Class AbstractAttributeDefinitionBuilder<BUILDER extends AbstractAttributeDefinitionBuilder<BUILDER,​ATTRIBUTE>,​ATTRIBUTE extends AttributeDefinition>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAttributeDefinitionBuilder

        public AbstractAttributeDefinitionBuilder​(String attributeName,
                                                  org.jboss.dmr.ModelType type)
        Creates a builder for an attribute with the give name and type. Equivalent to AbstractAttributeDefinitionBuilder(attributeName, type, false
        attributeName - the name of the attribute. Cannot be null
        type - the type of the attribute. Cannot be null
      • AbstractAttributeDefinitionBuilder

        public AbstractAttributeDefinitionBuilder​(String attributeName,
                                                  org.jboss.dmr.ModelType type,
                                                  boolean optional)
        Creates a builder for an attribute with the give name and type and nullability setting.
        attributeName - the name of the attribute. Cannot be null
        type - the type of the attribute. Cannot be null
        optional - true if the attribute allows undefined values in the absence of alternatives
      • AbstractAttributeDefinitionBuilder

        public AbstractAttributeDefinitionBuilder​(AttributeDefinition basis)
        Creates a builder populated with the values of an existing attribute definition.
        basis - the existing attribute definition. Cannot be null
      • AbstractAttributeDefinitionBuilder

        public AbstractAttributeDefinitionBuilder​(String attributeName,
                                                  AttributeDefinition basis)
        Creates a builder populated with the values of an existing attribute definition, with an optional change of the attribute's name.
        attributeName - the name of the attribute, or null if the name from basis should be used
        basis - the existing attribute definition. Cannot be null
    • Method Detail

      • setXmlName

        public BUILDER setXmlName​(String xmlName)
        Sets the xml name for the attribute, which is only needed if the name used for the attribute is different from its ordinary name in the model. If not set the default value is the name passed to the builder constructor.
        xmlName - the xml name. null is allowed
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setRequired

        public BUILDER setRequired​(boolean required)
        Sets whether the attribute should require a defined value in the absence of alternatives. If not set the default value is the value provided to the builder constructor, or true if no value is provided.
        required - true if undefined values should not be allowed in the absence of alternatives
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setAllowExpression

        public BUILDER setAllowExpression​(boolean allowExpression)
        Sets whether the attribute should allow expressions If not set the default value is false.
        allowExpression - true if expression values should be allowed
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setDefaultValue

        public BUILDER setDefaultValue​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode defaultValue)
        Sets a default value to use for the attribute if no user-provided value is available.
        defaultValue - the default value, or null if no default should be used
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setMeasurementUnit

        public BUILDER setMeasurementUnit​(MeasurementUnit unit)
        Sets a measurement unit to describe the unit in which a numeric attribute is expressed.
        unit - the unit. null is allowed
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setCorrector

        public BUILDER setCorrector​(ParameterCorrector corrector)
        Sets a ParameterCorrector to use to adjust any user provided values before validation occurs.
        corrector - the corrector. May be null
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setValidator

        public BUILDER setValidator​(ParameterValidator validator)
        Sets the validator that should be used to validate attribute values. The resulting attribute definition will wrap this validator in one that enforces the attribute's allow null and allow expression settings, so the given validator need not be properly configured for those validations.
        validator - the validator. null is allowed
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setAlternatives

        public BUILDER setAlternatives​(String... alternatives)
        Sets names of alternative attributes that should not be defined if this attribute is defined.
        alternatives - the attribute names
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • addAlternatives

        public BUILDER addAlternatives​(String... alternatives)
        Adds names of alternative attributes that should not be defined if this attribute is defined.
        alternatives - the attribute names
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • removeAlternatives

        public final BUILDER removeAlternatives​(String... alternatives)
        Removes names of alternative attributes from the set of those that should not be defined if this attribute is defined.
        alternatives - the attribute names
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • addArbitraryDescriptor

        public BUILDER addArbitraryDescriptor​(String arbitraryDescriptor,
                                              org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode value)
        arbitraryDescriptor - the arbitrary descriptor name.
        value - the value of the arbitrary descriptor.
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • getArbitraryDescriptors

        public Map<String,​org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode> getArbitraryDescriptors()
      • setRequires

        public BUILDER setRequires​(String... requires)
        Sets names of required attributes that must be defined if this attribute is defined.
        requires - the attribute names
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setFlags

        public BUILDER setFlags​(AttributeAccess.Flag... flags)
        Sets the special purpose flags that are relevant to the attribute
        flags - the flags
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • addFlag

        public BUILDER addFlag​(AttributeAccess.Flag flag)
        Adds a special purpose flag that is relevant to the attribute
        flag - the flag
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • removeFlag

        public BUILDER removeFlag​(AttributeAccess.Flag flag)
        Removes a special purpose flag from the set of those relevant to the attribute
        flag - the flag
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • isFlagPresent

        protected boolean isFlagPresent​(AttributeAccess.Flag flag)
        Checks if a special purpose flag has been recorded as relevant to the attribute
        flag - the flag
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setStorageRuntime

        public BUILDER setStorageRuntime()
        Adds the AttributeAccess.Flag.STORAGE_RUNTIME flag and removes any conflicting flag.
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setRestartJVM

        public BUILDER setRestartJVM()
        Adds the AttributeAccess.Flag.RESTART_JVM flag and removes any conflicting flag.
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setMaxSize

        public BUILDER setMaxSize​(int maxSize)
        Sets a maximum size for a collection-type attribute or one whose value is a string or byte[]. The value represents the maximum number of elements in the collection, or the maximum length of the string or array. It does not represent a maximum value for a numeric attribute and should not be configured for numeric attributes.
        maxSize - the maximum size
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setMinSize

        public BUILDER setMinSize​(int minSize)
        Sets a minimum size description for a collection-type attribute or one whose value is a string or byte[]. The value represents the minimum number of elements in the collection, or the minimum length of the string or array. It does not represent a minimum value for a numeric attribute and should not be configured for numeric attributes.
        minSize - the minimum size
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setAttributeMarshaller

        public BUILDER setAttributeMarshaller​(AttributeMarshaller marshaller)
        Sets a custom AttributeMarshaller to use for marshalling the attribute to xml. If not set, a DefaultAttributeMarshaller will be used.
        marshaller - the marshaller. Can be null
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setAttributeParser

        public BUILDER setAttributeParser​(AttributeParser parser)
        Sets a custom AttributeParser to use for parsing attribute from xml. If not set, a AttributeParser.SIMPLE will be used.
        parser - the parser. Can be null
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setResourceOnly

        public BUILDER setResourceOnly()
        Marks an attribute as only relevant to a resource, and not a valid parameter to an "add" operation that creates that resource. Typically used for legacy "name" attributes that display the final value in the resource's address as an attribute.
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setDeprecated

        public BUILDER setDeprecated​(ModelVersion since)
        Marks the attribute as deprecated since the given API version. This is equivalent to calling setDeprecated(ModelVersion, boolean) with the notificationUseful parameter set to true.
        since - the API version, with the API being the one (core or a subsystem) in which the attribute is used
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setDeprecated

        public BUILDER setDeprecated​(ModelVersion since,
                                     boolean notificationUseful)
        Marks the attribute as deprecated since the given API version, with the ability to configure that notifications to the user (e.g. via a log message) about deprecation of the attribute should not be emitted. Notifying the user should only be done if the user can take some action in response. Advising that something will be removed in a later release is not useful if there is no alternative in the current release. If the notificationUseful param is true the text description of the attribute deprecation available from the read-resource-description management operation should provide useful information about how the user can avoid using the attribute.
        since - the API version, with the API being the one (core or a subsystem) in which the attribute is used
        notificationUseful - whether actively advising the user about the deprecation is useful
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setExpressionsDeprecated

        public final BUILDER setExpressionsDeprecated()
        Marks that support for use of an expression for the attribute's value is deprecated and may be removed in a future release.
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setAccessConstraints

        public BUILDER setAccessConstraints​(AccessConstraintDefinition... accessConstraints)
        Sets access constraints to use with the attribute
        accessConstraints - the constraints
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • addAccessConstraint

        public BUILDER addAccessConstraint​(AccessConstraintDefinition accessConstraint)
        Adds an access constraint to the set used with the attribute
        accessConstraint - the constraint
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setNullSignificant

        public BUILDER setNullSignificant​(boolean nullSignificant)
        Sets whether an access control check is required to implicitly set an attribute to undefined in a resource "add" operation. "Implicitly" setting an attribute refers to not providing a value for it in the add operation, leaving the attribute in an undefined state. If not set the default value is whether the attribute AttributeDefinition.isRequired() () is not required} and has a default value.
        nullSignificant - true if an undefined value is significant; false if it is not significant, even if a default value is configured
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setAttributeGroup

        public BUILDER setAttributeGroup​(String attributeGroup)
        Sets the name of the attribute group with which this attribute is associated.
        attributeGroup - the attribute group name. Cannot be an empty string but can be null if the attribute is not associated with a group.
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setAllowedValues

        public BUILDER setAllowedValues​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode... allowedValues)
        Sets allowed values for attribute
        allowedValues - values that are legal as part in this attribute
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setAllowedValues

        public BUILDER setAllowedValues​(String... allowedValues)
        Sets allowed values for attribute
        allowedValues - values that are legal as part in this attribute
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setAllowedValues

        public BUILDER setAllowedValues​(int... allowedValues)
        Sets allowed values for attribute
        allowedValues - values that are legal as part in this attribute
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setUndefinedMetricValue

        public BUILDER setUndefinedMetricValue​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode undefinedMetricValue)
        Sets a default value to use for the metric if no runtime value is available (e.g. we are a server running in admin-only mode).
        undefinedMetricValue - the default value, or null if no default should be used
        a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition
      • setStability

        public BUILDER setStability​(Stability stability)
        Defines the stability level of the feature enabled by this attribute.
        stability - a stability level
        a reference to this builder
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • getType

        public org.jboss.dmr.ModelType getType()
      • getXmlName

        public String getXmlName()
      • isNillable

        public boolean isNillable()
      • isAllowExpression

        public boolean isAllowExpression()
      • getDefaultValue

        public org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode getDefaultValue()
      • getAlternatives

        public String[] getAlternatives()
      • getRequires

        public String[] getRequires()
      • getMinSize

        public int getMinSize()
      • getMaxSize

        public int getMaxSize()
      • isResourceOnly

        public boolean isResourceOnly()
      • getNullSignificant

        public Boolean getNullSignificant()
      • getUndefinedMetricValue

        public org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode getUndefinedMetricValue()
      • getAttributeGroup

        public String getAttributeGroup()
      • getAllowedValues

        public org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode[] getAllowedValues()
      • getStability

        public Stability getStability()