Class MapAttributeDefinition

    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode parse​(String value,
                                             Location location)
                                      throws XMLStreamException
        Creates and returns a ModelNode using the given value after first validating the node against this object's validator.

        If value is null and a default value is available, the value of that default value will be used.

        value - the value. Will be trimmed before use if not null.
        location - current location of the parser's XMLStreamReader. Used for any exception message
        ModelNode representing the parsed value
        XMLStreamException - if value is not valid
      • parseAndAddParameterElement

        public void parseAndAddParameterElement​(String key,
                                                String value,
                                                org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation,
                                                org.jboss.staxmapper.XMLExtendedStreamReader reader)
                                         throws XMLStreamException
      • addResourceAttributeDescription

        public org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode addResourceAttributeDescription​(ResourceBundle bundle,
                                                                       String prefix,
                                                                       org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode resourceDescription)
        Description copied from class: AttributeDefinition
        Creates a returns a basic model node describing the attribute, after attaching it to the given overall resource description model node. The node describing the attribute is returned to make it easy to perform further modification.
        addResourceAttributeDescription in class AttributeDefinition
        bundle - resource bundle to use for text descriptions
        prefix - prefix to prepend to the attribute name key when looking up descriptions
        resourceDescription - the overall resource description
        the attribute description node
      • addOperationParameterDescription

        public org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode addOperationParameterDescription​(ResourceBundle bundle,
                                                                        String prefix,
                                                                        org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operationDescription)
        Description copied from class: AttributeDefinition
        Creates a returns a basic model node describing a parameter that sets this attribute, after attaching it to the given overall operation description model node. The node describing the parameter is returned to make it easy to perform further modification.
        addOperationParameterDescription in class AttributeDefinition
        bundle - resource bundle to use for text descriptions
        prefix - prefix to prepend to the attribute name key when looking up descriptions
        operationDescription - the overall resource description
        the attribute description node
      • getElementValidator

        public ParameterValidator getElementValidator()
        The validator used to validate values in the map.
        the element validator
      • addValueTypeDescription

        protected abstract void addValueTypeDescription​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode node,
                                                        ResourceBundle bundle)
      • addResourceAttributeDescription

        public org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode addResourceAttributeDescription​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode resourceDescription,
                                                                       ResourceDescriptionResolver resolver,
                                                                       Locale locale,
                                                                       ResourceBundle bundle)
        Description copied from class: AttributeDefinition
        Creates a returns a basic model node describing the attribute, after attaching it to the given overall resource description model node. The node describing the attribute is returned to make it easy to perform further modification.
        addResourceAttributeDescription in class AttributeDefinition
        resourceDescription - the overall resource description
        resolver - provider of localized text descriptions
        locale - locale to pass to the resolver
        bundle - bundle to pass to the resolver
        the attribute description node
      • addOperationParameterDescription

        public org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode addOperationParameterDescription​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode resourceDescription,
                                                                        String operationName,
                                                                        ResourceDescriptionResolver resolver,
                                                                        Locale locale,
                                                                        ResourceBundle bundle)
        Description copied from class: AttributeDefinition
        Creates a returns a basic model node describing a parameter that sets this attribute, after attaching it to the given overall operation description model node. The node describing the parameter is returned to make it easy to perform further modification.
        addOperationParameterDescription in class AttributeDefinition
        resourceDescription - the overall resource description
        operationName - the operation name
        resolver - provider of localized text descriptions
        locale - locale to pass to the resolver
        bundle - bundle to pass to the resolver
        the attribute description node
      • addOperationReplyDescription

        public org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode addOperationReplyDescription​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode resourceDescription,
                                                                    String operationName,
                                                                    ResourceDescriptionResolver resolver,
                                                                    Locale locale,
                                                                    ResourceBundle bundle)
        Description copied from class: AttributeDefinition
        Creates a returns a basic model node describing a parameter that sets this attribute, after attaching it to the given overall operation description model node. The node describing the parameter is returned to make it easy to perform further modification.
        addOperationReplyDescription in class AttributeDefinition
        resourceDescription - the overall resource description
        operationName - the operation name
        resolver - provider of localized text descriptions
        locale - locale to pass to the resolver
        bundle - bundle to pass to the resolver
        the attribute description node
      • marshallAsElement

        public void marshallAsElement​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode resourceModel,
                                      boolean marshallDefault,
                                      XMLStreamWriter writer)
                               throws XMLStreamException
        Description copied from class: AttributeDefinition
        Marshalls the value from the given resourceModel as an xml element, if it is marshallable.
        marshallAsElement in class AttributeDefinition
        resourceModel - the model, a non-null node of ModelType.OBJECT.
        marshallDefault - true if the value should be marshalled even if it matches the default value
        writer - stream writer to use for writing the attribute
        XMLStreamException - if thrown by writer
      • convertParameterExpressions

        protected org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode convertParameterExpressions​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode parameter)
        Iterates through the items in the parameter map, calling convertParameterElementExpressions(ModelNode) for each value.

        Note that the default implementation of convertParameterElementExpressions(ModelNode) will only convert simple ModelType.STRING values. If users need to handle complex values with embedded expressions, they should use a subclass that overrides that method.

        Examine the given operation parameter value for any expression syntax, converting the relevant node to ModelType.EXPRESSION if such is supported.

        This implementation checks if expressions are allowed and if so, calls AttributeDefinition.convertStringExpression(ModelNode) to convert a ModelType.STRING to a ModelType.EXPRESSION. No other conversions are performed. For use cases requiring more complex behavior, a subclass that overrides this method should be used.

        If expressions are supported this implementation also checks if the attribute type is one of the complex DMR types. If it is, an IllegalStateException is thrown, as this implementation cannot properly handle such a combination, and a subclass that overrides this method should be used.

        convertParameterExpressions in class AttributeDefinition
        parameter - the node to examine. Cannot not be null
        a node matching parameter but with expressions converted, or the original parameter if no conversion was performed. Will not return null
      • convertParameterElementExpressions

        protected org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode convertParameterElementExpressions​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode parameterElementValue)
        Examine the given value item of a parameter map for any expression syntax, converting the relevant node to ModelType.EXPRESSION if such is supported.
        parameterElementValue - the node to examine. Will not be null
        the parameter element value with expressions converted, or the original parameter if no conversion was performed. Cannot return null