Interface ImmutableManagementResourceRegistration

    • Method Detail

      • getPathAddress

        PathAddress getPathAddress()
        Gets the address under which we are registered.
        the address. Will not be null
      • getProcessType

        ProcessType getProcessType()
        Gets the type of process in which this management resource type is registered.
        the process type. Will not return null
      • getMaxOccurs

        default int getMaxOccurs()
        Gets the maximum number of times a resource of the type described by this registration can occur under its parent resource (or, for a root resource, the minimum number of times it can occur at all.)
        the minimum number of occurrences
      • getMinOccurs

        default int getMinOccurs()
        Gets the minimum number of times a resource of the type described by this registration can occur under its parent resource (or, for a root resource, the number of times it can occur at all.)
        the minimum number of occurrences
      • isFeature

        default boolean isFeature()
      • getFeature

        default String getFeature()
      • isRuntimeOnly

        boolean isRuntimeOnly()
        Gets whether this model node only exists in the runtime and has no representation in the persistent configuration model.
        true if the model node has no representation in the persistent configuration model; false otherwise
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • isRemote

        boolean isRemote()
        Gets whether operations against the resource represented by this registration will be proxied to a remote process.
        true if this registration represents a remote resource; false otherwise
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • isAlias

        boolean isAlias()
        Gets whether this resource registration is an alias to another resource.
        true if this registration represents an alias; false otherwise
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getOperationHandler

        OperationStepHandler getOperationHandler​(PathAddress address,
                                                 String operationName)
        Get the operation handler at the given address, or null if none exists.
        address - the address, relative to this node
        operationName - the operation name
        the operation handler
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getOperationDescription

        DescriptionProvider getOperationDescription​(PathAddress address,
                                                    String operationName)
        Get the operation description at the given address, or null if none exists.
        address - the address, relative to this node
        operationName - the operation name
        the operation description
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getOperationFlags

        Set<OperationEntry.Flag> getOperationFlags​(PathAddress address,
                                                   String operationName)
        Get the special characteristic flags for the operation at the given address, or null if none exist.
        address - the address, relative to this node
        operationName - the operation name
        the operation entry flags or null
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getOperationEntry

        OperationEntry getOperationEntry​(PathAddress address,
                                         String operationName)
        Get the entry representing an operation registered with the given name at the given address, or null if none exists.
        address - the address, relative to this node
        operationName - the operation name
        the operation entry or null
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getAttributeNames

        Set<String> getAttributeNames​(PathAddress address)
        Get the names of the attributes for a node
        address - the address, relative to this node
        the attribute names. If there are none an empty set is returned
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getAttributes

        Map<String,​AttributeAccess> getAttributes​(PathAddress address)
        Get the information about all attributes for a node.
        address - the address, relative to this node
        the attribute information, in a map keyed by attribute name. If there are none an empty map is returned
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getAttributeAccess

        AttributeAccess getAttributeAccess​(PathAddress address,
                                           String attributeName)
        Gets the information on how to read from or write to the given attribute.
        address - the address of the resource
        attributeName - the name of the attribute
        the handling information, or null if the attribute or address is unknown
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getNotificationDescriptions

        Map<String,​NotificationEntry> getNotificationDescriptions​(PathAddress address,
                                                                        boolean inherited)
        Get a map of descriptions of all notifications emitted by the resources at an address.
        address - the address
        inherited - true to include inherited notifications
        the notifications map
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getChildNames

        Set<String> getChildNames​(PathAddress address)
        Get the names of the types of children for a node
        address - the address, relative to this node
        the child type names. If there are none an empty set is returned
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getChildAddresses

        Set<PathElement> getChildAddresses​(PathAddress address)
        Gets the set of direct child address elements under the node at the passed in PathAddress
        address - the address we want to find children for
        the set of direct child elements
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getModelDescription

        DescriptionProvider getModelDescription​(PathAddress address)
        Get the model description at the given address, or null if none exists.
        address - the address, relative to this node
        the model description
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getOperationDescriptions

        Map<String,​OperationEntry> getOperationDescriptions​(PathAddress address,
                                                                  boolean inherited)
        Get a map of descriptions of all operations available at an address.
        address - the address
        inherited - true to include inherited operations
        the operation map
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getProxyController

        ProxyController getProxyController​(PathAddress address)
        If there is a proxy controller registered under any part of the registered address it will be returned. E.g. if the address passed in is [a=b,c=d,e=f] and there is a proxy registered under [a=b,c=d] that proxy will be returned.
        address - the address to look for a proxy under
        the found proxy controller, or null if there is none
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getProxyControllers

        Set<ProxyController> getProxyControllers​(PathAddress address)
        Finds all proxy controllers registered at the passed in address, or at lower levels.

        E.g. if the address passed in is a=b and there are proxies registered at [a=b,c=d], [a=b,e=f] and [g-h], the proxies for [a=b,c=d] and [a=b,e=f] will be returned.

        address - the address to start looking for proxies under
        the found proxy controllers, or an empty set if there are none
        SecurityException - if the caller does not have ACCESS_PERMISSION
      • getOrderedChildTypes

        Set<String> getOrderedChildTypes()
        Return the names of the child types registered to be ordered.
        the set of ordered child types, and and empty set if there are none
      • getCapabilities

        Set<RuntimeCapability> getCapabilities()
        Returns all capabilities provided by this resource. This will only include capabilities for which this resource controls the registration of the capability. If any children of this resource are involved in providing the capability, the registration for the children must not include the capability in the value they return from this method.
        Set of capabilities if any registered otherwise an empty set
        See Also:
      • getIncorporatingCapabilities

        Set<RuntimeCapability> getIncorporatingCapabilities()
        Returns all capabilities provided by parents of this resource, to which this resource contributes. This will only include capabilities for which this resource does not control the registration of the capability. Any capabilities registered by this resource will instead be included in the return value for getCapabilities().

        Often, this method will return null, which has a special meaning. A null value means this resource contributes to any capabilities provided by resources higher in its branch of the resource tree, with the search for such capabilities continuing through ancestor resources until:

        1. The ancestor has registered a capability; i.e. once a capability is identified, higher levels are not searched
        2. The ancestor returns a non-null value from this method; i.e. once an ancestor declares an incorporating capability or that there are no incorporating capabilities, higher levels are not searched
        3. The ancestor is a root resource. Child resources do not contribute to root capabilities unless they specifically declare they do so
        4. The ancestor has single element address whose key is host. Child resources do not contribute to host root capabilities unless they specifically declare they do so
        5. For subsystem resources, the ancestor resource is not provided by the subsystem. Subsystem resources do not contribute to capabilities provided by the kernel

        A non-null value indicates no search of parent resources for capabilities should be performed, and only those capabilities included in the return set should be considered as incorporating this resource (or none at all if the return set is empty.)

        An instance of this interface that returns a non-empty set from getCapabilities() must not return null from this method. If a resource itself provides a capability but also contributes to a different capability provided by a parent, that relationship must be specifically noted in the return value from this method.

        Note that providing a capability that is in turn a requirement of a parent resource's capability is not the kind of "contributing" to the parent resource's capability that is being considered here. The relationship between a capability and its requirements is separately tracked by the RuntimeCapability itself. A typical "contributing" resource would be one that represents a chunk of configuration directly used by the parent resource's capability.

        set of capabilities, or null if default resolution of capabilities to which this resource contributes should be used; an empty set can be used to indicate this resource does not contribute to capabilities provided by its parent. Will not return null if getCapabilities() returns a non-empty set.
        See Also:
      • getRequirements

        Set<CapabilityReferenceRecorder> getRequirements()
        Returns all capability reference recorders provided by this resource.
        Set of CapabilityReferenceRecorder if any registered otherwise an empty set.