Interface IDataSource.IQueryResult<T>

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int MORE_ITEMS
      Constant indicating that there are more items left.
      static int NO_MORE_ITEMS
      Constant indicating that there are no more items left.
    • Field Detail

      • MORE_ITEMS

        static final int MORE_ITEMS
        Constant indicating that there are more items left.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int NO_MORE_ITEMS
        Constant indicating that there are no more items left.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • setTotalCount

        void setTotalCount​(long count)
        Sets the total items count. Alternatively, if the total item count can't be determined, either MORE_ITEMS or NO_MORE_ITEMS constant can be used to indicate whether there are more items left or not. If the real items count is specified, it might affect the result of IDataSource.IQuery.getCount(), so it is preferred to call this method before calling setItems(Iterator).
        count - the total count of items
      • setItems

        void setItems​(Iterator<? extends T> items)
        Sets the actual loaded items.
        items - iterator able to iterate through the loaded items.