Class ArgumentValueState

    • Method Detail

      • lockValueIndex

        public boolean lockValueIndex()
        Description copied from interface: ParsingState
        Whether the index of the current value being parsed should remain the same until parsing leaves this state even if there are other nested states that might want to update the value index (i.e. states that return true from updateValueIndex).
        Specified by:
        lockValueIndex in interface ParsingState
        true if the value index should remain unchanged until this state is left.
      • setEndContentHandler

        public void setEndContentHandler​(CharacterHandler handler)
      • updateValueIndex

        public boolean updateValueIndex()
        Description copied from interface: ParsingState
        Whether the index of the value corresponding to this state in the command line being parsed should be set to the index when parsing enters this state.
        Specified by:
        updateValueIndex in interface ParsingState
        true if the index of the current value should be updated when parsing enters this state, false - otherwise.