Class AbstractWriteAttributeHandler<T>

    • Method Detail

      • applyUpdateToRuntime

        protected abstract boolean applyUpdateToRuntime​(OperationContext context,
                                                        org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                                                        String attributeName,
                                                        org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode resolvedValue,
                                                        org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode currentValue,
                                                        AbstractWriteAttributeHandler.HandbackHolder<T> handbackHolder)
                                                 throws OperationFailedException
        Hook to allow subclasses to make runtime changes to effect the attribute value change.
        context - the context of the operation
        operation - the operation
        attributeName - the name of the attribute being modified
        resolvedValue - the new value for the attribute, after any ValueExpression has been resolved
        currentValue - the existing value for the attribute
        handbackHolder - holder for an arbitrary object to pass to revertUpdateToRuntime(OperationContext, ModelNode, String, ModelNode, ModelNode, Object) if the operation needs to be rolled back
        true if the server requires reload to effect the attribute value change; false if not
      • revertUpdateToRuntime

        protected abstract void revertUpdateToRuntime​(OperationContext context,
                                                      org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                                                      String attributeName,
                                                      org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode valueToRestore,
                                                      org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode valueToRevert,
                                                      T handback)
                                               throws OperationFailedException
        context - the context of the operation
        operation - the operation
        attributeName - the name of the attribute being modified
        valueToRestore - the previous value for the attribute, before this operation was executed
        valueToRevert - the new value for the attribute that should be reverted
        handback - an object, if any, passed in to the handbackHolder by the applyUpdateToRuntime implementation
      • recordCapabilitiesAndRequirements

        protected void recordCapabilitiesAndRequirements​(OperationContext context,
                                                         AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition,
                                                         org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode newValue,
                                                         org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode oldValue)
        Record any new requirements for other capabilities that now exist as a result of this operation, or remove any existing requirements that no longer exist.
        context - the context. Will not be null
        attributeDefinition - the definition of the attribute being modified. Will not be null
        newValue - the new value of the attribute
        oldValue - the previous value of the attribute
      • validateUpdatedModel

        protected void validateUpdatedModel​(OperationContext context,
                                            Resource model)
                                     throws OperationFailedException
        Hook to allow subclasses to validate the model following the application of the new attribute value. This default implementation does nothing.
        context - the operation context
        model - the updated model resource
      • requiresRuntime

        protected boolean requiresRuntime​(OperationContext context)
        Gets whether a OperationContext.Stage.RUNTIME handler should be added. This default implementation returns true if the process is a normal server and the process is not booting. The rationale for the latter check is if the process is booting, the resource being modified will have been added as a previous step in the same context, and the Stage.RUNTIME handling for that add will see a model the reflects the changes made by this handler and will apply them to the runtime.
        context - operation context
        true if a runtime stage handler should be added; false otherwise.