Interface IGridSortState<S>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IGridSortState<S>
    Allows to query the sort state of a grid. Sort state determines by which properties and in what direction the data should be sorted. This interface allows data to be sorted by multiple properties at the same time.

    Example of use:

      IGridSortState state = ... // acquire sort state
      if (state.getColumns().isEmpty() == false) { // at least one column is being sorted
         ISortStateColumn column = state.getColumns().get(0); // get the one with highest priority
         // property name is what IGridColumn.getSortProperty() returns
         String propertyName property = column.getPropertyName();
         // direction is either ASC or DESC
         IGridSortState.Direction direction = column.getDirection();
    Matej Knopp
    • Method Detail

      • getGrid

        AbstractGrid<?,​?,​S> getGrid()
        the related grid, not null
      • getColumns

        List<IGridSortState.ISortStateColumn<S>> getColumns()
        Returns the sort state values for various columns sorted by column priority. Columns with higher priority are placed before (have lower index than) columns with lower priority.

        If your business logic supports sorting on one property only, you should sort by the first entry in the result list.

        list of IGridSortState.ISortStateColumn instances that determines the sort state of grid