


package wabase

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. wabase
  2. Loggable
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AppBase[User] extends RowAuthorization with Loggable with QuereaseProvider with DbAccessProvider with I18n
  2. type AppConfig = wabase.AppBase.AppConfig
  3. class AppFileCleanup extends Loggable
  4. trait AppFileServiceBase[User] extends AnyRef
  5. trait AppFileStreamer[User] extends AppFileStreamerConfig with Loggable
  6. trait AppFileStreamerConfig extends AnyRef
  7. trait AppMarshalling extends AnyRef
  8. type AppMdConventions = wabase.AppMetadata.AppMdConventions
  9. trait AppMetadata extends QuereaseMetadata
  10. trait AppProvider[User] extends AnyRef
  11. abstract class AppQuerease extends Querease with AppQuereaseIo with AppMetadata
  12. trait AppQuereaseIo extends ScalaDtoQuereaseIo with JsonConverter
  13. trait AppServiceBase[User] extends AppProvider[User] with AppStateExtractor with JsonConverterProvider with DbAccessProvider with AppI18nService with Marshalling
  14. type AppVersion = wabase.AppServiceBase.AppVersion
  15. case class ApplicationState(state: Map[String, Any], locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault) extends Product with Serializable
  16. trait Audit[User] extends AnyRef

    Audit and all subimplementations use

    Audit and all subimplementations use




    qe.DTO }}}

  17. trait Authentication[User] extends SecurityDirectives with SessionInfoRemover with SessionUserExtractor[User]
  18. trait Authorization[User] extends AnyRef
  19. trait BasicJsonMarshalling extends SprayJsonSupport with BasicMarshalling
  20. trait BasicMarshalling extends AnyRef
  21. class BusinessException extends RuntimeException
  22. trait CSRFDefence extends AnyRef
  23. class ChunkerSink extends GraphStageWithMaterializedValue[SinkShape[ByteString], Future[SourceValue]]

    Sink materializes to

    Sink materializes to


    if one and only one element passes from upstream before it is finished. Otherwise produces


    . Running of


    source will consume this



    ChunkerSink }}}

    IncompleteSourceValue }}} this



    ChunkerSink }}}

    IncompleteSourceValue }}} this



    ChunkerSink }}}

    CompleteSourceValue }}} Otherwise produces


    . Running of


    source will consume this



    ChunkerSink }}}

    IncompleteSourceValue }}} this



    ChunkerSink }}}

    IncompleteSourceValue }}} this



    ChunkerSink }}}

  24. case class CompleteSourceValue(result: ByteString) extends SourceValue with Product with Serializable

    Value of this class can be materialized to

    Value of this class can be materialized to

  25. type ConstantQueryTimeout = wabase.AppServiceBase.ConstantQueryTimeout
  26. type CustomValidationFunctions = wabase.ValidationEngine.CustomValidationFunctions
  27. trait DbAccess extends AnyRef
  28. trait DbAccessDelegate extends DbAccess
  29. trait DbAccessProvider extends AnyRef
  30. trait DbConstraintMessage extends AnyRef
  31. type DbDeferredStorage = wabase.DeferredControl.DbDeferredStorage
  32. type DefaultAppExceptionHandler[User] = wabase.AppServiceBase.AppExceptionHandler.DefaultAppExceptionHandler[User]
  33. type DefaultAppMdConventions = wabase.AppMetadata.DefaultAppMdConventions
  34. type DefaultServerStatistics = wabase.ServerStatistics.DefaultServerStatistics
  35. trait DefaultValidationEngine extends ValidationEngine with Loggable

    Default validation engine, executes validation javascript stored in "validation" table

  36. type DefaultWsInitialEventsPublisher = wabase.WsNotifications.DefaultWsInitialEventsPublisher
  37. trait DeferredControl extends DeferredCheck with QueryTimeoutExtractor with DeferredStatusPublisher
  38. trait Dto extends mojoz.querease.Dto
  39. trait DtoMarshalling extends AppMarshalling with Loggable
  40. trait DtoWithId extends Dto with mojoz.querease.DtoWithId
  41. trait EventBus extends ActorEventBus with LookupClassification
  42. trait Execution extends AnyRef
  43. class ExecutionImpl extends Execution
  44. class FileBufferedFlow extends GraphStage[FlowShape[ByteString, ByteString]]

    Creates flow with non blocking pulling from upstream regardless of downstream demand.

    Creates flow with non blocking pulling from upstream regardless of downstream demand. Pulled data are stored in buffer of


    . If buffer is full and there is no downstream demand data are stored in file. If file size exceeds


    is thrown.

    InsufficientStorageException }}}

    maxFileSize }}}

    bufferSize }}} data are stored in file. If file size exceeds


    is thrown.

    InsufficientStorageException }}}

    maxFileSize }}}

  45. trait I18n extends AnyRef
  46. case class IncompleteSourceValue[Mat](result: Source[ByteString, Mat]) extends SourceValue with Product with Serializable

    Value of this class can be materialized to

    Value of this class can be materialized to

  47. case class InsufficientStorageException(msg: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
  48. trait JsonConverter extends AnyRef
  49. trait JsonConverterProvider extends AnyRef
  50. trait JsonSessionEncoder[User] extends AnyRef
  51. type LdapAuthentication = wabase.Authentication.LdapAuthentication
  52. trait Loggable extends AnyRef
  53. class Macros extends TresqlComparisonMacros
  54. trait Marshalling extends DtoMarshalling with TresqlResultMarshalling with BasicJsonMarshalling with BasicMarshalling
  55. type NoAudit[User] = wabase.Audit.NoAudit[User]
  56. type NoAuthorization[User] = wabase.Authorization.NoAuthorization[User]
  57. type NoCustomConstraintMessage = wabase.DbConstraintMessage.NoCustomConstraintMessage
  58. type NoServerStatistics = wabase.ServerStatistics.NoServerStatistics
  59. trait NoValidation extends ValidationEngine
  60. type NoWsInitialEvents = wabase.WsNotifications.NoWsInitialEvents
  61. case class PoolName(connectionPoolName: String) extends Product with Serializable
  62. type PostgreSqlConstraintMessage = wabase.DbConstraintMessage.PostgreSqlConstraintMessage
  63. trait PostgresDbAccess extends DbAccess
  64. class PostgresSqlTresqlResources extends TresqlResources
  65. trait QuereaseProvider extends AnyRef
  66. case class QueryTimeout(timeoutSeconds: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Timeout is wrapped into case class so it can be used as implicit parameter

  67. type RowAuthorization = wabase.Authorization.RowAuthorization
  68. trait RowWriter extends AnyRef
  69. trait SecurityHeaderDirectives extends AnyRef
  70. trait ServerStatistics extends Loggable
  71. type SimpleExceptionHandler = wabase.AppServiceBase.AppExceptionHandler.SimpleExceptionHandler
  72. sealed trait SourceValue extends AnyRef
  73. type Statistics = wabase.ServerStatistics.Statistics
  74. type Timestamp = java.sql.Timestamp
  75. class TresqlComparisonMacros extends QuereaseMacros
  76. trait TresqlResources extends ThreadLocalResources
  77. trait TresqlResultMarshalling extends AppMarshalling
  78. trait ValidationEngine extends AnyRef
  79. type WsInitialEventsPublisher = wabase.WsNotifications.WsInitialEventsPublisher
  80. trait WsNotifications extends WebSocketDirectives
  81. type jBoolean = Boolean
  82. type jDate = Date
  83. type jLong = Long
  84. type sDate = Date

Value Members

  1. val CommonFunctions: CustomValidationFunctions.type
  2. val DEFAULT_CP: PoolName
  3. val DefaultQueryTimeout: Option[QueryTimeout]

    Default query timeout based on "jdbc.query-timeout" configuration setting

  4. val FALSE: Boolean
  5. val MaxResultSize: Option[Int]
  6. val TRUE: Boolean
  7. val config: Config
  8. def createConnectionPool(config: Config): HikariDataSource
  9. def currentTime: Long
  10. def durationConfig(path: String, defaultDuration: FiniteDuration): FiniteDuration
  11. lazy val logger: Logger
    Definition Classes
  12. implicit def toFiniteDuration(d: Duration): FiniteDuration
  13. object AppBase
  14. object AppFileStreamer
  15. object AppMetadata
  16. object AppServiceBase
  17. object Audit
  18. object Authentication
  19. object Authorization
  20. object BusinessException extends Serializable
  21. object Calendar
  22. object ConnectionPools
  23. object DbConstraintMessage
  24. object DefaultAppQuerease extends AppQuerease
  25. object DeferredControl extends Loggable with AppConfig
  26. object EventBus extends EventBus
  27. object FileBufferedFlow




    and sets async boundary around. This is necessary so upstream can bet consumed asynchronously.

    FileBufferedFlowStage }}} bet consumed asynchronously.

  28. object Format
  29. object JsonToAny
  30. object Macros extends Macros
  31. object MapRecursiveExtensions
  32. object MapUtils
  33. object MarshallingConfig extends wabase.AppBase.AppConfig with Loggable
  34. object RowSource
  35. object ServerStatistics
  36. object ValidationEngine
  37. object WsNotifications extends Loggable

Inherited from Loggable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
