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AbstractBasePoolService - Class in org.vibur.objectpool
Base abstract class which is to be extended and which provides common functionality for both validating and non-validating object pool's implementations.
AbstractBasePoolService() - Constructor for class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractBasePoolService
AbstractValidatingPoolService<T> - Class in org.vibur.objectpool
Base abstract class which is to be extended and which provides common functionality for validating object pool's implementations.
afterReduce(int, int, Throwable) - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.util.SamplingPoolReducer
An after reduce pool hook.


BasePoolService - Interface in org.vibur.objectpool
Defines base objects object pool's functionality which is to be implemented by the validating and non-validating pools.


calculateReduction() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.util.SamplingPoolReducer
ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool<T> - Class in org.vibur.objectpool
An implementation of a validating object pool which is build on (composed) using a non-validating ConcurrentLinkedPool and is utilising a ConcurrentHashMap for the validation of the restored objects.
ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool(PoolObjectFactory<T>, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool
Creates a new ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool with the given PoolObjectFactory, initial and max sizes, fairness setting, and no additional Holder info.
ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool(PoolObjectFactory<T>, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool
Creates a new ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool with the given PoolObjectFactory, initial and max sizes, fairness setting, and additional Holder info.
ConcurrentLinkedPool<T> - Class in org.vibur.objectpool
An implementation of a non-validating object pool based on a ConcurrentLinkedQueue and a Semaphore.
ConcurrentLinkedPool(PoolObjectFactory<T>, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Creates a new ConcurrentLinkedPool with the given PoolObjectFactory, initial and max sizes, fairness setting.
create() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.PoolObjectFactory
Creates a new object pool's object, which is presumed to be ready (and valid) for immediate use.
createdTotal() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractValidatingPoolService
Returns the total number of created objects which currently exist for this object pool.
createdTotal() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.BasePoolService
Returns the total number of created objects which currently exist for this object pool.
createdTotal() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Returns the total number of created objects which currently exist for this object pool.


destroy(T) - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.PoolObjectFactory
A method which will be called when an object from the object pool needs to be destroyed, which may happen after a validation/initialization/passivation error or when the object pool is shrinking its size or terminating.
drainCreated() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractBasePoolService
Tries to remove (and destroy) as many created objects from this object pool as possible.
drainCreated() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.BasePoolService
Tries to remove (and destroy) as many created objects from this object pool as possible.


getStackTrace() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.Holder
Return the stack trace of the call with which this object was taken.
getState() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.util.SamplingPoolReducer
Returns the state of the underlying thread.
getState() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.util.ThreadedPoolReducer
Returns the state of the underlying thread.
getTime() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.Holder
Return the time in milliseconds since epoch when the Holder.getStackTrace() was taken.


Holder<T> - Interface in org.vibur.objectpool
A holder interface which needs to be implemented by the thin wrapper class enclosing the taken from this object pool objects.
HolderValidatingPoolService<T> - Interface in org.vibur.objectpool
Extends the functionality defined by BasePoolService with take and restore methods which provide validation for whether the restored (returned) object is one which has been taken before that from this object pool, as well as whether the object is currently in taken state.


initialSize() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractValidatingPoolService
Returns the initialSize of this object pool at construction time.
initialSize() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.BasePoolService
Returns the initialSize of this object pool at construction time.
initialSize() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Returns the initialSize of this object pool at construction time.
isFair() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractValidatingPoolService
Returns the fairness setting of this object pool.
isFair() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.BasePoolService
Returns the fairness setting of this object pool.
isFair() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Returns the fairness setting of this object pool.
isTerminated() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractValidatingPoolService
Returns the current terminated state of this object pool.
isTerminated() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.BasePoolService
Returns the current terminated state of this object pool.
isTerminated() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Returns the current terminated state of this object pool.


maxSize() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractValidatingPoolService
Returns the maxSize of this object pool.
maxSize() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.BasePoolService
Returns the maxSize of this object pool.
maxSize() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Returns the maxSize of this object pool.


newHolder(T) - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool
newObject() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
NonValidatingPoolService<T> - Interface in org.vibur.objectpool
Extends the functionality defined by BasePoolService with simple take and restore methods which don't provide any means for validation of whether the restored (returned) object is one which has been taken before that from this object pool, neither whether the object is currently in taken state.


org.vibur.objectpool - package org.vibur.objectpool
org.vibur.objectpool.util - package org.vibur.objectpool.util


PoolObjectFactory<T> - Interface in org.vibur.objectpool
Defines an interface which is to be implemented by a factory which will be used by the pools defined in this package to control the lifecycle of the object pool's objects.


readyToRestore(T) - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.PoolObjectFactory
A validation/passivation hook which will be called when an object which has been taken before that from the object pool is about to be restored (returned) back to the object pool.
readyToTake(T) - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.PoolObjectFactory
A validation/initialization hook which will be called when an object from the object pool is taken in order to be given to the calling application.
reduceCreated(int, boolean) - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractValidatingPoolService
Tries to remove (and destroy) up to reduction objects from the object pool.
reduceCreated(int, boolean) - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.BasePoolService
Tries to remove (and destroy) up to reduction objects from the object pool.
reduceCreated(int, boolean) - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Tries to remove (and destroy) up to reduction objects from the object pool.
remainingCapacity() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractValidatingPoolService
Returns the remaining capacity of this object pool, i.e.
remainingCapacity() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.BasePoolService
Returns the remaining capacity of this object pool, i.e.
remainingCapacity() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Returns the remaining capacity of this object pool, i.e.
remainingCreated() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractBasePoolService
Returns the number of remaining created objects which currently exist in this object pool.
remainingCreated() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.BasePoolService
Returns the number of remaining created objects which currently exist in this object pool.
restore(Holder<T>) - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool
Restores (returns) an object to the object pool.
restore(Holder<T>, boolean) - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool
Restores (returns) an object to the object pool.
restore(T) - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Restores (returns) an object to the object pool.
restore(T, boolean) - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Restores (returns) an object to the object pool.
restore(Holder<T>) - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.HolderValidatingPoolService
Restores (returns) an object to the object pool.
restore(Holder<T>, boolean) - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.HolderValidatingPoolService
Restores (returns) an object to the object pool.
restore(T) - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.NonValidatingPoolService
Restores (returns) an object to the object pool.
restore(T, boolean) - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.NonValidatingPoolService
Restores (returns) an object to the object pool.


samplePool() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.util.SamplingPoolReducer
SamplingPoolReducer - Class in org.vibur.objectpool.util
A sampling pool reducer util, which is wakening up a given number of times during a predefined period of time, and checks whether the number of available allocated objects in the object pool needs to be reduced.
SamplingPoolReducer(BasePoolService, long, TimeUnit, int) - Constructor for class org.vibur.objectpool.util.SamplingPoolReducer
Creates a new SamplingPoolReducer with the given BasePoolService and timeInterval settings.
start() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.util.SamplingPoolReducer
Starts this pool reducer, which starts its underlying daemon thread.
start() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.util.ThreadedPoolReducer
Starts this pool reducer, which starts its underlying daemon thread.


take() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool
Takes an object from the object pool if there is such available.
take() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Takes an object from the object pool if there is such available.
take() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.HolderValidatingPoolService
Takes an object from the object pool if there is such available.
take() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.NonValidatingPoolService
Takes an object from the object pool if there is such available.
taken() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractBasePoolService
Returns the number of objects taken from this object pool.
taken() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.BasePoolService
Returns the number of objects taken from this object pool.
takenHolders() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool
Returns list of all Holder objects (i.e the wrappers of the underlying objects) which are currently (at the moment of the call) in taken state in this object pool.
takenHolders() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.HolderValidatingPoolService
Returns list of all Holder objects (i.e the wrappers of the underlying objects) which are currently (at the moment of the call) in taken state in this object pool.
takeUninterruptibly() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool
Takes an object from the object pool if there is such available.
takeUninterruptibly() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Takes an object from the object pool if there is such available.
takeUninterruptibly() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.HolderValidatingPoolService
Takes an object from the object pool if there is such available.
takeUninterruptibly() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.NonValidatingPoolService
Takes an object from the object pool if there is such available.
terminate() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractValidatingPoolService
Terminates this object pool.
terminate() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.BasePoolService
Terminates this object pool.
terminate() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Terminates this object pool.
terminate() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.util.SamplingPoolReducer
Terminates this pool reducer, which terminates its underlying daemon thread.
terminate() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.util.ThreadedPoolReducer
Terminates this pool reducer, which terminates its underlying daemon thread.
ThreadedPoolReducer - Interface in org.vibur.objectpool.util
The pool reducers implementing this interface will create one daemon service thread which will be started when the reducer's ThreadedPoolReducer.start() method is called, and will be alive until the ThreadedPoolReducer.terminate() method is called or until the calling application exits.
toString() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.AbstractBasePoolService
tryTake(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool
Takes an object from the object pool if there is such available.
tryTake() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentHolderLinkedPool
Tries to take an object from the object pool if there is one which is immediately available.
tryTake(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Takes an object from the object pool if there is such available.
tryTake() - Method in class org.vibur.objectpool.ConcurrentLinkedPool
Tries to take an object from the object pool if there is one which is immediately available.
tryTake(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.HolderValidatingPoolService
Takes an object from the object pool if there is such available.
tryTake() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.HolderValidatingPoolService
Tries to take an object from the object pool if there is one which is immediately available.
tryTake(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.NonValidatingPoolService
Takes an object from the object pool if there is such available.
tryTake() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.NonValidatingPoolService
Tries to take an object from the object pool if there is one which is immediately available.


value() - Method in interface org.vibur.objectpool.Holder
Returns the underlying object hold by this Holder.
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