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UNKNOWN - enum entry in org.videolan.libvlc.util.HWDecoderUtil.Decoder
unregisterForContextMenu(View) - function in android.app.DisplayManager.SecondaryDisplay
unscheduleDrawable(Drawable,Runnable) - function in android.view.VideoView
unscheduleDrawable(Drawable,Runnable) - function in android.view.VLCVideoLayout
updateDragShadow(View.DragShadowBuilder) - function in android.view.VideoView
updateDragShadow(View.DragShadowBuilder) - function in android.view.VLCVideoLayout
updateVideoSurfaces() - function in org.videolan.libvlc.MediaPlayer
Update the video surfaces, either to switch from one to another or to resize it
updateViewLayout(View,ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - function in android.view.VLCVideoLayout
updateViewpoint(float,float,float,float,boolean) - function in org.videolan.libvlc.MediaPlayer
Update the video viewpoint information
UriFromMrl(String) - function in org.videolan.libvlc.util.VLCUtil
VLC authorize only "-._~" in Mrl format, android Uri authorize "_-!.~'()*".Therefore, decode the characters authorized by Android Uri when creating an Uri from VLC.
UriToFile(Uri) - function in org.videolan.libvlc.util.AndroidUtil
useOrientationFromBounds() - function in org.videolan.libvlc.MediaPlayer
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