Class RuntimeRequirementRegistration

  • public class RuntimeRequirementRegistration
    extends RequirementRegistration
    Registration information for requirement for a RuntimeCapability. As a runtime requirement is associated with an actual management model, the registration exposes the point in the model that triggered the requirement.
    Brian Stansberry (c) 2014 Red Hat Inc.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RuntimeRequirementRegistration

        public RuntimeRequirementRegistration​(String requiredName,
                                              String dependentName,
                                              CapabilityScope dependentScope,
                                              RegistrationPoint registrationPoint)
        Creates a new requirement registration.
        requiredName - the name of the required capability
        dependentName - the name of the capability that requires requiredName
        dependentScope - scope in which the dependent capability exists
        registrationPoint - point in the configuration model that triggered the requirement
      • RuntimeRequirementRegistration

        public RuntimeRequirementRegistration​(String requiredName,
                                              String dependentName,
                                              CapabilityScope dependentScope,
                                              RegistrationPoint registrationPoint,
                                              boolean runtimeOnly)
        Creates a new requirement registration.
        requiredName - the name of the required capability
        dependentName - the name of the capability that requires requiredName
        dependentScope - scope in which the dependent capability exists
        registrationPoint - point in the configuration model that triggered the requirement
        runtimeOnly - true if and only if the requirement is optional and runtime-only (i.e. not mandated by the persistent configuration), and therefore should not result in a configuration validation failure if it is not satisfied
      • RuntimeRequirementRegistration

        public RuntimeRequirementRegistration​(RuntimeRequirementRegistration toCopy)
        Copy constructor.
        toCopy - the registration to copy.
    • Method Detail

      • isRuntimeOnly

        public boolean isRuntimeOnly()
        Gets whether the requirement is optional and runtime-only (i.e. not mandated by the persistent configuration), and therefore should not result in a configuration validation failure if it is not satisfied.
        true if the requirement is optional and runtime-only