Interface CosString

    • Method Detail

      • getvalue

        String getvalue()
        internal byte presentation of the string after decoding from hex format (for strings in hexadecimal format) or after decoding all escape sequences (for strings in standard format)
      • getisHex

        Boolean getisHex()
        true if the string is stored in Hex format
      • getcontainsOnlyHex

        Boolean getcontainsOnlyHex()
        true if the all non-white-space characters if the hexadecimal string belong to the range 0-9, a-f, A-F
      • gethexCount

        Long gethexCount()
        for hexadecimal strings the number of Hex digits (non-white-space characters in the range 0-9, a-f, A-F); 0 for strings in standard format