Class AddRecordsToolbar<D extends IDataSource<T>,T extends Serializable,S>

Type Parameters:
D - datasource model object type = grid type
T - row/item model object type - must be serializable for "deep copy"
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Iterable<Component>, IEventSink, IEventSource, IFeedbackContributor, IConverterLocator, IMetadataContext<Serializable,Component>, IQueueRegion, IHeaderContributor, IRequestableComponent, IHierarchical<Component>, IClusterable

public class AddRecordsToolbar<D extends IDataSource<T>,T extends Serializable,S> extends AbstractToolbar<D,T,S>
Toolbar that Adds a Button for Adding a new record to an existing DataGrid
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • insert

      protected void insert()
      inserts data into the table
    • getNewData

      protected T getNewData()
      function to allow easy overrides for returning custom Data when adding new records to the table
      the object to use for populating new rows of the data-view