Enum PDFAFlavour

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Comparable<PDFAFlavour>

    public enum PDFAFlavour
    extends Enum<PDFAFlavour>
    Enums used as id for PDF/A flavours where a flavour uniquely identifies a specific PDF/A Standard part and associated conformance level. The PDF/A Specification:
    ISO 19005 - Document Management - Electronic document format for long-term preservation (PDF/A)
    comprises 4 parts:
    1. Part 1: PDF/A-1 - Use of PDF 1.4
    2. Part 2: PDF/A-2 - Use of ISO 32000-1
    3. Part 3: PDF/A-3 - Use of ISO 32000-1 with support for embedded files
    4. Part 4: PDF/A-4 - Use of ISO 32000-2
      1. Note that "Use of ISO 32000-1" indicates that PDF/A parts 2 and 3 are based upon PDF 1.7. ISO 32000-1 is the code for the PDF 1.7 ISO standard. The specification parts specify different conformance levels:
        • Level b - basic
        • Level a - accessible
        • Level u - unicode
        • Level f - embedded files
        • Level e - engineering
        Part 1 does not allow a conformance level u (Unicode) so there are eight valid combinations of specification part and level, shown below:
        • 1a
        • 1b
        • 2a
        • 2b
        • 2u
        • 3a
        • 3b
        • 3u
        • 4
        • 4f
        • 4e
    Carl Wilson
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • NO_FLAVOUR

        public static final PDFAFlavour NO_FLAVOUR
        Special ID for the none case
      • PDFA_1_A

        public static final PDFAFlavour PDFA_1_A
        1a PDF Version 1 Level A
      • PDFA_1_B

        public static final PDFAFlavour PDFA_1_B
        1b PDF Version 1 Level B
      • PDFA_2_A

        public static final PDFAFlavour PDFA_2_A
        2a PDF Version 2 Level A
      • PDFA_2_B

        public static final PDFAFlavour PDFA_2_B
        2b PDF Version 2 Level B
      • PDFA_2_U

        public static final PDFAFlavour PDFA_2_U
        2u PDF Version 2 Level U
      • PDFA_3_A

        public static final PDFAFlavour PDFA_3_A
        3a PDF Version 3 Level A
      • PDFA_3_B

        public static final PDFAFlavour PDFA_3_B
        3b PDF Version 3 Level B
      • PDFA_3_U

        public static final PDFAFlavour PDFA_3_U
        3u PDF Version 3 Level U
      • PDFA_4

        public static final PDFAFlavour PDFA_4
        4 PDF Version 4
      • PDFA_4_F

        public static final PDFAFlavour PDFA_4_F
        4 PDF Version 4 Level F
      • PDFA_4_E

        public static final PDFAFlavour PDFA_4_E
        4 PDF Version 4 Level E
      • PDFUA_1

        public static final PDFAFlavour PDFUA_1
        ua1 PDF Version 1
      • WCAG2_1

        public static final PDFAFlavour WCAG2_1
        wcag PDF version 2.1
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static PDFAFlavour[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (PDFAFlavour c : PDFAFlavour.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static PDFAFlavour valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getId

        public final String getId()
        the two character String id for this flavour, e.g. 1a, 1b, 2a, etc.
      • byFlavourId

        public static PDFAFlavour byFlavourId​(String flavourId)
        Looks up a PDFAFlavour by two letter flavour identifier. The identifier is a two letter String that identifies a PDFAFlavour, e.g. 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2u, 3a, 3b, 3u, 4, 4f, 4e. The match is case insensitive so 1A, 1B, etc. are also valid flavour ids.
        flavourId - must be a two character string that exactly matches the flavour identifier.
        the correct PDFAFlavour looked up by String id or NO_FLAVOUR if id does not match a flavour
      • fromString

        public static PDFAFlavour fromString​(String toParse)
        Performs a lenient parse of the String toParse to determine whether it contains a valid PDFAFlavour identifier. Be aware that the identifiers are only 2 character Strings (see byFlavourId(String) so unintended matches are possible.
        toParse - a String parameter that is parsed to see whether it contains a PDFAFlavour identifier.
        the correct PDFAFlavour looked up by parsing toParse or NO_FLAVOUR if no matching flavour was found.
      • getFlavourIds

        public static Set<String> getFlavourIds()
        the Set of PDFA Flavour String ids