Class GenericSubsystemDescribeHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • GenericSubsystemDescribeHandler

        protected GenericSubsystemDescribeHandler()
      • GenericSubsystemDescribeHandler

        protected GenericSubsystemDescribeHandler​(Comparator<PathElement> comparator)
        Creates a new describe handler.

        If the comparator is not null as the handler describes children of a resource the order in which those children are described is determined using the comparator. This allows the result to order the add operations for the child resources.

        If the comparator is null the order for the child resources is not guaranteed, other than that all children of a given type will be processed in the order of child names returned by Resource.getChildren(String) invoked on the parent.

        comparator - the comparator used to sort the child addresses
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static GenericSubsystemDescribeHandler create​(Comparator<PathElement> comparator)
        Creates a new describe handler.

        If the comparator is not null as the handler describes children of a resource the order in which those children are described is determined using the comparator. This allows the result to order the add operations for the child resources.

        If the comparator is null the order for the child resources is not guaranteed, other than that all children of a given type will be processed in the order of child names returned by Resource.getChildren(String) invoked on the parent.

        comparator - the comparator used to sort the child addresses
      • createAddOperation

        protected org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createAddOperation​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode address,
                                                             org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode subModel,
                                                             Set<PathElement> children)
      • getModelDescription

        public org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode getModelDescription​(Locale locale)
        use DEFINITION for registration of operation
        Description copied from interface: DescriptionProvider
        Gets the descriptive information (human-friendly description, list of attributes, list of children) describing a single model node or operation.

        The implementation must assume that the caller intends to modify the returned ModelNode so it should not hand out a reference to any internal data structures.

        Specified by:
        getModelDescription in interface DescriptionProvider
        locale - the locale to use to generate any localized text used in the description. May be null, in which case Locale.getDefault() should be used
        definition of operation