Class CapabilityResolutionContext

  • public abstract class CapabilityResolutionContext
    extends Object
    Contextual object that the ModelController and CapabilityScope implementations can use to temporarily store data during the course of a capability resolution.
    Brian Stansberry
    • Constructor Detail

      • CapabilityResolutionContext

        public CapabilityResolutionContext()
    • Method Detail

      • getResourceRoot

        public abstract Resource getResourceRoot()
        Gets the root resource of the resource tree in effect during this resolution.
        the root resource. Will not return null
      • getAttachment

        public <V> V getAttachment​(CapabilityResolutionContext.AttachmentKey<V> key)
        Retrieves an object that has been attached to this context.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the value type of the attachment.
        key - the key to the attachment.
        the attachment if found otherwise null.
      • attach

        public <V> V attach​(CapabilityResolutionContext.AttachmentKey<V> key,
                            V value)
        Attaches an arbitrary object to this context.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the value type of the attachment.
        key - they attachment key used to ensure uniqueness and used for retrieval of the value.
        value - the value to store.
        the previous value associated with the key or null if there was no previous value.
      • attachIfAbsent

        public <V> V attachIfAbsent​(CapabilityResolutionContext.AttachmentKey<V> key,
                                    V value)
        Attaches an arbitrary object to this context only if the object was not already attached. If a value has already been attached with the key provided, the current value associated with the key is returned.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the value type of the attachment.
        key - they attachment key used to ensure uniqueness and used for retrieval of the value.
        value - the value to store.
        the previous value associated with the key or null if there was no previous value.
      • detach

        public <V> V detach​(CapabilityResolutionContext.AttachmentKey<V> key)
        Detaches or removes the value from this context.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the value type of the attachment.
        key - the key to the attachment.
        the attachment if found otherwise null.
      • reset

        protected void reset()
        Resets this object, removing all attachments.
      • copy

        protected void copy​(CapabilityResolutionContext source)
        Update this context content with the source context.
        source - The context to copy.