Class AttributeTransformationRequirementChecker.ListAttributeTransformationRequirementChecker

    • Method Detail

      • isAttributeTransformationRequired

        public boolean isAttributeTransformationRequired​(String attributeName,
                                                         org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode attributeValue,
                                                         TransformationContext context)
        Description copied from interface: AttributeTransformationRequirementChecker
        Gets whether the given attribute or parameter value is not understandable by the target process and needs to be transformed.
        Specified by:
        isAttributeTransformationRequired in interface AttributeTransformationRequirementChecker
        attributeName - the name of the attribute
        attributeValue - the value of the attribute
        context - the context of the transformation
        true if the attribute or parameter value is not understandable by the target process and also cannot be transformed, false otherwise