Class BookmarkableAjaxLink<T>

    • Field Detail

      • defaultarameterName

        protected String defaultarameterName
      • defaultParamterValue

        protected String defaultParamterValue
    • Constructor Detail

      • BookmarkableAjaxLink

        public BookmarkableAjaxLink​(String id)
        id - id of the link being created
      • BookmarkableAjaxLink

        public BookmarkableAjaxLink​(String id,
                                    IModel<T> model)
        id - id of the link being created
        model - IModel to be set as model object
      • BookmarkableAjaxLink

        public BookmarkableAjaxLink​(String id,
                                    String parameterName,
                                    String parameterValue)
        Constructor. Sets given URL fragment parameter in the browser during the click event. Be aware that the given parameter name and value will not be set if they are empty.
        id - id of the link being created
        parameterName - the name of the default parameter for this link
        parameterValue - the value of the default parameter for this link
      • BookmarkableAjaxLink

        public BookmarkableAjaxLink​(String id,
                                    IModel<T> model,
                                    String parameterName,
                                    String parameterValue)
        Constructor. Sets given default URL fragment parameter during the click event. Be aware that the given parameter name and value will not be set if either one is empty and that the parameter will be overwritten if it already exists.
        id - id of the link being created
        model - IModel to be set as model object
        parameterName - the name of the default parameter for this link
        parameterValue - the value of the default parameter for this link