Interface Web3j

All Superinterfaces:
Batcher, Ethereum, Web3jRx
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
JsonRpc2_0Admin, JsonRpc2_0Web3j

public interface Web3j extends Ethereum, Web3jRx, Batcher
JSON-RPC Request object building factory.
  • Method Details

    • build

      static Web3j build(Web3jService web3jService)
      Construct a new Web3j instance.
      web3jService - web3j service instance - i.e. HTTP or IPC
      new Web3j instance
    • build

      static Web3j build(Web3jService web3jService, long pollingInterval, ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService)
      Construct a new Web3j instance.
      web3jService - web3j service instance - i.e. HTTP or IPC
      pollingInterval - polling interval for responses from network nodes
      scheduledExecutorService - executor service to use for scheduled tasks. You are responsible for terminating this thread pool
      new Web3j instance
    • shutdown

      void shutdown()
      Shutdowns a Web3j instance and closes opened resources.