Interface ModelController

  • public interface ModelController
    Controls reads of and modifications to a management model.
    David M. Lloyd
    • Field Detail


        static final Permission ACCESS_PERMISSION
        A ControllerPermission needed to access a ModelController via Value.getValue() or to invoke its methods. The name of the permission is "canAccessModelController."
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode execute​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                                        OperationMessageHandler handler,
                                        ModelController.OperationTransactionControl control,
                                        OperationAttachments attachments)
        Execute an operation, sending updates to the given handler. This method is not intended to be invoked directly by clients.
        operation - the operation to execute
        handler - the message handler
        control - the transaction control for this operation
        attachments - the operation attachments
        the operation result
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • createClient

        ModelControllerClient createClient​(Executor executor)
        Use ModelControllerClientFactory. Will be removed in the next major or minor release.
        Create an in-VM client whose operations are executed as if they were invoked by a user in the RBAC SuperUser role, regardless of any security identity that is or isn't associated with the calling thread when the client is invoked. This client generally should not be used to handle requests from external callers, and if it is used great care should be taken to ensure such use is not suborning the intended access control scheme.

        In a VM with a SecurityManager installed, invocations against the returned client can only occur from a calling context with the PERFORM_IN_VM_CALL permission. Without this permission a SecurityException will be thrown.

        executor - the executor to use for asynchronous operation execution. Cannot be null
        the client. Will not return null
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have the CAN_ACCESS_MODEL_CONTROLLER permission
      • getNotificationRegistry

        NotificationHandlerRegistration getNotificationRegistry()
        Use NotificationHandlerRegistry. Will be removed in the next major or minor release.
        Returns the NotificationHandlerRegistration that registers notification handlers for this model controller.
        the notification handler registration