Interface Web3jRx

All Known Subinterfaces:
Admin, Web3j
All Known Implementing Classes:
JsonRpc2_0Admin, JsonRpc2_0Web3j

public interface Web3jRx
The Flowables JSON-RPC client event API.
  • Method Details

    • ethLogFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<Log> ethLogFlowable(EthFilter ethFilter)
      Create an flowable to filter for specific log events on the blockchain.
      ethFilter - filter criteria
      a Flowable instance that emits all Log events matching the filter
    • ethBlockHashFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<String> ethBlockHashFlowable()
      Create an Flowable to emit block hashes.
      a Flowable instance that emits all new block hashes as new blocks are created on the blockchain
    • ethPendingTransactionHashFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<String> ethPendingTransactionHashFlowable()
      Create an Flowable to emit pending transactions, i.e. those transactions that have been submitted by a node, but don't yet form part of a block (haven't been mined yet).
      a Flowable instance to emit pending transaction hashes.
    • transactionFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<Transaction> transactionFlowable()
      Create an Flowable instance to emit all new transactions as they are confirmed on the blockchain. i.e. they have been mined and are incorporated into a block.
      a Flowable instance to emit new transactions on the blockchain
    • pendingTransactionFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<Transaction> pendingTransactionFlowable()
      Create an Flowable instance to emit all pending transactions that have yet to be placed into a block on the blockchain.
      a Flowable instance to emit pending transactions
    • blockFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<EthBlock> blockFlowable(boolean fullTransactionObjects)
      Create an Flowable instance that emits newly created blocks on the blockchain.
      fullTransactionObjects - if true, provides transactions embedded in blocks, otherwise transaction hashes
      a Flowable instance that emits all new blocks as they are added to the blockchain
    • replayPastBlocksFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<EthBlock> replayPastBlocksFlowable(DefaultBlockParameter startBlock, DefaultBlockParameter endBlock, boolean fullTransactionObjects)
      Create an Flowable instance that emits all blocks from the blockchain contained within the requested range.
      startBlock - block number to commence with
      endBlock - block number to finish with
      fullTransactionObjects - if true, provides transactions embedded in blocks, otherwise transaction hashes
      a Flowable instance to emit these blocks
    • replayPastBlocksFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<EthBlock> replayPastBlocksFlowable(DefaultBlockParameter startBlock, DefaultBlockParameter endBlock, boolean fullTransactionObjects, boolean ascending)
      Create an Flowable instance that emits all blocks from the blockchain contained within the requested range.
      startBlock - block number to commence with
      endBlock - block number to finish with
      fullTransactionObjects - if true, provides transactions embedded in blocks, otherwise transaction hashes
      ascending - if true, emits blocks in ascending order between range, otherwise in descending order
      a Flowable instance to emit these blocks
    • replayPastBlocksFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<EthBlock> replayPastBlocksFlowable(DefaultBlockParameter startBlock, boolean fullTransactionObjects, io.reactivex.Flowable<EthBlock> onCompleteFlowable)
      Create a Flowable instance that emits all transactions from the blockchain starting with a provided block number. Once it has replayed up to the most current block, the provided Flowable is invoked.

      To automatically subscribe to new blocks, use replayPastAndFutureBlocksFlowable(DefaultBlockParameter, boolean).

      startBlock - the block number we wish to request from
      fullTransactionObjects - if we require full Transaction objects to be provided in the EthBlock responses
      onCompleteFlowable - a subsequent Flowable that we wish to run once we are caught up with the latest block
      a Flowable instance to emit all requested blocks
    • replayPastBlocksFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<EthBlock> replayPastBlocksFlowable(DefaultBlockParameter startBlock, boolean fullTransactionObjects)
      Creates a Flowable instance that emits all blocks from the requested block number to the most current. Once it has emitted the most current block, onComplete is called.
      startBlock - the block number we wish to request from
      fullTransactionObjects - if we require full Transaction objects to be provided in the EthBlock responses
      a Flowable instance to emit all requested blocks
    • replayPastTransactionsFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<Transaction> replayPastTransactionsFlowable(DefaultBlockParameter startBlock, DefaultBlockParameter endBlock)
      Create a Flowable instance that emits all transactions from the blockchain contained within the requested range.
      startBlock - block number to commence with
      endBlock - block number to finish with
      a Flowable instance to emit these transactions in the order they appear in the blocks
    • replayPastTransactionsFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<Transaction> replayPastTransactionsFlowable(DefaultBlockParameter startBlock)
      Creates a Flowable instance that emits all transactions from the requested block number to the most current. Once it has emitted the most current block's transactions, onComplete is called.
      startBlock - the block number we wish to request from
      a Flowable instance to emit all requested transactions
    • replayPastAndFutureBlocksFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<EthBlock> replayPastAndFutureBlocksFlowable(DefaultBlockParameter startBlock, boolean fullTransactionObjects)
      Creates a Flowable instance that emits all blocks from the requested block number to the most current. Once it has emitted the most current block, it starts emitting new blocks as they are created.
      startBlock - the block number we wish to request from
      fullTransactionObjects - if we require full Transaction objects to be provided in the EthBlock responses
      a Flowable instance to emit all requested blocks and future
    • replayPastAndFutureTransactionsFlowable

      io.reactivex.Flowable<Transaction> replayPastAndFutureTransactionsFlowable(DefaultBlockParameter startBlock)
      As per replayPastAndFutureBlocksFlowable(DefaultBlockParameter, boolean), except that all transactions contained within the blocks are emitted.
      startBlock - the block number we wish to request from
      a Flowable instance to emit all requested transactions and future
    • newHeadsNotifications

      io.reactivex.Flowable<NewHeadsNotification> newHeadsNotifications()
      Creates a Flowable instance that emits a notification when a new header is appended to a chain, including chain reorganizations.
      a Flowable instance that emits a notification for every new header
    • logsNotifications

      io.reactivex.Flowable<LogNotification> logsNotifications(List<String> addresses, List<String> topics)
      Creates aa Flowable instance that emits notifications for logs included in new imported blocks.
      addresses - only return logs from this list of address. Return logs from all addresses if the list is empty
      topics - only return logs that match specified topics. Returns logs for all topics if the list is empty
      a Flowable instance that emits logs included in new blocks