Interface ExpressionResolver

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface ExpressionResolver
    Resolves ModelType.EXPRESSION expressions in a ModelNode.
    Kabir Khan
    • Field Detail


        static final Pattern EXPRESSION_PATTERN
        A Pattern that can be used to identify strings that include expression syntax
      • SIMPLE

        static final ExpressionResolver SIMPLE
        An ExpressionResolver that can only resolve from system properties and environment variables. Should not be used for most product resolution use cases as it does not support resolution from resolver extensions.

        static final ExpressionResolver TEST_RESOLVER
        An ExpressionResolver suitable for test cases that can only resolve from system properties and environment variables. Should not be used for production code as it does not support resolution from resolver extensions.

        static final ExpressionResolver SIMPLE_LENIENT
        An expression resolver that will not throw an OperationFailedException when it encounters an unresolvable expression, instead simply returning that expression. Should not be used for most product resolution use cases as it does not support resolution from resolver extensions.

        static final ExpressionResolver REJECTING
        An expression resolver that throws an OperationFailedException if any expressions are found. Intended for use with APIs where an ExpressionResolver is required but the caller requires that all expression have already been resolved.