Pretty, arbitrary2: Arbitrary[T2], shrink2: Shrink[T2], pretty2: T2 => Pretty, arbitrary3: Arbitrary[T3], shrink3: Shrink[T3], pretty3: T3 => Pretty, arbitrary4: Arbitrary[T4], shrink4: Shrink[T4], pretty4: T4 => Pretty, arbitrary5: Arbitrary[T5], shrink5: Shrink[T5], pretty5: T5 => Pretty, arbitrary6: Arbitrary[T6], shrink6: Shrink[T6], pretty6: T6 => Pretty, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty, asResult: AsResult[R], parameters: Parameters): ScalaCheckFunction6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R]

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 6 arguments

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 6 arguments

Inherited from:
def prop[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R](result: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) => R)(implicit arbitrary1: Arbitrary[T1], shrink1: Shrink[T1], pretty1: T1 => Pretty, arbitrary2: Arbitrary[T2], shrink2: Shrink[T2], pretty2: T2 => Pretty, arbitrary3: Arbitrary[T3], shrink3: Shrink[T3], pretty3: T3 => Pretty, arbitrary4: Arbitrary[T4], shrink4: Shrink[T4], pretty4: T4 => Pretty, arbitrary5: Arbitrary[T5], shrink5: Shrink[T5], pretty5: T5 => Pretty, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty, asResult: AsResult[R], parameters: Parameters): ScalaCheckFunction5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R]

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 5 arguments

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 5 arguments

Inherited from:
def prop[T1, T2, T3, T4, R](result: (T1, T2, T3, T4) => R)(implicit arbitrary1: Arbitrary[T1], shrink1: Shrink[T1], pretty1: T1 => Pretty, arbitrary2: Arbitrary[T2], shrink2: Shrink[T2], pretty2: T2 => Pretty, arbitrary3: Arbitrary[T3], shrink3: Shrink[T3], pretty3: T3 => Pretty, arbitrary4: Arbitrary[T4], shrink4: Shrink[T4], pretty4: T4 => Pretty, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty, asResult: AsResult[R], parameters: Parameters): ScalaCheckFunction4[T1, T2, T3, T4, R]

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 4 arguments

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 4 arguments

Inherited from:
def prop[T1, T2, T3, R](result: (T1, T2, T3) => R)(implicit arbitrary1: Arbitrary[T1], shrink1: Shrink[T1], pretty1: T1 => Pretty, arbitrary2: Arbitrary[T2], shrink2: Shrink[T2], pretty2: T2 => Pretty, arbitrary3: Arbitrary[T3], shrink3: Shrink[T3], pretty3: T3 => Pretty, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty, asResult: AsResult[R], parameters: Parameters): ScalaCheckFunction3[T1, T2, T3, R]

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 3 arguments

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 3 arguments

Inherited from:
def prop[T1, T2, R](result: (T1, T2) => R)(implicit arbitrary1: Arbitrary[T1], shrink1: Shrink[T1], pretty1: T1 => Pretty, arbitrary2: Arbitrary[T2], shrink2: Shrink[T2], pretty2: T2 => Pretty, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty, asResult: AsResult[R], parameters: Parameters): ScalaCheckFunction2[T1, T2, R]

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 2 arguments

create a ScalaCheck property from a function of 2 arguments

Inherited from:
def prop[T, R](result: T => R)(implicit arbitrary: Arbitrary[T], shrink: Shrink[T], pretty: T => Pretty, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty, asResult: AsResult[R], parameters: Parameters): ScalaCheckFunction1[T, R]

create a ScalaCheck property from a function

create a ScalaCheck property from a function

Inherited from:
def properties(ps: Properties): Fragments

display properties as examples

display properties as examples

Inherited from:
protected def sandboxMatchResult[T](mr: => MatchResult[T]): MatchResult[T]

the match result without any side-effects

Inherited from:
def set(minTestsOk: Int, minSize: Int, maxDiscardRatio: Float, maxSize: Int, workers: Int, callback: TestCallback, loader: Option[ClassLoader]): Parameters

create parameters with verbose = false

create parameters with verbose = false

Inherited from:
protected def setStacktrace[T](m: MatchResult[T]): MatchResult[T]

this method can be overridden to avoid filling-in a stacktrace indicating the location of the result

this method can be overridden to avoid filling-in a stacktrace indicating the location of the result

Inherited from:

the cause of the exception as a String if there is one

Inherited from:


Inherited implicits

implicit def asResultToProp[R : AsResult](r: R): Prop
Inherited from:
implicit def defaultFreqMapPretty: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty
Inherited from:
implicit def defaultParameters: Parameters

default parameters. Uses ScalaCheck default values and doesn't print anything to the console

default parameters. Uses ScalaCheck default values and doesn't print anything to the console

Inherited from:
implicit def genMonad: Monad[Gen]
Inherited from:
implicit def propAsResult(implicit p: Parameters, pfq: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): AsResult[Prop]

implicit typeclass instance to create examples from a Prop

implicit typeclass instance to create examples from a Prop

Inherited from:
implicit def propToScalaCheckProperty(prop: Prop)(implicit parameters: Parameters, prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): ScalaCheckProp
Inherited from:
implicit def propertiesAsResult(implicit p: Parameters, pfq: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): AsResult[Properties]

implicit typeclass instance to create examples from Properties

implicit typeclass instance to create examples from Properties

Inherited from:
implicit def scalaCheckPropertyAsResult[S <: ScalaCheckProperty]: AsResult[S]
Inherited from: