Class ResponseAttachmentInputStreamSupport

  • public class ResponseAttachmentInputStreamSupport
    extends Object
    Support logic related to dealing with input streams attached to an operation response.
    Brian Stansberry (c) 2014 Red Hat Inc.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResponseAttachmentInputStreamSupport

        public ResponseAttachmentInputStreamSupport()
        For test usage only as it has no facility for closing attached streams.
      • ResponseAttachmentInputStreamSupport

        public ResponseAttachmentInputStreamSupport​(ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService)
        Create a new support with the given timeout for closing unread streams.
        scheduledExecutorService - scheduled executor to use to periodically clean up unused streams. Cannot be null
    • Method Detail

      • handleDomainOperationResponseStreams

        public static void handleDomainOperationResponseStreams​(OperationContext context,
                                                                org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode responseNode,
                                                                List<OperationResponse.StreamEntry> streams)
        Deal with streams attached to an operation response from a proxied domain process.
        context - the context of the operation
        responseNode - the DMR response from the proxied process
        streams - the streams associated with the response
      • shutdown

        public final void shutdown()
        Closes any registered stream entries that have not yet been consumed