Class GFCosString

    • Constructor Detail

      • GFCosString

        public GFCosString​(COSString cosString)
        Default constructor
        cosString - greenfield COSString
      • GFCosString

        public GFCosString​(COSString cosString,
                           String type)
        Constructor for child classes
        cosString - is greenfield COSString.
        type - child class type.
    • Method Detail

      • getvalue

        public String getvalue()
        Get string value stored in the PDF object
        Specified by:
        getvalue in interface CosString
      • getisHex

        public Boolean getisHex()
        true if the string is stored in Hex format
        Specified by:
        getisHex in interface CosString
      • gethexCount

        public Long gethexCount()
        contains original hexa string length
        Specified by:
        gethexCount in interface CosString