Class AttributeConverter.DefaultValueAttributeConverter

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultValueAttributeConverter

        public DefaultValueAttributeConverter​(AttributeDefinition attribute)
    • Method Detail

      • convertOperationParameter

        public void convertOperationParameter​(PathAddress address,
                                              String attributeName,
                                              org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode attributeValue,
                                              org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                                              TransformationContext context)
        Description copied from interface: AttributeConverter
        Converts an operation parameter
        Specified by:
        convertOperationParameter in interface AttributeConverter
        address - the address of the operation
        attributeName - the name of the operation parameter
        attributeValue - the value of the operation parameter to be converted
        operation - the operation executed. This is unmodifiable.
        context - the context of the transformation
      • convertResourceAttribute

        public void convertResourceAttribute​(PathAddress address,
                                             String attributeName,
                                             org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode attributeValue,
                                             TransformationContext context)
        Description copied from interface: AttributeConverter
        Converts a resource attribute
        Specified by:
        convertResourceAttribute in interface AttributeConverter
        address - the address of the operation
        attributeName - the name of the attribute
        attributeValue - the value of the attribute to be converted
        context - the context of the transformation