Interface ControllerLogger

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ControllerLogger
    extends org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger
    James R. Perkins, David M. Lloyd
    • Field Detail


        static final ControllerLogger ROOT_LOGGER
        Default root logger with category of the package name.

        static final ControllerLogger MGMT_OP_LOGGER
        Logger for management operation messages.

        static final ControllerLogger DEPRECATED_LOGGER
        A logger for logging deprecated resources usage

        static final ControllerLogger ACCESS_LOGGER
        A logger for access control related messages.
    • Method Detail

      • cannotResolveAddress

                 value="Cannot resolve address %s, so cannot match it to any InetAddress")
        void cannotResolveAddress​(String address)
        Logs a warning message indicating the address, represented by the address parameter, could not be resolved, so cannot match it to any InetAddress.
        address - the address that could not be resolved.
      • errorBootingContainer

                 value="Error booting the container")
        void errorBootingContainer​(@Cause
                                   Throwable cause)
        Logs an error message indicating there was an error booting the container.
        cause - the cause of the error.
      • errorBootingContainer

                 value="Error booting the container due to insufficient stack space for the thread used to execute boot operations. The thread was configured with a stack size of [%1$d]. Setting system property %2$s to a value higher than [%1$d] may resolve this problem.")
        void errorBootingContainer​(@Cause
                                   Throwable cause,
                                   long bootStackSize,
                                   String name)
        Logs an error message indicating there was an error booting the container.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        bootStackSize - the boot stack size.
        name - the property name to increase the boot stack size.
      • errorRevertingOperation

                 value="%s caught exception attempting to revert operation %s at address %s")
        void errorRevertingOperation​(@Cause
                                     Throwable cause,
                                     String className,
                                     String op,
                                     PathAddress address)
        Logs an error message indicating the class, represented by the className parameter, caught exception attempting to revert the operation, represented by the op parameter, at the address, represented by the address parameter.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        className - the name of the class that caught the error.
        op - the operation.
        address - the address.
      • failedExecutingOperation

                 value="Failed executing operation %s at address %s")
        void failedExecutingOperation​(@Cause
                                      Throwable cause,
                                      org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode op,
                                      PathAddress path)
        Logs an error message indicating a failure to execute the operation, represented by the op parameter, at the address represented by the path parameter.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        op - the operation.
        path - the path the operation was executed on.
      • failedSubsystemBootOperations

                 value="Failed executing subsystem %s boot operations")
        void failedSubsystemBootOperations​(@Cause
                                           Throwable cause,
                                           String name)
        Logs an error message indicating a failure executing the subsystem, represented by the name parameter, boot operations.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        name - the name of subsystem.
      • failedToCloseResource

                 value="Failed to close resource %s")
        void failedToCloseResource​(@Cause
                                   Throwable cause,
                                   Closeable closeable)
        Logs an error message indicating to failure to close the resource represented by the closeable parameter.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        closeable - the resource.
      • failedToCloseResource

        void failedToCloseResource​(@Cause
                                   Throwable cause,
                                   XMLStreamWriter writer)
        Logs an error message indicating to failure to close the resource represented by the writer parameter.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        writer - the resource.
      • failedToCloseResource

        void failedToCloseResource​(@Cause
                                   Throwable cause,
                                   XMLStreamReader reader)
        Logs an error message indicating to failure to close the resource represented by the reader parameter.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        reader - the resource.
      • failedToPersistConfigurationChange

                 value="Failed to persist configuration change")
        void failedToPersistConfigurationChange​(@Cause
                                                Throwable cause)
        Logs an error message indicating a failure to persist configuration change.
        cause - the cause of the error.
      • failedToStoreConfiguration

                 value="Failed to store configuration to %s")
        void failedToStoreConfiguration​(@Cause
                                        Throwable cause,
                                        String name)
        Logs an error message indicating a failure to store the configuration file.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        name - the name of the configuration.
      • invalidSystemPropertyValue

                 value="Invalid value %s for system property %s -- using default value [%d]")
        void invalidSystemPropertyValue​(String value,
                                        String name,
                                        int defaultValue)
        Logs an error message indicating an invalid value for the system property, represented by the name parameter, was found.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the name of the system property.
        defaultValue - the default value being used.
      • invalidWildcardAddress

                 value="Address %1$s is a wildcard address, which will not match against any specific address. Do not use the \'%2$s\' configuration element to specify that an interface should use a wildcard address; use \'%3$s\'")
        void invalidWildcardAddress​(String address,
                                    String inetAddress,
                                    String anyAddress)
        Logs a warning message indicating the address, represented by the address parameter, is a wildcard address and will not match any specific address.
        address - the wildcard address.
        inetAddress - the inet-address tag.
        anyAddress - the any-address tag.
      • operationFailed

                 value="Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s)")
        void operationFailed​(@Cause
                             Throwable cause,
                             org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode op,
                             org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode opAddress)
        Logs an error message indicating operation failed.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        op - the operation that failed.
        opAddress - the address the operation failed on.
      • operationFailed

                 value="Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s) - failure description: %s")
        void operationFailed​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode op,
                             org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode opAddress,
                             org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode failureDescription)
        Logs an error message indicating operation failed.
        op - the operation that failed.
        opAddress - the address the operation failed on.
        failureDescription - the failure description.
      • operationFailed

                 value="Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s) - failure description: %s%s")
        void operationFailed​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode op,
                             org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode opAddress,
                             org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode failureDescription,
                             String emptyString)
        Logs a debug message indicating operation failed.
        op - the operation that failed.
        opAddress - the address the operation failed on.
        failureDescription - the failure description.
        emptyString - meaningless param just so we can have a different method signature from the variant used by legacy controllers
      • wildcardAddressDetected

                 value="Wildcard address detected - will ignore other interface criteria.")
        void wildcardAddressDetected()
        Logs a warning message indicating a wildcard address was detected and will ignore other interface criteria.
      • noFinalProxyOutcomeReceived

                 value="Received no final outcome response for operation %s with address %s from remote process at address %s. The result of this operation will only include the remote process\' preliminary response to the request.")
        void noFinalProxyOutcomeReceived​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode op,
                                         org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode opAddress,
                                         org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode proxyAddress)
        Logs a warning message indicating an invocation on a ProxyController did not provide a final response.
      • operationFailedOnClientError

                 value="Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s) - failure description: %s")
        void operationFailedOnClientError​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode op,
                                          org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode opAddress,
                                          org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode failureDescription)
        Logs an error message indicating operation failed due to a client error (e.g. an invalid request).
        op - the operation that failed.
        opAddress - the address the operation failed on.
        failureDescription - the failure description.
      • gracefulManagementChannelHandlerShutdownTimedOut

                 value="Graceful shutdown of the handler used for native management requests did not complete within [%d] ms but shutdown of the underlying communication channel is proceeding")
        void gracefulManagementChannelHandlerShutdownTimedOut​(int timeout)
        Logs a warning message indicating graceful shutdown of native management request handling communication did not complete within the given timeout period.
        timeout - the timeout, in ms.
      • gracefulManagementChannelHandlerShutdownFailed

                 value="Graceful shutdown of the handler used for native management requests failed but shutdown of the underlying communication channel is proceeding")
        void gracefulManagementChannelHandlerShutdownFailed​(@Cause
                                                            Throwable cause)
        Logs a warning message indicating graceful shutdown of native management request handling communication failed.
        cause - the timeout, in ms.
      • invalidChannelCloseTimeout

                 value="Invalid value \'%s\' for system property \'%s\' -- value must be convertible into an int")
        void invalidChannelCloseTimeout​(@Cause
                                        NumberFormatException cause,
                                        String propertyName,
                                        String propValue)
        Logs a warning indicating an invalid value for how long to wait for active management operations to clear before allowing a communication channel close to proceed.
        cause - the the cause of the failure
        propertyName - the name of the system property
        propValue - the value provided
      • multipleMatchingAddresses

                 value="Multiple addresses or network interfaces matched the selection criteria for interface \'%s\'. Matching addresses: %s.  Matching network interfaces: %s. The interface will use address %s and network interface %s.")
        void multipleMatchingAddresses​(String interfaceName,
                                       Set<InetAddress> addresses,
                                       Set<String> nis,
                                       InetAddress inetAddress,
                                       String networkInterface)
        Logs a warning message indicating multiple addresses or nics matched the selection criteria provided for an interface
        interfaceName - the name of the interface configuration
        addresses - the matching addresses
        nis - the matching nics
        inetAddress - the selected address
        networkInterface - the selected nic
      • multipleMatchingAddresses

                 value="Value \'%s\' for interface selection criteria \'inet-address\' is ambiguous, as more than one address or network interface available on the machine matches it. Because of this ambiguity, no address will be selected as a match. Matching addresses: %s.  Matching network interfaces: %s.")
        void multipleMatchingAddresses​(String toMatch,
                                       Set<InetAddress> addresses,
                                       Set<String> nis)
        Logs a warning message indicating multiple addresses or nics matched the selection criteria provided for an interface
        toMatch - the name of the interface configuration
        addresses - the matching addresses
        nis - the matching nics
      • cannotReadTargetDefinition

                 value="Could not read target definition!")
        void cannotReadTargetDefinition​(@Cause
                                        Throwable cause)
        Logs an error message indicating the target definition could not be read.
        cause - the cause of the error.
      • interruptedWaitingStability

                 value="Operation was interrupted before service container stability could be reached. Process should be restarted. Step that first updated the service container was \'%s\' at address \'%s\'")
        void interruptedWaitingStability​(String operation,
                                         PathAddress address)
        Logs a warning message indicating that an operation was interrupted before service stability was reached
      • attributeDeprecated

                 value="Attribute \'%s\' in the resource at address \'%s\' is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version. See the attribute description in the output of the read-resource-description operation to learn more about the deprecation.")
        void attributeDeprecated​(String name,
                                 String address)
      • cannotDeleteTempFile

                 value="Cannot delete temp file %s, will be deleted on exit")
        void cannotDeleteTempFile​(String name)
        Logs a warning message indicating a temp file could not be deleted.
        name - temp filename
      • noSuchResourceType

                 value="No resource definition is registered for address %s")
        String noSuchResourceType​(PathAddress address)
      • noHandlerForOperation

                 value="No operation named \'%s\' exists at address %s")
        String noHandlerForOperation​(String operationName,
                                     PathAddress address)
      • transformationWarnings

                 value="There were problems during the transformation process for target host: \'%s\' %nProblems found: %n%s")
        void transformationWarnings​(String hostName,
                                    Set<String> problems)
      • extensionDeprecated

                 value="Extension \'%s\' is deprecated and may not be supported in future versions")
        void extensionDeprecated​(String extensionName)
      • ignoringUnsupportedLegacyExtension

                 value="Subsystems %s provided by legacy extension \'%s\' are not supported on servers running this version. The extension is only supported for use by hosts running a previous release in a mixed-version managed domain. On this server the extension will not register any subsystems, and future attempts to create or address subsystem resources on this server will result in failure.")
        void ignoringUnsupportedLegacyExtension​(List<String> subsystemNames,
                                                String extensionName)
      • failedToUpdateAuditLog

                 value="Update of the management operation audit log failed")
        void failedToUpdateAuditLog​(@Cause
                                    Exception e)
        Logs an error message indicating that updating the audit log failed
      • disablingLoggingDueToFailures

                 value="[%d] consecutive management operation audit logging failures have occurred; disabling audit logging")
        void disablingLoggingDueToFailures​(short failureCount)
        Logs an error message indicating that audit logging is being disabled due to logging failures.
      • logHandlerWriteFailed

                 value="Update of the management operation audit log failed in handler \'%s\'")
        void logHandlerWriteFailed​(@Cause
                                   Throwable t,
                                   String name)
        Logs an error message indicating that a handler failed writing a log message
      • disablingLogHandlerDueToFailures

                 value="[%d] consecutive management operation audit logging failures have occurred in handler \'%s\'; disabling this handler for audit logging")
        void disablingLogHandlerDueToFailures​(int failureCount,
                                              String name)
        Logs an error message indicating that audit logging is being disabled due to logging failures.
      • alreadyDefined

                 value="%s already defined")
        XMLStreamException alreadyDefined​(String name,
                                          Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating the name is already defined.
        name - the name that is already defined.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • alreadyDeclared

                 value="A %s %s already declared has already been declared in %s %s")
        XMLStreamException alreadyDeclared​(String name,
                                           String value,
                                           String parentName,
                                           String parentValue,
                                           Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating the value has already been declared.
        name - the attribute name.
        value - the value that has already been declared.
        parentName - the name of the parent.
        parentValue - the parent value.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • alreadyDeclared

                 value="A %s or a %s %s already declared has already been declared in %s %s")
        XMLStreamException alreadyDeclared​(String name1,
                                           String name2,
                                           String value,
                                           String parentName,
                                           String parentValue,
                                           Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating the value has already been declared.
        name1 - the first attribute name.
        name2 - the second attribute name.
        value - the value that has already been declared.
        parentName - the name of the parent.
        parentValue - the parent value.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • alreadyRegistered

                 value="An %s named \'%s\' is already registered at location \'%s\'")
        IllegalArgumentException alreadyRegistered​(String type,
                                                   String name,
                                                   String location)
        Creates an exception indicating the type with the name is already registered at the location.
        type - the type.
        name - the name.
        location - the location.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • ambiguousConfigurationFiles

                 value="Ambiguous configuration file name \'%s\' as there are multiple files in %s that end in %s")
        IllegalStateException ambiguousConfigurationFiles​(String backupType,
                                                          File searchDir,
                                                          String suffix)
        Creates an exception indicating an ambiguous file name was found as there are multiple files ending in the suffix were found in the directory.
        backupType - the backup type.
        searchDir - the search directory.
        suffix - the file suffix.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • ambiguousName

                 value="Ambiguous name \'%s\' in %s: %s")
        IllegalArgumentException ambiguousName​(String prefix,
                                               String dir,
                                               Collection<String> files)
        Creates an exception indicating an ambiguous name, represented by the prefix parameter, was found in the directory, represented by the dir parameter.
        prefix - the file prefix.
        dir - the search directory.
        files - the ambiguous files.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • attributeNotWritable

                 value="Attribute %s is not writable")
        String attributeNotWritable​(String attributeName)
        A message indicating the attribute, represented by the attributeName parameter, is not writable.
        attributeName - the attribute name.
        the message.
      • cannotDetermineDefaultName

                 value="Unable to determine a default name based on the local host name")
        RuntimeException cannotDetermineDefaultName​(@Cause
                                                    Throwable cause)
        Creates an exception indicating the inability to determine a default name based on the local host name.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        a RuntimeException for the error.
      • cannotCreate

                 value="Could not create %s")
        IllegalStateException cannotCreate​(String path)
        Creates an exception indicating the file could not be created.
        path - the path to the file.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • cannotDelete

                 value="Could not delete %s")
        IllegalStateException cannotDelete​(File file)
        Creates an exception indicating the file could not be deleted.
        file - the file to delete.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • cannotRegisterSubmodelWithNullPath

                 value="Cannot register submodels with a null PathElement")
        IllegalArgumentException cannotRegisterSubmodelWithNullPath()
        Creates an exception indicating a submodel cannot be registered with a null path.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • cannotRename

                 value="Could not rename %s to %s")
        void cannotRename​(@Cause
                          IOException ioe,
                          Path fromPath,
                          Path toPath)
        Creates an exception indicating the file could not be renamed.
        fromPath - the from file.
        toPath - the to file.
      • childAlreadyDeclared

                 value="Child %s of element %s already declared")
        XMLStreamException childAlreadyDeclared​(String childName,
                                                String parentName,
                                                Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating a child, represented by the childName parameter, of the parent element, represented by the parentName parameter, has already been declared.
        childName - the child element name.
        parentName - the parent element name.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • canonicalBootFileNotFound

                 value="Could not get canonical file for boot file: %s")
        RuntimeException canonicalBootFileNotFound​(@Cause
                                                   Throwable cause,
                                                   File file)
        Creates an exception indicating the canonical file for the boot file could not be found.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        file - the boot file.
        an RuntimeException for the error.
      • canonicalMainFileNotFound

                 value="Could not get canonical file for main file: %s")
        IllegalStateException canonicalMainFileNotFound​(@Cause
                                                        Throwable cause,
                                                        File file)
        Creates an exception indicating the canonical file for the main file could not be found.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        file - the main file.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • compositeOperationFailed

                 value="Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed:")
        String compositeOperationFailed()
        A message indicating the composite operation failed and was rolled back.
        the message.
      • compositeOperationRolledBack

                 value="Composite operation was rolled back")
        String compositeOperationRolledBack()
        A message indicating the composite operation was rolled back.
        the message.
      • configurationFileNameNotAllowed

                 value="Configuration files whose complete name is %s are not allowed")
        IllegalArgumentException configurationFileNameNotAllowed​(String backupType)
        Creates an exception indicating a configuration file whose complete name is the same as the backupType is not allowed.
        backupType - the backup type.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • configurationFileNotFound

                 value="No configuration file ending in %s found in %s")
        IllegalStateException configurationFileNotFound​(String suffix,
                                                        File dir)
        Creates an exception indicating no configuration file ending in the suffix was found in the directory, represented by the dir parameter.
        suffix - the suffix.
        dir - the search directory.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • directoryNotFound

                 value="No directory %s was found")
        IllegalArgumentException directoryNotFound​(String pathName)
        Creates an exception indicating the directory. represented by the pathName parameter, was not found.
        pathName - the path name.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • domainControllerMustBeDeclared

                 value="Either a %s or %s domain controller configuration must be declared.")
        XMLStreamException domainControllerMustBeDeclared​(String remoteName,
                                                          String localName,
                                                          Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating either the remoteName or the localName domain controller configuration must be declared.
        remoteName - the remote element name.
        localName - the local element name.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • duplicateAttribute

                 value="An attribute named \'%s\' has already been declared")
        XMLStreamException duplicateAttribute​(String name,
                                              Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating an attribute, represented by the name parameter, has already been declared.
        name - the attribute name.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • duplicateDeclaration

                 value="Duplicate %s declaration")
        XMLStreamException duplicateDeclaration​(String name,
                                                Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating a duplicate declaration.
        name - the name of the duplicate entry.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • duplicateDeclaration

                 value="Duplicate %s declaration %s")
        XMLStreamException duplicateDeclaration​(String name,
                                                String value,
                                                Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating a duplicate declaration.
        name - the name of the duplicate entry.
        value - the duplicate entry.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • duplicateElement

                 value="Duplicate path element \'%s\' found")
        OperationFailedRuntimeException duplicateElement​(String name)
        Creates an exception indicating ad duplicate path element, represented by the name parameter, was found.
        name - the name of the duplicate entry.
        an OperationFailedRuntimeException for the error.
      • duplicateInterfaceDeclaration

                 value="Duplicate interface declaration")
        XMLStreamException duplicateInterfaceDeclaration​(@Param
                                                         Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating a duplicate interface declaration.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • duplicateNamedElement

                 value="An element of this type named \'%s\' has already been declared")
        XMLStreamException duplicateNamedElement​(String name,
                                                 Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating an element, represented by the name parameter, has already been declared.
        name - the element name.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • duplicateResource

                 value="Duplicate resource %s")
        IllegalStateException duplicateResource​(String name)
        Creates an exception indicating the resource is a duplicate.
        name - the name of the resource.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • duplicateResourceType

                 value="Duplicate resource type %s")
        IllegalStateException duplicateResourceType​(String type)
        Creates an exception indicating the resource type is a duplicate.
        type - the duplicate type.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • failedInitializingModule

                 value="Failed initializing module %s")
        RuntimeException failedInitializingModule​(@Cause
                                                  Throwable cause,
                                                  String name)
        Creates an exception indicating a failure to initialize the module.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        name - the name of the module.
        a RuntimeException for the error.
      • failedServices

                 value="Failed services")
        String failedServices()
        A message indicating the failed services.
        the message.
      • failedToCreateConfigurationBackup

                 value="Failed to create backup copies of configuration file %s")
        ConfigurationPersistenceException failedToCreateConfigurationBackup​(@Cause
                                                                            Throwable cause,
                                                                            File file)
        Creates an exception indicating a failure to create backup copies of configuration the file, represented by the file parameter.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        file - the configuration file that failed to backup.
        a ConfigurationPersistenceException for the error.
      • failedToLoadModule

                 value="Failed to load module")
        XMLStreamException failedToLoadModule​(@Cause
                                              Throwable cause)
        Creates an exception indicating a failure to load a module.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • failedToLoadModule

                 value="Failed to load module %s")
        XMLStreamException failedToLoadModule​(@Cause
                                              Throwable cause,
                                              String name)
        Creates an exception indicating a failure to load a module.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        name - the module name.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • failedToPersistConfigurationChange

                 value="Failed to persist configuration change: %s")
        String failedToPersistConfigurationChange​(String cause)
        Logs an error message indicating a failure to persist configuration change.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        the message.
      • failedToTakeSnapshot

                 value="Failed to take a snapshot of %s to %s")
        ConfigurationPersistenceException failedToTakeSnapshot​(@Cause
                                                               Throwable cause,
                                                               File file,
                                                               File snapshot)
        Creates an exception indicating a failure to take a snapshot of the file, represented by the file parameter.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        file - the file that failed to take the snapshot of.
        snapshot - the snapshot file.
        a ConfigurationPersistenceException for the error.
      • fileNotFoundWithPrefix

                 value="No files beginning with \'%s\' found in %s")
        IllegalArgumentException fileNotFoundWithPrefix​(String prefix,
                                                        String dir)
        Creates an exception indicating no files beginning with the prefix were found in the directory, represented by the dir parameter.
        prefix - the file prefix.
        dir - the search directory.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • fullServerBootRequired

                 value="%s cannot be used except in a full server boot")
        IllegalStateException fullServerBootRequired​(Class<?> clazz)
        Creates an exception indicating the clazz cannot be used except in a full server boot.
        clazz - the class that cannot be used.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • illegalInterfaceCriteria

                 value="Illegal interface criteria type %s; must be %s")
        String illegalInterfaceCriteria​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelType invalidType,
                                        org.jboss.dmr.ModelType validType)
        A message indicating the interface criteria must be of the type represented by the valueType parameter.
        invalidType - the invalid type.
        validType - the valid type.
        the message.
      • illegalValueForInterfaceCriteria

                 value="Illegal value %s for interface criteria %s; must be %s")
        String illegalValueForInterfaceCriteria​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelType valueType,
                                                String id,
                                                org.jboss.dmr.ModelType validType)
        A message indicating the value, represented by the valueType parameter, is invalid for the interface criteria, represented by the id parameter.
        valueType - the type of the invalid value.
        id - the id of the criteria interface.
        validType - the valid type.
        the message.
      • incorrectType

                 value="Wrong type for \'%s\'. Expected %s but was %s")
        OperationFailedException incorrectType​(String name,
                                               Collection<org.jboss.dmr.ModelType> validTypes,
                                               org.jboss.dmr.ModelType invalidType)
        An exception indicating the type is invalid.
        name - the name the invalid type was found for.
        validTypes - a collection of valid types.
        invalidType - the invalid type.
        the exception.
      • invalid

                 value="%s is invalid")
        String invalid​(String name)
        A message indicating the name is invalid.
        name - the name of the invalid attribute.
        the message.
      • invalid

                 value="%d is not a valid %s")
        XMLStreamException invalid​(@Cause
                                   Throwable cause,
                                   int value,
                                   String name,
                                   Location location)
        A message indicating the value is invalid.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the name of the invalid attribute.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • invalidAddress

                 value="Invalid address %s (%s)")
        String invalidAddress​(String address,
                              String msg)
        A message indicating the address, represented by the address parameter, is invalid.
        address - the invalid address.
        msg - the error message.
        the message.
      • invalidAddressMaskValue

                 value="Invalid \'value\' %s -- must be of the form address/mask")
        String invalidAddressMaskValue​(String value)
        A message indicating the value, represented by the value parameter, is invalid and must be of the form address/mask.
        value - the invalid value.
        the message.
      • invalidAddressMask

                 value="Invalid mask %s (%s)")
        String invalidAddressMask​(String mask,
                                  String msg)
        A message indicating the mask, represented by the mask parameter, is invalid.
        mask - the invalid mask.
        msg - the error message.
        the message.
      • invalidAddressValue

                 value="Invalid address %s (%s)")
        String invalidAddressValue​(String value,
                                   String msg)
        A message indicating the address value, represented by the value parameter, is invalid.
        value - the invalid address value.
        msg - the error message.
        the message.
      • invalidAttributeCombo

                 value="%s is invalid in combination with %s")
        String invalidAttributeCombo​(String attributeName,
                                     StringBuilder combos)
        A message indicating the attribute, represented by the attributeName parameter, is invalid in combination with the combos parameter.
        attributeName - the attribute name.
        combos - the combinations.
        the message.
      • invalidAttributeValue

                 value="Invalid value \'%s\' for attribute \'%s\'")
        XMLStreamException invalidAttributeValue​(String value,
                                                 QName name,
                                                 Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating an invalid value, represented by the value parameter, was found for the attribute, represented by the name parameter.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the attribute name.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • invalidInterfaceCriteriaPattern

                 value="Invalid pattern %s for interface criteria %s")
        String invalidInterfaceCriteriaPattern​(String pattern,
                                               String name)
        A message indicating the pattern, represented by the pattern parameter, for the interface criteria, represented by the name parameter, is invalid.
        pattern - the pattern.
        name - the interface criteria.
        the message.
      • invalidPathElementKey

                 value="Invalid resource address element \'%s\'. The key \'%s\' is not valid for an element in a resource address.")
        String invalidPathElementKey​(String element,
                                     String key)
        Creates an exception indicating the key is invalid.
        element - the path element
        key - the invalid value.
        an OperationFailedRuntimeException for the error.
      • invalidLoadFactor

                 value="Load factor must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1")
        IllegalArgumentException invalidLoadFactor()
        Creates an exception indicating the load factor must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • invalidMaxLength

                 value="\'%s\' is an invalid value for parameter %s. Values must have a maximum length of %d characters")
        String invalidMaxLength​(String value,
                                String name,
                                int length)
        A message indicating the value parameter is invalid and must have a maximum length, represented by the length parameter.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the name of the parameter.
        length - the maximum length.
        the message.
      • invalidMinLength

                 value="\'%s\' is an invalid value for parameter %s. Values must have a minimum length of %d characters")
        String invalidMinLength​(String value,
                                String name,
                                int length)
        A message indicating the value parameter is invalid and must have a minimum length, represented by the length parameter.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the name of the parameter.
        length - the minimum length.
        the message.
      • invalidMaxSize

                 value="[%d] is an invalid size for parameter %s. A maximum length of [%d] is required")
        String invalidMaxSize​(int size,
                              String name,
                              int maxSize)
        A message indicating the size is an invalid size for the parameter, represented by the name parameter.
        size - the invalid size.
        name - the name of the parameter.
        maxSize - the maximum size allowed.
        the message
      • invalidMinSize

                 value="[%d] is an invalid size for parameter %s. A minimum length of [%d] is required")
        String invalidMinSize​(int size,
                              String name,
                              int minSize)
        A message indicating the size is an invalid size for the parameter, represented by the name parameter.
        size - the invalid size.
        name - the name of the parameter.
        minSize - the minimum size allowed.
        the message
      • invalidMaxValue

                 value="%d is an invalid value for parameter %s. A maximum value of %d is required")
        String invalidMaxValue​(int value,
                               String name,
                               int maxValue)
        A message indicating the value is invalid for the parameter, represented by the name parameter.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the name of the parameter.
        maxValue - the minimum value required.
        the message.
      • invalidMaxValue

        String invalidMaxValue​(long value,
                               String name,
                               long maxValue)
        A message indicating the value is invalid for the parameter, represented by the name parameter.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the name of the parameter.
        maxValue - the minimum value required.
        the message.
      • invalidMinValue

                 value="%d is an invalid value for parameter %s. A minimum value of %d is required")
        String invalidMinValue​(int value,
                               String name,
                               int minValue)
        A message indicating the value is invalid for the parameter, represented by the name parameter.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the name of the parameter.
        minValue - the minimum value required.
        the message.
      • invalidMinValue

        String invalidMinValue​(long value,
                               String name,
                               long minValue)
        A message indicating the value is invalid for the parameter, represented by the name parameter.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the name of the parameter.
        minValue - the minimum value required.
        the message.
      • invalidModificationAfterCompletedStep

                 value="Invalid modification after completed step")
        IllegalStateException invalidModificationAfterCompletedStep()
        Creates an exception indicated an invalid modification after completed ste.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • invalidMulticastAddress

                 value="Value %s for attribute %s is not a valid multicast address")
        OperationFailedException invalidMulticastAddress​(String value,
                                                         String name)
        Creates an exception indicating the value for the attribute, represented by the name parameter, is not a valid multicast address.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the name of the attribute.\
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • invalidOutboundSocketBinding

                 value="An outbound socket binding: %s cannot have both %s as well as a %s at the same time")
        XMLStreamException invalidOutboundSocketBinding​(String name,
                                                        String localTag,
                                                        String remoteTag,
                                                        Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating an outbound socket binding cannot have both the localTag and the remoteTag.
        name - the name of the socket binding.
        localTag - the local tag.
        remoteTag - the remote tag.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • invalidSha1Value

                 value="Value %s for attribute %s does not represent a properly hex-encoded SHA1 hash")
        XMLStreamException invalidSha1Value​(@Cause
                                            Throwable cause,
                                            String value,
                                            String name,
                                            Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating the value for the attribute, represented by the name parameter, does not represent a properly hex-encoded SHA1 hash.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the name of the attribute.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • invalidStage

                 value="Stage %s is not valid for context process type %s")
        IllegalStateException invalidStage​(OperationContext.Stage stage,
                                           ProcessType processType)
        Creates an exception indicating the stage is not valid for the context process type.
        stage - the stage.
        processType - the context process type.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • invalidTableSize

                 value="Can not have a negative size table!")
        IllegalArgumentException invalidTableSize()
        Creates an exception indicating the table cannot have a negative size.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • invalidType

                 value="Invalid type %s")
        String invalidType​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelType type)
        A message indicating the type, represented by the type parameter, is invalid.
        type - the invalid type.
        the message.
      • invalidPathElementValue

                 value="Invalid resource address element \'%s\'. The value \'%s\' is not valid for an element in a resource address. Character \'%s\' is not allowed.")
        String invalidPathElementValue​(String element,
                                       String value,
                                       Character character)
        Creates an exception indicating the value is invalid.
        element - the path element
        value - the invalid value.
        character - the invalid character
        an OperationFailedRuntimeException for the error.
      • invalidValue

                 value="Invalid value %s for %s; legal values are %s")
        String invalidValue​(String value,
                            String name,
                            Collection<?> validValues)
        A message indicating the value for the parameter, represented by the name parameter, is invalid.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the name of the parameter.
        validValues - a collection of valid values.
        the message.
      • missingOneOf

                 value="Must include one of the following elements: %s")
        XMLStreamException missingOneOf​(StringBuilder sb,
                                        Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating there must be one of the elements, represented by the sb parameter, included.
        sb - the acceptable elements.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • missingRequiredAttributes

                 value="Missing required attribute(s): %s")
        XMLStreamException missingRequiredAttributes​(StringBuilder sb,
                                                     Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating there are missing required attribute(s).
        sb - the missing attributes.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • missingRequiredElements

                 value="Missing required element(s): %s")
        XMLStreamException missingRequiredElements​(StringBuilder sb,
                                                   Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating there are missing required element(s).
        sb - the missing element.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • moduleLoadingInterrupted

                 value="Interrupted awaiting loading of module %s")
        XMLStreamException moduleLoadingInterrupted​(String name)
        Creates an exception indicating an interruption awaiting to load the module.
        name - the name of the module.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • moduleInitializationInterrupted

                 value="Interrupted awaiting initialization of module %s")
        RuntimeException moduleInitializationInterrupted​(String name)
        Creates an exception indicating an interruption awaiting to initialize the module.
        name - the name of the module.
        a RuntimeException for the error.
      • multipleModelNodes

                 value="Model contains multiple %s nodes")
        IllegalStateException multipleModelNodes​(String name)
        Creates an exception indicating a model contains multiple nodes.
        name - the name of the node.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • namespaceAlreadyRegistered

                 value="Namespace with prefix %s already registered with schema URI %s")
        String namespaceAlreadyRegistered​(String prefix,
                                          String uri)
        A message indicating a namespace with the prefix, represented by the prefix parameter, is already registered with the schema URI, represented by the uri parameter.
        prefix - the namespace prefix.
        uri - the schema URI.
        the message.
      • namespaceNotFound

                 value="No namespace with URI %s found")
        String namespaceNotFound​(String prefix)
        A message indicating no namespace with the URI prefix, was found.
        prefix - the prefix.
        the message.
      • nestedElementNotAllowed

                 value="Nested %s not allowed")
        String nestedElementNotAllowed​(Element element)
        A message indicating the element, represented by the element parameter, does not allow nesting.
        element - the element.
        the message.
      • noInterfaceCriteria

                 value="No interface criteria was provided")
        String noInterfaceCriteria()
        A message indicating that no interface criteria was provided.
        the message.
      • noOperationHandler

                 value="No operation handler")
        String noOperationHandler()
        A message indicating there is no operation handler.
        the message.
      • notADirectory

                 value="%s is not a directory")
        IllegalStateException notADirectory​(String path)
        Creates an exception indicating the path is not a directory.
        path - the path.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • notFound

                 value="No %s%s found for %s")
        IllegalStateException notFound​(String path,
                                       String className,
                                       String moduleName)
        Creates an exception indicating no path/className was found for the module name.
        path - the path of the SPI.
        className - the class name.
        moduleName - the module name.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • nullAsynchronousExecutor

                 value="Cannot execute asynchronous operation without an executor")
        IllegalStateException nullAsynchronousExecutor()
        Creates an exception indicating an asynchronous operation cannot execute without an executor.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • nullNotAllowed

                 value="\'%s\' may not be null")
        OperationFailedException nullNotAllowed​(String name)
        An exception indicating the name may not be null.
        name - the name that cannot be null.
        the exception.
      • operation

                 value="Operation %s")
        String operation​(String step)
        Creates a message indicating the operation step.
        step - the step.
        the message.
      • operationAlreadyComplete

                 value="Operation already complete")
        IllegalStateException operationAlreadyComplete()
        Creates an exception indicating the operation is already complete.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • operationHandlerFailed

                 value="Operation handler failed: %s")
        String operationHandlerFailed​(String msg)
        A message indicating the operation handler failed.
        msg - the failure message.
        the message.
      • operationRollingBack

                 value="Operation rolling back")
        String operationRollingBack()
        A message indicating the operation is rolling back.
        the message.
      • operationSucceeded

                 value="Operation succeeded, committing")
        String operationSucceeded()
        A message indicating the operation succeeded and is committing.
        the message.
      • operationNotRegistered

                 value="There is no operation %s registered at address %s")
        String operationNotRegistered​(String op,
                                      PathAddress address)
        A message indicating there is no operation, represented by the op parameter, registered at the address, represented by the address parameter.
        op - the operation.
        address - the address.
        the message.
      • persisterNotInjected

                 value="No configuration persister was injected")
        org.jboss.msc.service.StartException persisterNotInjected()
        Creates an exception indicating no configuration persister was injected.
        a StartException for the error.
      • proxyHandlerAlreadyRegistered

                 value="A proxy handler is already registered at location \'%s\'")
        IllegalArgumentException proxyHandlerAlreadyRegistered​(String location)
        Creates an exception indicating the proxy handler is already registered at the location.
        location - the location.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • removingServiceUnsatisfiedDependencies

                 value="Removing services has lead to unsatisfied dependencies:")
        String removingServiceUnsatisfiedDependencies()
        A message indicating that removing services has lead to unsatisfied dependencies.

        ** Note: Use with removingServiceUnsatisfiedDependencies(String)

        the message.
      • removingServiceUnsatisfiedDependencies

                 value="%nService %s was depended upon by ")
        String removingServiceUnsatisfiedDependencies​(String name)
        A message indicating that removing services has lead to unsatisfied dependencies.

        ** Note: Use with removingServiceUnsatisfiedDependencies()

        name - the name of the service.
        the message.
      • required

                 value="%s is required")
        OperationFailedException required​(String name)
        A message indicating the name is required.
        name - the name of the required attribute.
        the message.
      • reserved

                 value="%s is reserved")
        XMLStreamException reserved​(String name,
                                    Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating the name is reserved.
        name - the name that is reserved.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • resourceNotFound

                 value="Resource %s does not exist; a resource at address %s cannot be created until all ancestor resources have been added")
        OperationFailedRuntimeException resourceNotFound​(PathAddress ancestor,
                                                         PathAddress address)
        Creates an exception indicating a resource does not exist.
        ancestor - the ancestor path.
        address - the address.
        an OperationFailedRuntimeException for the error.
      • rollbackAlreadyInvoked

                 value="rollback() has already been invoked")
        IllegalStateException rollbackAlreadyInvoked()
        Creates an exception indicating the rollback has already been invoked.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • schemaAlreadyRegistered

                 value="Schema with URI %s already registered with location %s")
        String schemaAlreadyRegistered​(String schemaUri,
                                       String location)
        A message indicating a schema with URI, represented by the schemaUri parameter, is already registered with the location, represented by the location parameter.
        schemaUri - the schema URI.
        location - the location.
        the message.
      • schemaNotFound

                 value="No schema location with URI %s found")
        String schemaNotFound​(String uri)
        A message indicating the schema was not found wit the uri.
        uri - the schema URI.
        the message.
      • serviceInstallCancelled

                 value="Service install was cancelled")
        CancellationException serviceInstallCancelled()
        Creates an exception indicating the service install was cancelled.
        a CancellationException for the error.
      • servicesMissing

                 value="is missing [%s]")
        String servicesMissing​(StringBuilder sb)
        A message indicating the missing services.
        sb - the missing services.
        the message.
      • servicesMissingDependencies

                 value="Services with missing/unavailable dependencies")
        String servicesMissingDependencies()
        A message that indicates there are services with missing or unavailable dependencies.
        the message.
      • serviceRegistryRuntimeOperationsOnly

                 value="Get service registry only supported in runtime operations")
        IllegalStateException serviceRegistryRuntimeOperationsOnly()
        Creates an exception indicating the get service registry only supported in runtime operations.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • serviceRemovalRuntimeOperationsOnly

                 value="Service removal only supported in runtime operations")
        IllegalStateException serviceRemovalRuntimeOperationsOnly()
        Creates an exception indicating the service removal only supported in runtime operations.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • serviceStatusReportHeader

                 value="Service status report%n")
        String serviceStatusReportHeader()
        A message for the service status report header.
        the message.
      • serviceStatusReportDependencies

                 value="   New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:%n")
        String serviceStatusReportDependencies()
        A message for the service status report indicating new missing or unsatisfied dependencies.
        the message.
      • serviceStatusReportMissing

                 value="      %s (missing) dependents: %s %n")
        String serviceStatusReportMissing​(org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName serviceName,
                                          String dependents)
        A message for the service status report for missing dependencies.
        serviceName - the name of the service
        the message.
      • serviceStatusReportCorrected

                 value="   Newly corrected services:%n")
        String serviceStatusReportCorrected()
        A message for the service status report indicating new corrected service.
        the message.
      • serviceStatusReportNoLongerRequired

                 value="      %s (no longer required)%n")
        String serviceStatusReportNoLongerRequired​(org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName serviceName)
        A message for the service status report for no longer required dependencies.
        serviceName - the name of the service
        the message.
      • serviceStatusReportAvailable

                 value="      %s (new available)%n")
        String serviceStatusReportAvailable​(org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName serviceName)
        A message for the service status report for unavailable dependencies.
        serviceName - the name of the service
        the message.
      • serviceStatusReportFailed

                 value="  Services which failed to start:")
        String serviceStatusReportFailed()
        A message for the service status report for failed services.
        the message.
      • serviceTargetRuntimeOperationsOnly

                 value="Get service target only supported in runtime operations")
        IllegalStateException serviceTargetRuntimeOperationsOnly()
        Creates an exception indicating the get service target only supported in runtime operations.
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • stepHandlerFailed

                 value="Step handler %s for operation %s at address %s failed -- %s")
        String stepHandlerFailed​(OperationStepHandler handler,
                                 String op,
                                 PathAddress address,
                                 Throwable cause)
        A message indicating the step handler for the operation failed.
        handler - the handler that failed.
        op - the operation.
        address - the path address.
        cause - the error.
        the message.
      • subsystemBootInterrupted

                 value="Interrupted awaiting subsystem boot operation execution")
        String subsystemBootInterrupted()
        A message indicating an interruption awaiting subsystem boot operation execution.
        the message.
      • subsystemBootOperationFailed

                 value="Boot operations for subsystem %s failed without explanation")
        String subsystemBootOperationFailed​(String name)
        A message indicating the boot operations for the subsystem, represented by the name parameter, failed without explanation.
        name - the name of the subsystem.
        the message.
      • subsystemBootOperationFailedExecuting

                 value="Failed executing subsystem %s boot operations")
        String subsystemBootOperationFailedExecuting​(String name)
        A message indicating a failure executing subsystem boot operations.
        the message.
      • transactionInterrupted

                 value="Interrupted awaiting transaction commit or rollback")
        RuntimeException transactionInterrupted()
        Creates an exception indicating an interruption awaiting a transaction commit or rollback.
        a RuntimeException for the error.
      • unexpectedAttribute

                 value="Unexpected attribute \'%s\' encountered")
        XMLStreamException unexpectedAttribute​(QName name,
                                               Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating an unexpected attribute, represented by the name parameter, was encountered.
        name - the unexpected attribute name.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • unexpectedElement

                 value="Unexpected element \'%s\' encountered")
        XMLStreamException unexpectedElement​(QName name,
                                             Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating an unexpected element, represented by the name parameter, was encountered.
        name - the unexpected element name.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • unexpectedEndElement

                 value="Unexpected end of element \'%s\' encountered")
        XMLStreamException unexpectedEndElement​(QName name,
                                                Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating an unexpected end of an element, represented by the name parameter, was encountered.
        name - the unexpected element name.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • unknownAttribute

                 value="Unknown attribute \'%s\'")
        String unknownAttribute​(String name)
        A message indicating the attribute, represented by the name parameter, is unknown.
        name - the attribute name.
        the message.
      • unknownChildType

                 value="No known child type named %s")
        String unknownChildType​(String name)
        A message indicating there is no known child type with the name, represented by the name parameter.
        name - the name of the child.
        the message.
      • unknownCriteriaInterfaceProperty

                 value="Unknown property in interface criteria list: %s")
        RuntimeException unknownCriteriaInterfaceProperty​(String name)
        Creates an exception indicating the property, represented by the name parameter, is unknown.
        name - the name of the property.
        a RuntimeException for the error.
      • unknownCriteriaInterfaceType

                 value="Unknown interface criteria type %s")
        String unknownCriteriaInterfaceType​(String type)
        A message indicating the interface criteria type, represented by the type parameter, is unknown.
        type - the unknown criteria type.
        the message.
      • unknownInterface

                 value="Unknown interface %s %s must be declared in element %s")
        XMLStreamException unknownInterface​(String value,
                                            String attributeName,
                                            String elementName,
                                            Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating the interface, represented by the value attribute, for the attribute, represented by the attributeName parameter, is unknown on in the element.
        value - the value of the attribute.
        attributeName - the attribute name.
        elementName - the element name for the attribute.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • unknownValueForElement

                 value="Unknown %s %s %s must be declared in element %s")
        XMLStreamException unknownValueForElement​(String elementName1,
                                                  String value,
                                                  String elementName2,
                                                  String parentElement,
                                                  Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating an unknown elementName1 value elementName2 must be declared in the element represented by the parentElement parameter.
        elementName1 - the name of the first element.
        value - the value.
        elementName2 - the name of the second element.
        parentElement - the parent element name.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • validationFailed

                 value="Validation failed for %s")
        String validationFailed​(String name)
        A message indicating the validation failed.
        name - the parameter name the validation failed on.
        the message.
      • andNMore

                 value="... and %s more")
        String andNMore​(int number)
        A message indicating that there are more services than would be practical to display
        number - the number of services that were not displayed
        the message.
      • invalidAttributeValue

                 value="Invalid value \'%s\' for attribute \'%s\' -- valid values are %s")
        XMLStreamException invalidAttributeValue​(String value,
                                                 QName name,
                                                 Set<String> validValues,
                                                 Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating an invalid value, represented by the value parameter, was found for the attribute, represented by the name parameter.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the attribute name.
        validValues - the legal values for the attribute
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • noPermissionToResolveExpression

                 value="Caught SecurityException attempting to resolve expression \'%s\' -- %s")
        ExpressionResolver.ExpressionResolutionUserException noPermissionToResolveExpression​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode toResolve,
                                                                                             SecurityException e)
        Creates an exception message indicating an expression could not be resolved due to lack of security permissions.
        toResolve - the node being resolved
        e - the SecurityException
        an OperationFailedException for the caller
      • cannotResolveExpression

                 value="Cannot resolve expression \'%s\'")
        ExpressionResolver.ExpressionResolutionUserException cannotResolveExpression​(String toResolve)
        Creates an exception message indicating an expression could not be resolved due to no corresponding system property or environment variable.
        toResolve - the node being resolved
        an OperationFailedException for the caller
      • mainFileNotFound

                 value="Could not load configuration file: %s. The configuration file argument must specify the path to a file located in the configuration directory. The path must be a relative path, and must be relative to the configuration directory %s.")
        IllegalStateException mainFileNotFound​(String name,
                                               File configurationDir)
        Creates an exception indicating the canonical file for the main file could not be found.
        name - the main file.
        configurationDir - the configuration directory
        an IllegalStateException for the error.
      • absolutePathMainFileNotFound

                 value="Could not load configuration file: %s. The configuration file argument must specify one of the following: 1) an absolute path to an existing file; 2) a relative path to an existing file, relative to the current working directory; or 3) a relative path to a file located in the configuration directory. In the latter case, it must be a path relative to the configuration directory %s.")
        IllegalStateException absolutePathMainFileNotFound​(String name,
                                                           File configurationDir)
      • childResourceNotFound

                 value="Child resource \'%s\' not found")
        String childResourceNotFound​(PathElement childAddress)
        Creates an exception message indicating a child resource cannot be found.
        childAddress - the address element for the child.
        an message for the error.
      • nodeAlreadyRegistered

                 value="A node is already registered at \'%s\'")
        IllegalArgumentException nodeAlreadyRegistered​(String location)
        Creates an exception indicating a node is already registered at the location.
        location - the location of the existing node.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error.
      • removingExtensionWithRegisteredSubsystem

                 value="An attempt was made to unregister extension %s which still has subsystem %s registered")
        IllegalStateException removingExtensionWithRegisteredSubsystem​(String moduleName,
                                                                       String subsystem)
        Creates an exception indicating that an attempt was made to remove an extension before removing all of its subsystems.
        moduleName - the name of the extension
        subsystem - the name of the subsystem
        an IllegalStateException for the error
      • cannotOverrideRootRegistration

                 value="An override model registration is not allowed for the root model registration")
        IllegalStateException cannotOverrideRootRegistration()
        Creates an exception indicating that an attempt was made to register an override model for the root model registration.
        an IllegalStateException for the error
      • cannotOverrideNonWildCardRegistration

                 value="An override model registration is not allowed for non-wildcard model registrations. This registration is for the non-wildcard name \'%s\'.")
        IllegalStateException cannotOverrideNonWildCardRegistration​(String valueName)
        Creates an exception indicating that an attempt was made to register an override model for a non-wildcard registration.
        valueName - the name of the non-wildcard registration that cannot be overridden
        an IllegalStateException for the error
      • wildcardRegistrationIsNotAnOverride

                 value="A registration named \'*\' is not an override model and cannot be unregistered via the unregisterOverrideModel API.")
        IllegalArgumentException wildcardRegistrationIsNotAnOverride()
        Creates an exception indicating that an attempt was made to remove a wildcard model registration via the unregisterOverrideModel API.
        an IllegalArgumentException for the error
      • rootRegistrationIsNotOverridable

                 value="The root resource registration does not support overrides, so no override can be removed.")
        IllegalStateException rootRegistrationIsNotOverridable()
        Creates an exception indicating that an attempt was made to remove a resource registration from the root registration.
        an IllegalStateException for the error
      • operationNotRegisteredException

                 value="There is no operation %s registered at address %s")
        IllegalArgumentException operationNotRegisteredException​(String op,
                                                                 PathAddress address)
        Creates an exception indicating there is no operation, represented by the op parameter, registered at the address, represented by the address parameter.
        op - the operation.
        address - the address.
        the message.
      • failedToRecoverServices

                 value="Failed to recover services during operation rollback")
        RuntimeException failedToRecoverServices​(@Param
                                                 OperationFailedException cause)
        Creates a runtime exception indicating there was a failure to recover services during an operation rollback
        cause - the cause of the failure
        the runtime exception.
      • duplicateSubsystem

                 value="A subsystem named \'%s\' cannot be registered by extension \'%s\' -- a subsystem with that name has already been registered by extension \'%s\'.")
        IllegalStateException duplicateSubsystem​(String subsystemName,
                                                 String duplicatingModule,
                                                 String existingModule)
        Creates an IllegalStateException indicating a subsystem with the given name has already been registered by a different extension.
        subsystemName - the cause of the failure
        the runtime exception.
      • validationFailedOperationHasNoField

                 value="Operation has no \'%s\' field. %s")
        IllegalArgumentException validationFailedOperationHasNoField​(String field,
                                                                     String operation)
        Creates an exception indicating that the operation is missing one of the standard fields.
        field - the standard field name
        operation - the operation as a string. May be empty
      • validationFailedOperationHasANullOrEmptyName

                 value="Operation has a null or empty name. %s")
        IllegalArgumentException validationFailedOperationHasANullOrEmptyName​(String operation)
        Creates an exception indicating that the operation has an empty name.
        operation - the operation as a string. May be empty
      • validationFailedNoOperationFound

                 value="No operation called \'%s\' at \'%s\'. %s")
        IllegalArgumentException validationFailedNoOperationFound​(String name,
                                                                  PathAddress address,
                                                                  String operation)
        Creates an exception indicating that the operation could not be found
        name - the name of the operation
        address - the operation address
        operation - the operation as a string. May be empty
      • validationFailedActualParameterNotDescribed

                 value="Operation contains a parameter \'%s\' which is not one of the expected parameters %s. %s")
        IllegalArgumentException validationFailedActualParameterNotDescribed​(String paramName,
                                                                             Set<String> parameterNames,
                                                                             String operation)
        Creates an exception indicating that the operation contains a parameter not in its descriptor
        paramName - the name of the parameter in the operation
        parameterNames - the valid parameter names
        operation - the operation as a string. May be empty
      • validationFailedRequiredParameterNotPresent

                 value="Required parameter %s is not present. %s")
        IllegalArgumentException validationFailedRequiredParameterNotPresent​(String paramName,
                                                                             String operation)
        Creates an exception indicating that the operation does not contain a required parameter
        paramName - the name of the required parameter
        operation - the operation as a string. May be empty
      • validationFailedRequiredParameterPresentAsWellAsAlternative

                 value="Alternative parameter \'%s\' for required parameter \'%s\' was used. Please use one or the other. %s")
        IllegalArgumentException validationFailedRequiredParameterPresentAsWellAsAlternative​(String alternative,
                                                                                             String paramName,
                                                                                             String operation)
        Creates an exception indicating that the operation contains both an alternative and a required parameter
        alternative - the name of the alternative parameter
        paramName - the name of the required parameter
        operation - the operation as a string. May be empty
      • validationFailedCouldNotConvertParamToType

                 value="Could not convert the parameter \'%s\' to a %s. %s")
        IllegalArgumentException validationFailedCouldNotConvertParamToType​(String paramName,
                                                                            org.jboss.dmr.ModelType type,
                                                                            String operation)
        Creates an exception indicating that an operation parameter could not be converted to the required type
        paramName - the name of the required parameter
        type - the required type
        operation - the operation as a string. May be empty
      • validationFailedValueIsSmallerThanMin

                 value="The value \'%s\' passed in for \'%s\' is smaller than the minimum value \'%s\'. %s")
        IllegalArgumentException validationFailedValueIsSmallerThanMin​(Number value,
                                                                       String paramName,
                                                                       Number min,
                                                                       String operation)
        Creates an exception indicating that an operation parameter value is smaller than the allowed minimum value
        value - the name of the required parameter
        paramName - the name of the required parameter
        min - the minimum value
        operation - the operation as a string. May be empty
      • validationFailedValueIsGreaterThanMax

                 value="The value \'%s\' passed in for \'%s\' is bigger than the maximum value \'%s\'. %s")
        IllegalArgumentException validationFailedValueIsGreaterThanMax​(Number value,
                                                                       String paramName,
                                                                       Number max,
                                                                       String operation)
        Creates an exception indicating that an operation parameter value is greater than the allowed minimum value
        value - the name of the required parameter
        paramName - the name of the required parameter
        max - the minimum value
        operation - the operation as a string. May be empty
      • validationFailedValueIsShorterThanMinLength

                 value="The value \'%s\' passed in for \'%s\' is shorter than the minimum length \'%s\'. %s")
        IllegalArgumentException validationFailedValueIsShorterThanMinLength​(Object value,
                                                                             String paramName,
                                                                             Object minLength,
                                                                             String operation)
        Creates an exception indicating that an operation parameter value is shorter than the allowed minimum length
        value - the name of the required parameter
        paramName - the name of the required parameter
        minLength - the minimum value
        operation - the operation as a string. May be empty
      • validationFailedValueIsLongerThanMaxLength

                 value="The value \'%s\' passed in for \'%s\' is longer than the maximum length \'%s\'. %s")
        IllegalArgumentException validationFailedValueIsLongerThanMaxLength​(Object value,
                                                                            String paramName,
                                                                            Object maxLength,
                                                                            String operation)
        Creates an exception indicating that an operation parameter value is longer than the allowed maximum length
        value - the name of the required parameter
        paramName - the name of the required parameter
        maxLength - the minimum value
        operation - the operation as a string. May be empty
      • validationFailedInvalidElementType

                 value="%s is expected to be a list of %s. %s")
        IllegalArgumentException validationFailedInvalidElementType​(String paramName,
                                                                    org.jboss.dmr.ModelType elementType,
                                                                    String operation)
        Creates an exception indicating that an operation parameter list value has an element that is not of the accepted type
        paramName - the name of the required parameter
        elementType - the expected element type
        operation - the operation as a string. May be empty
      • invalidDescriptionRequiredFlagIsNotABoolean

                 value="\'required\' parameter: \'%s\' must be a boolean in the description of the operation at %s: %s")
        String invalidDescriptionRequiredFlagIsNotABoolean​(String paramName,
                                                           PathAddress address,
                                                           org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode description)
        Creates a string for use in an IllegalArgumentException or a warning message indicating that the required attribute of a parameter in the operation description is not a boolean.
        paramName - the name of the parameter
        address - the address of the operation
        description - the operation description
      • invalidDescriptionUndefinedRequestProperty

                 value="Undefined request property \'%s\' in description of the operation at %s: %s")
        String invalidDescriptionUndefinedRequestProperty​(String name,
                                                          PathAddress address,
                                                          org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode description)
        Creates a string for use in an IllegalArgumentException or a warning message indicating that a parameter is undefined in the operation description.
        name - the name of the parameter
        address - the address of the operation
        description - the operation description
      • invalidDescriptionNoParamTypeInDescription

                 value="There is no type for parameter \'%s\' in the description of the operation at %s: %s")
        String invalidDescriptionNoParamTypeInDescription​(String paramName,
                                                          PathAddress address,
                                                          org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode description)
        Creates a string for use in an IllegalArgumentException or a warning message indicating that a parameter has no type in the operation description
        paramName - the name of the parameter
        address - the address of the operation
        description - the operation description
      • invalidDescriptionInvalidParamTypeInDescription

                 value="Could not determine the type of parameter \'%s\' in the description of the operation at %s: %s")
        String invalidDescriptionInvalidParamTypeInDescription​(String paramName,
                                                               PathAddress address,
                                                               org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode description)
        Creates a string for use in an IllegalArgumentException or a warning message indicating that a parameter has an invalid type in the operation description
        paramName - the name of the parameter
        address - the address of the operation
        description - the operation description
      • invalidDescriptionMinMaxForParameterHasWrongType

                 value="The \'%s\' attribute of the \'%s\' parameter can not be converted to its type: %s in the description of the operation at %s: %s")
        String invalidDescriptionMinMaxForParameterHasWrongType​(String minOrMax,
                                                                String paramName,
                                                                org.jboss.dmr.ModelType expectedType,
                                                                PathAddress address,
                                                                org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode description)
        Creates a string for use in an IllegalArgumentException or a warning message indicating that a parameter has a min or max attribute value of a different type from its expected value.
        minOrMax - min or max
        paramName - the name of the parameter
        expectedType - the expected type
        address - the address of the operation
        description - the operation description
      • invalidDescriptionMinMaxLengthForParameterHasWrongType

                 value="The \'%s\' attribute of the \'%s\' parameter can not be converted to an integer in the description of the operation at %s: %s")
        String invalidDescriptionMinMaxLengthForParameterHasWrongType​(String minOrMaxLength,
                                                                      String paramName,
                                                                      PathAddress address,
                                                                      org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode description)
        Creates a string for use in an IllegalArgumentException or a warning message indicating that a parameter has a min-length or max-length attribute value that is not an integer.
        minOrMaxLength - min or max
        paramName - the name of the parameter
        address - the address of the operation
        description - the operation description
      • invalidPort

                 value="Illegal \'%s\' value %s -- must be a valid port number")
        XMLStreamException invalidPort​(String name,
                                       String value,
                                       Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating the value for the name must be a valid port number.
        name - the name for the value that must be a port number.
        value - the invalid value.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • cannotResolveProcessUUID

                 value="Cannot resolve the localhost address to create a UUID-based name for this process")
        RuntimeException cannotResolveProcessUUID​(@Cause
                                                  UnknownHostException cause)
      • useOperationContextRemoveService

                 value="Do not call ServiceController.setMode(REMOVE), use OperationContext.removeService() instead.")
        IllegalStateException useOperationContextRemoveService()
        Creates an exception indicating a user tried calling ServiceController.setMode(REMOVE) from an operation handler.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • invalidEnumValue

                 value="Invalid value %s for %s; legal values are %s")
        OperationFailedException invalidEnumValue​(String value,
                                                  String parameterName,
                                                  Set<?> allowedValues)
        Creates an exception indicating that the value of the specified parameter does not match any of the allowed values.
        value - the parameter value.
        parameterName - the parameter name.
        allowedValues - a set containing the allowed values.
        an OperationFailedException for the error.
      • modelUpdateNotAuthorized

                 value="Operation \'%s\' targeted at resource \'%s\' was directly invoked by a user. User operations are not permitted to directly update the persistent configuration of a server in a managed domain.")
        OperationFailedRuntimeException modelUpdateNotAuthorized​(String operation,
                                                                 PathAddress address)
      • serverResultsAccessNotAllowed

                 value="An operation handler attempted to access the operation response server results object on a process type other than \'%s\'. The current process type is \'%s\'")
        IllegalStateException serverResultsAccessNotAllowed​(ProcessType validType,
                                                            ProcessType processType)
      • cantHaveBothLoopbackAndInetAddressCriteria

                 value="Can\'t have both loopback and inet-address criteria")
        String cantHaveBothLoopbackAndInetAddressCriteria()
      • cantHaveSameCriteriaForBothNotAndInclusion

                 value="Can\'t have same criteria for both not and inclusion %s")
        String cantHaveSameCriteriaForBothNotAndInclusion​(InterfaceCriteria interfaceCriteria)
      • nonexistentInterface

                 value="Invalid value \'%s\' for attribute \'%s\' -- no interface configuration with that name exists")
        OperationFailedException nonexistentInterface​(String attributeValue,
                                                      String attributeName)
      • pathEntryAlreadyExists

                 value="There is already a path entry called: \'%s\'")
        IllegalArgumentException pathEntryAlreadyExists​(String pathName)
      • invalidRelativePathValue

                 value="Invalid relativePath value \'%s\'")
        IllegalArgumentException invalidRelativePathValue​(String relativePath)
      • pathIsAWindowsAbsolutePath

                 value="\'%s\' is a Windows absolute path")
        IllegalArgumentException pathIsAWindowsAbsolutePath​(String path)
      • cannotRemoveReadOnlyPath

                 value="Path \'%s\' is read-only; it cannot be removed")
        OperationFailedException cannotRemoveReadOnlyPath​(String pathName)
      • cannotModifyReadOnlyPath

                 value="Path \'%s\' is read-only; it cannot be modified")
        OperationFailedException cannotModifyReadOnlyPath​(String pathName)
      • expressionNotAllowed

                 value="%s may not be ModelType.EXPRESSION")
        OperationFailedException expressionNotAllowed​(String name)
        An exception indicating the name may not be ModelType.EXPRESSION.
        name - the name of the attribute or parameter value that cannot be an expression
        the exception.
      • pathManagerNotAvailable

                 value="PathManager not available on processes of type \'%s\'")
        IllegalStateException pathManagerNotAvailable​(ProcessType processType)
      • unknownMulticastAddress

                 value="Value %s for attribute %s is not a valid multicast address")
        OperationFailedException unknownMulticastAddress​(@Cause
                                                         UnknownHostException cause,
                                                         String value,
                                                         String name)
        Creates an exception indicating the value for the attribute, represented by the name parameter, is not a valid multicast address.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        value - the invalid value.
        name - the name of the attribute.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • cannotRemovePathWithDependencies

                 value="Path \'%s\' cannot be removed, since the following paths depend on it: %s")
        OperationFailedException cannotRemovePathWithDependencies​(String pathName,
                                                                  Set<String> dependencies)
      • invalidLocaleString

                 value="Invalid locale format:  %s")
        String invalidLocaleString​(String unparsed)
      • operationCancelled

                 value="Operation cancelled")
        String operationCancelled()
        Creates a message indicating the operation is cancelled.
        the message.
      • operationCancelledAsynchronously

                 value="Operation cancelled asynchronously")
        OperationCancellationException operationCancelledAsynchronously()
        Creates a message indicating the operation is cancelled asynchronously.
        a CancellationException for the error.
      • streamWasKilled

                 value="Stream was killed")
        IOException streamWasKilled()
      • streamWasClosed

                 value="Stream was closed")
        IOException streamWasClosed()
      • couldNotDeleteFile

                 value="Failed to delete file %s")
        IllegalStateException couldNotDeleteFile​(File file)
      • aliasAlreadyRegistered

                 value="An alias is already registered at location \'%s\'")
        IllegalArgumentException aliasAlreadyRegistered​(String location)
      • aliasTargetResourceRegistrationNotFound

                 value="Alias target address not found: %s")
        IllegalArgumentException aliasTargetResourceRegistrationNotFound​(PathAddress targetAddress)
      • aliasStepHandlerOperationNotFound

                 value="No operation called \'%s\' found for alias address \'%s\' which maps to \'%s\'")
        IllegalArgumentException aliasStepHandlerOperationNotFound​(String name,
                                                                   PathAddress aliasAddress,
                                                                   PathAddress targetAddress)
      • resourceRegistrationIsNotAnAlias

                 value="Resource registration is not an alias")
        IllegalStateException resourceRegistrationIsNotAnAlias()
      • modelFieldsNotKnown

                 value="Model contains fields that are not known in definition, fields: %s, path: %s")
        RuntimeException modelFieldsNotKnown​(Set<String> fields,
                                             PathAddress address)
      • couldNotMarshalAttributeAsElement

                 value="Could not marshal attribute as element: %s")
        UnsupportedOperationException couldNotMarshalAttributeAsElement​(String attributeName)
      • couldNotMarshalAttributeAsAttribute

                 value="Could not marshal attribute as attribute: %s")
        UnsupportedOperationException couldNotMarshalAttributeAsAttribute​(String attributeName)
      • wildcardOperationFailedAtSingleAddress

                 value="Operation %s invoked against multiple target addresses failed at address %s with failure description %s")
        String wildcardOperationFailedAtSingleAddress​(String operation,
                                                      PathAddress address,
                                                      String failureMessage)
      • wildcardOperationFailedAtSingleAddressWithComplexFailure

                 value="Operation %s invoked against multiple target addresses failed at address %s. See the operation result for details.")
        String wildcardOperationFailedAtSingleAddressWithComplexFailure​(String operation,
                                                                        PathAddress address)
      • wildcardOperationFailedAtMultipleAddresses

                 value="Operation %s invoked against multiple target addresses failed at addresses %s. See the operation result for details.")
        String wildcardOperationFailedAtMultipleAddresses​(String operation,
                                                          Set<PathAddress> addresses)
      • missingTransitiveDependencyProblem

                 value="One or more services were unable to start due to one or more indirect dependencies not being available.")
        String missingTransitiveDependencyProblem()
      • missingTransitiveDependents

                 value="Services that were unable to start:")
        String missingTransitiveDependents()
      • missingTransitiveDependencies

                 value="Services that may be the cause:")
        String missingTransitiveDependencies()
      • noOperationEntry

                 value="No operation entry called \'%s\' registered at \'%s\'")
        String noOperationEntry​(String op,
                                PathAddress pathAddress)
      • noOperationHandler

                 value="No operation handler called \'%s\' registered at \'%s\'")
        String noOperationHandler​(String op,
                                  PathAddress pathAddress)
      • noPathToResolve

                 value="There is no registered path to resolve with path attribute \'%s\' and/or relative-to attribute \'%s on: %s")
        IllegalStateException noPathToResolve​(String pathAttributeName,
                                              String relativeToAttributeName,
                                              org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode model)
      • attributesDontSupportExpressions

                 value="Attributes do not support expressions in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host.")
        String attributesDontSupportExpressions()
      • attributesAreNotUnderstoodAndMustBeIgnored

                 value="Attributes are not understood in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host.")
        String attributesAreNotUnderstoodAndMustBeIgnored()
      • transformerLoggerCoreModelResourceTransformerAttributes

                 value="Transforming resource %s to core model version \'%s\' -- %s %s")
        String transformerLoggerCoreModelResourceTransformerAttributes​(PathAddress pathAddress,
                                                                       ModelVersion modelVersion,
                                                                       String attributeNames,
                                                                       String message)
      • transformerLoggerCoreModelOperationTransformerAttributes

                 value="Transforming operation %s at resource %s to core model version \'%s\' -- %s %s")
        String transformerLoggerCoreModelOperationTransformerAttributes​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode op,
                                                                        PathAddress pathAddress,
                                                                        ModelVersion modelVersion,
                                                                        String attributeNames,
                                                                        String message)
      • transformerLoggerSubsystemModelResourceTransformerAttributes

                 value="Transforming resource %s to subsystem \'%s\' model version \'%s\' -- %s %s")
        String transformerLoggerSubsystemModelResourceTransformerAttributes​(PathAddress pathAddress,
                                                                            String subsystem,
                                                                            ModelVersion modelVersion,
                                                                            String attributeNames,
                                                                            String message)
      • transformerLoggerSubsystemModelOperationTransformerAttributes

                 value="Transforming operation %s at resource %s to subsystem \'%s\' model version \'%s\' -- %s %s")
        String transformerLoggerSubsystemModelOperationTransformerAttributes​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode op,
                                                                             PathAddress pathAddress,
                                                                             String subsystem,
                                                                             ModelVersion modelVersion,
                                                                             String attributeNames,
                                                                             String message)
      • illegalUnresolvedModel

                 value="Node contains an unresolved expression %s -- a resolved model is required")
        OperationFailedException illegalUnresolvedModel​(String expression)
      • rejectAttributesCoreModelResourceTransformer

                 value="Transforming resource %s for host controller \'%s\' to core model version \'%s\' -- there were problems with some of the attributes and this resource will need to be ignored on that host. Details of the problems: %s")
        OperationFailedException rejectAttributesCoreModelResourceTransformer​(PathAddress pathAddress,
                                                                              String legacyHostName,
                                                                              ModelVersion modelVersion,
                                                                              List<String> details)
      • rejectAttributesSubsystemModelResourceTransformer

                 value="Transforming resource %s for host controller \'%s\' to subsystem \'%s\' model version \'%s\' --there were problems with some of the attributes and this resource will need to be ignored on that host. Details of problems: %s")
        OperationFailedException rejectAttributesSubsystemModelResourceTransformer​(PathAddress pathAddress,
                                                                                   String legacyHostName,
                                                                                   String subsystem,
                                                                                   ModelVersion modelVersion,
                                                                                   List<String> details)
      • attributesDoNotSupportExpressions

                 value="The following attributes do not support expressions: %s")
        String attributesDoNotSupportExpressions​(Set<String> attributeNames)
      • attributeNames

                 value="attributes %s")
        String attributeNames​(Set<String> attributes)
        The attribute name list fragment to include in the transformation logging messages
      • attributesAreNotUnderstoodAndMustBeIgnored

                 value="The following attributes are not understood in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host: %s")
        String attributesAreNotUnderstoodAndMustBeIgnored​(Set<String> attributeNames)
      • rejectedResourceResourceTransformation

                 value="Resource %s is rejected on the target host, and will need to be ignored on the host")
        String rejectedResourceResourceTransformation​(PathAddress address)
      • rejectResourceOperationTransformation

                 value="Operation %2$s at %1s is rejected on the target host and will need to be ignored on the host")
        String rejectResourceOperationTransformation​(PathAddress address,
                                                     org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation)
      • discoveryOptionsMustBeDeclared

                 value="Unless the Host Controller is started with command line option %s and the %s attribute is not set to %s, %s must be declared or the %s and the %s need to be provided.")
        XMLStreamException discoveryOptionsMustBeDeclared​(String adminOnlyCmd,
                                                          String policyAttribute,
                                                          String fetchValue,
                                                          String discoveryOptionsName,
                                                          String hostName,
                                                          String portName,
                                                          Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating that discoveryOptionsName must be declared or the hostName and portName need to be provided.
        discoveryOptionsName - the discovery-options element name.
        hostName - the host attribute name.
        portName - the port attribute name.
        location - the location of the error.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • cannotGetControllerLock

                 value="We are trying to read data from the domain controller, which is currently busy executing another set of operations. This is a temporary situation, please retry")
        String cannotGetControllerLock()
      • unsupportedLegacyExtension

                 value="Legacy extension \'%s\' is not supported on servers running this version. The extension is only supported for use by hosts running a previous release in a mixed-version managed domain")
        String unsupportedLegacyExtension​(String extensionName)
      • extensionModuleNotFound

                 value="Extension module %s not found")
        OperationFailedRuntimeException extensionModuleNotFound​(@Cause
                                                                org.jboss.modules.ModuleNotFoundException cause,
                                                                String module)
      • extensionModuleLoadingFailure

                 value="Failed to load Extension module %s")
        RuntimeException extensionModuleLoadingFailure​(@Cause
                                                       org.jboss.modules.ModuleLoadException cause,
                                                       String module)
      • noContextToDelegateTo

                 value="no context to delegate with id: %s")
        IllegalStateException noContextToDelegateTo​(int operationId)
      • unauthorized

                 value="Unauthorized to execute operation \'%s\' for resource \'%s\' -- %s")
        UnauthorizedException unauthorized​(String name,
                                           PathAddress address,
                                           org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode explanation)
      • illegalMultipleRoles

                 value="Users with multiple roles are not allowed")
        SecurityException illegalMultipleRoles()
      • operationContextIsNotAbstractOperationContext

                 value="The operation context is not an AbstractOperationContext")
        OperationFailedException operationContextIsNotAbstractOperationContext()
      • handlerIsReferencedBy

                 value="The handler is referenced by %s and so cannot be removed")
        IllegalStateException handlerIsReferencedBy​(Set<PathAddress> references)
      • resolvedFileDoesNotExistOrIsDirectory

                 value="The resolved file %s either does not exist or is a directory")
        IllegalStateException resolvedFileDoesNotExistOrIsDirectory​(File file)
      • attemptToBothRemoveAndAddHandlerUpdateInstead

                 value="Attempt was made to both remove and add a handler from a composite operation - update the handler instead")
        IllegalStateException attemptToBothRemoveAndAddHandlerUpdateInstead()
      • attemptToBothAddAndRemoveAndHandlerFromCompositeOperation

                 value="Attempt was made to both add and remove a handler from a composite operation")
        IllegalStateException attemptToBothAddAndRemoveAndHandlerFromCompositeOperation()
      • attemptToBothUpdateAndRemoveHandlerFromCompositeOperation

                 value="Attempt was made to both update and remove a handler from a composite operation")
        IllegalStateException attemptToBothUpdateAndRemoveHandlerFromCompositeOperation()
      • attemptToBothRemoveAndAddHandlerReferenceFromCompositeOperation

                 value="Attempt was made to both remove and add a handler reference from a composite operation")
        IllegalStateException attemptToBothRemoveAndAddHandlerReferenceFromCompositeOperation()
      • cannotRemoveStandardRole

                 value="Cannot remove standard role \'%s\'")
        IllegalStateException cannotRemoveStandardRole​(String roleName)
      • roleIsAlreadyRegistered

                 value="Role \'%s\' is already registered")
        IllegalStateException roleIsAlreadyRegistered​(String roleName)
      • canOnlyCreateChildAuditLoggerForMainAuditLogger

                 value="Can only create child audit logger for main audit logger")
        IllegalStateException canOnlyCreateChildAuditLoggerForMainAuditLogger()
      • permissionDenied

                 value="Permission denied")
        String permissionDenied()
      • permissionCollectionIsReadOnly

                 value="Cannot add a Permission to a readonly PermissionCollection")
        SecurityException permissionCollectionIsReadOnly()
      • incompatiblePermissionType

                 value="Incompatible permission type %s")
        IllegalArgumentException incompatiblePermissionType​(Class<?> clazz)
      • managementResourceNotFoundMessage

                 value="Management resource \'%s\' not found")
        String managementResourceNotFoundMessage​(PathAddress pathAddress)
      • attributesMustBeDefined

                 value="The following attributes are nillable in the current model but must be defined in the target model version: %s")
        String attributesMustBeDefined​(Set<String> keySet)
      • unsupportedIdentityType

                 value="Unsupported Identity type \'%X\' received.")
        IOException unsupportedIdentityType​(byte type)
      • unsupportedIdentityParameter

                 value="Unsupported Identity parameter \'%X\' received parsing identity type \'%X\'.")
        IOException unsupportedIdentityParameter​(byte parameterType,
                                                 byte principalType)
      • attributesMustBeDefinedAs

                 value="The following attributes must be defined as %s in the current model: %s")
        String attributesMustBeDefinedAs​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode value,
                                         Set<String> names)
      • attributesMustNotBeDefinedAs

                 value="The following attributes must NOT be defined as %s in the current model: %s")
        String attributesMustNotBeDefinedAs​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode value,
                                            Set<String> names)
      • badUriSyntax

                 value="A uri with bad syntax \'%s\' was passed for validation.")
        OperationFailedException badUriSyntax​(String uri)
      • invalidBlockingTimeout

                 value="Illegal value %d for operation header %s; value must be greater than zero")
        OperationFailedException invalidBlockingTimeout​(long timeout,
                                                        String headerName)
      • timeoutAwaitingInitialStability

                 value="The service container has been destabilized by a previous operation and further runtime updates cannot be processed. Restart is required.")
        String timeoutAwaitingInitialStability()
      • timeoutExecutingOperation

                 value="Operation timed out awaiting service container stability")
        String timeoutExecutingOperation()
      • serviceInstallTimedOut

                 value="Timeout after %d seconds waiting for existing service %s to be removed so a new instance can be installed.")
        IllegalStateException serviceInstallTimedOut​(long timeout,
                                                     org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceName name)
      • invalidDefaultBlockingTimeout

                 value="Invalid value %s for property %s; must be a numeric value greater than zero. Default value of %d will be used.")
        void invalidDefaultBlockingTimeout​(String sysPropValue,
                                           String sysPropName,
                                           long defaultUsed)
      • timeoutAwaitingInitialStability

                 value="Timeout after [%d] seconds waiting for initial service container stability before allowing runtime changes for operation \'%s\' at address \'%s\'. Operation will roll back; process restart is required.")
        void timeoutAwaitingInitialStability​(long blockingTimeout,
                                             String name,
                                             PathAddress address)
      • timeoutExecutingOperation

                 value="Timeout after [%d] seconds waiting for service container stability. Operation will roll back. Step that first updated the service container was \'%s\' at address \'%s\'")
        void timeoutExecutingOperation​(long blockingTimeout,
                                       String name,
                                       PathAddress address)
      • timeoutCompletingOperation

                 value="Timeout after [%d] seconds waiting for service container stability while finalizing an operation. Process must be restarted. Step that first updated the service container was \'%s\' at address \'%s\'")
        void timeoutCompletingOperation​(long blockingTimeout,
                                        String name,
                                        PathAddress address)
      • interruptedAwaitingInitialResponse

                 value="Execution of operation \'%s\' on remote process at address \'%s\' interrupted while awaiting initial response; remote process has been notified to cancel operation")
        void interruptedAwaitingInitialResponse​(String operation,
                                                PathAddress proxyNodeAddress)
      • interruptedAwaitingFinalResponse

                 value="Execution of operation \'%s\' on remote process at address \'%s\' interrupted while awaiting final response; remote process has been notified to terminate operation")
        void interruptedAwaitingFinalResponse​(String operation,
                                              PathAddress proxyNodeAddress)
      • cancellingOperation

                 value="Cancelling operation \'%s\' with id \'%d\' running on thread \'%s\'")
        void cancellingOperation​(String operation,
                                 int id,
                                 String thread)
      • responseHandlerNotFound

                 value="No response handler for request %s")
        IOException responseHandlerNotFound​(int id)
      • attemptingReconnectToSyslog

                 value="Attempting reconnect to syslog handler \'%s; after timeout of %d seconds")
        void attemptingReconnectToSyslog​(String name,
                                         int timeout)
      • reconnectToSyslogFailed

                 value="Reconnecting to syslog handler \'%s failed")
        void reconnectToSyslogFailed​(String name,
                                     Throwable e)
      • failedToEmitNotification

                 value="Failed to emit notification %s")
        void failedToEmitNotification​(Notification notification,
                                      Throwable cause)
      • notificationIsNotDescribed

                 value="Notification of type %s is not described for the resource at the address %s")
        String notificationIsNotDescribed​(String type,
                                          PathAddress source)
      • resourceWasAdded

                 value="The resource was added at the address %s.")
        String resourceWasAdded​(PathAddress address)
      • resourceWasRemoved

                 value="The resource was removed at the address %s.")
        String resourceWasRemoved​(PathAddress address)
      • attributeValueWritten

                 value="The attribute %s value has been changed from %s to %s.")
        String attributeValueWritten​(String attributeName,
                                     org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode currentValue,
                                     org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode newVal)
      • requiredCapabilityMissing

                 value="Capabilities required by resource \'%s\' are not available:")
        String requiredCapabilityMissing​(String demandingAddress)
      • capabilityAlreadyRegisteredInContext

                 value="Capability \'%s\' is already registered in context \'%s\'.")
        IllegalStateException capabilityAlreadyRegisteredInContext​(String capability,
                                                                   String context)
      • unknownCapability

                 value="Capability \'%s\' is unknown.")
        IllegalStateException unknownCapability​(String capability)
      • unknownCapabilityInContext

                 value="Capability \'%s\' is unknown in context \'%s\'.")
        IllegalStateException unknownCapabilityInContext​(String capability,
                                                         String context)
      • capabilityDoesNotExposeRuntimeAPI

                 value="Capability \'%s\' does not expose a runtime API.")
        IllegalArgumentException capabilityDoesNotExposeRuntimeAPI​(String capabilityName)
      • cannotRemoveRequiredCapability

                 value="Cannot remove capability \'%s\' as it is required by other capabilities:")
        String cannotRemoveRequiredCapability​(String capability)
      • cannotRemoveRequiredCapabilityInContext

                 value="Cannot remove capability \'%s\' from context \'%s\' as it is required by other capabilities:")
        String cannotRemoveRequiredCapabilityInContext​(String capability,
                                                       String context)
      • requiredCapabilityMissing

                 value="Required capabilities are not available:")
        String requiredCapabilityMissing()
      • requirementPointSimple

                 value="capability \'%s\' requires it for address \'%s\'")
        String requirementPointSimple​(String capability,
                                      String requestingAddress)
      • requirementPointFull

                 value="capability \'%s\' requires it for attribute \'%s\' at address \'%s\'")
        String requirementPointFull​(String capability,
                                    String attribute,
                                    String requestingAddress)
      • formattedCapabilityName

                 value="    %s")
        String formattedCapabilityName​(String capability)
      • formattedCapabilityId

                 value="    %s in context \'%s\'")
        String formattedCapabilityId​(String capability,
                                     String context)
      • possibleCapabilityProviderPoints

                 value="; Possible registration points for this capability: %s")
        String possibleCapabilityProviderPoints​(String providerPoints)
      • noKnownProviderPoints

                 value="; There are no known registration points which can provide this capability.")
        String noKnownProviderPoints()
      • unsupportedUsageOfExpression

                 value="; This unresolvable capability likely is due to the use of an expression string in a configuration attribute that does not support expressions.")
        String unsupportedUsageOfExpression()
      • unsupportedElement

                 value="The element \'%s\' is no longer supported, please use \'%s\' instead")
        XMLStreamException unsupportedElement​(QName name,
                                              Location location,
                                              String supportedElement)
      • duplicateElementsInList

                 value="List attribute \'%s\' contains duplicates, which are not allowed")
        String duplicateElementsInList​(String name)
      • deploymentResourceMustBeRuntimeOnly

                 value="Deployment resource must be runtime only")
        IllegalArgumentException deploymentResourceMustBeRuntimeOnly()
      • unableToResolveExpressions

                 value="Unable to resolve expressions at this location.")
        OperationFailedException unableToResolveExpressions()
      • udpSyslogServerUnavailable

                 value="Update of the management operation audit log failed on the handler \'%s\' due to \'%s\'. Please make sure that the syslog server is running and reachable")
        void udpSyslogServerUnavailable​(String name,
                                        String message)
      • unexpectedAttribute

                 value="Unexpected attribute \'%s\' encountered. Valid attributes are: \'%s\'")
        XMLStreamException unexpectedAttribute​(QName name,
                                               StringBuilder possibleAttributes,
                                               Location location)
      • attributeIsWrongType

                 value="Attribute \'%s\' is not of type \'%s\', it is type \'%s\'")
        OperationFailedException attributeIsWrongType​(String name,
                                                      org.jboss.dmr.ModelType expectedType,
                                                      org.jboss.dmr.ModelType providedType)
      • managementUnavailableDuringBoot

                 value="System boot is in process; execution of remote management operations is not currently available")
        String managementUnavailableDuringBoot()
      • requiredAttributeNotSet

                 value="Attribute \'%s\' needs to be set or passed before attribute \'%s\' can be correctly set")
        OperationFailedException requiredAttributeNotSet​(String required,
                                                         String name)
      • illegalPermissionActions

                 value="Illegal permission actions \'%s\'")
        IllegalArgumentException illegalPermissionActions​(String actions)
      • noOperationDefined

                 value="No operation is defined %s")
        String noOperationDefined​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode operation)
      • nonHostCapableSubsystemInHostModel

                 value="An attempt was made to register the non-host capable subsystem \'%s\' from extension module \'%s\' in the host model.")
        IllegalStateException nonHostCapableSubsystemInHostModel​(String subsystemName,
                                                                 String extensionModuleName)
      • onlyAccessHostControllerInfoInRuntimeStage

                 value="The host controller info can only be accessed after the model stage on boot")
        OperationFailedException onlyAccessHostControllerInfoInRuntimeStage()
      • illegalCLIStylePathAddress

                 value="Illegal path address \'%s\' , it is not in a correct CLI format")
        IllegalArgumentException illegalCLIStylePathAddress​(String pathAddress)
      • cannotCreateEmptyConfig

                 value="Could not create empty configuration file %s")
        IllegalStateException cannotCreateEmptyConfig​(String absolutePath,
                                                      IOException cause)
      • rejectEmptyConfig

                 value="Could not create an empty configuration at file %s as there is an existing non-empty configuration there")
        IllegalStateException rejectEmptyConfig​(String absolutePath)
      • couldNotResolveExpressionIndex

                 value="Could not resolve attribute expression: \'%s\', invalid index \'%d\'")
        OperationFailedException couldNotResolveExpressionIndex​(String attributeExpression,
                                                                int index)
      • couldNotResolveExpressionList

                 value="Could not resolve attribute expression: \'%s\', type is not a list")
        OperationFailedException couldNotResolveExpressionList​(String attributeExpression)
      • couldNotResolveExpression

                 value="Could not resolve attribute expression: \'%s\'")
        OperationFailedException couldNotResolveExpression​(String attributeExpression)
      • invalidCapabilityServiceType

                 value="Capability \'%s\' does not provide services of type \'%s\'")
        IllegalArgumentException invalidCapabilityServiceType​(String capabilityName,
                                                              Class<?> serviceType)
      • operationDeprecated

                 value="Operation %s against the resource at address %s is deprecated, and it might be removed in future version. See the the output of the read-operation-description operation to learn more about the deprecation.")
        void operationDeprecated​(String name,
                                 String address)
      • discardedResourceTransformation

                 value="Resource %s is discarded on the target host %s")
        String discardedResourceTransformation​(PathAddress address,
                                               String host)
      • indexedChildResourceRegistrationNotAvailable

                 value="Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of \'%s\' is not indexed")
        IllegalStateException indexedChildResourceRegistrationNotAvailable​(PathElement element)
      • orderedChildTypeRenamed

                 value="An attempt was made to rename the resource found at %s to %s. However, \'%s\' is one of the resource types defined to be ordered on the parent resource %s")
        OperationFailedRuntimeException orderedChildTypeRenamed​(PathAddress read,
                                                                PathAddress transformed,
                                                                String type,
                                                                Set<String> parentOrderedChildren)
      • inconsistentCapabilityContexts

                 value="The capability \'%s\' required by capability \'%s\' in context \'%s\' is available in one or more socket binding groups, but not all socket binding capabilities required by \'%s\' can be resolved from a single socket binding group, so this configuration is invalid")
        String inconsistentCapabilityContexts​(String requiredName,
                                              String dependentName,
                                              String dependentContext,
                                              String dependentContextAgain)
      • inconsistentCapabilityContexts

                 value="Capability \'%s\' in context \'%s\' associated with resource \'%s\' requires capability \'%s\'. It is available in one or more socket binding groups, but not all socket binding capabilities required by \'%s\' can be resolved from a single socket binding group, so this configuration is invalid")
        void inconsistentCapabilityContexts​(String dependentName,
                                            String dependentContext,
                                            String address,
                                            String requiredName,
                                            String dependentContextAgain)
      • failedToBuildReport

                 value="Couldn\'t build the report")
        RuntimeException failedToBuildReport​(@Cause
                                             Throwable t)
      • removeUnsupportedLegacyExtension

                 value="Subsystems %s provided by legacy extension \'%s\' are not supported on servers running this version. Both the subsystem and the extension must be removed or migrated before the server will function.")
        void removeUnsupportedLegacyExtension​(List<String> subsystemNames,
                                              String extensionName)
      • unexpectedOperationExecutionException

                 value="Unexpected failure during execution of the following operation(s): %s")
        void unexpectedOperationExecutionException​(@Cause
                                                   Throwable t,
                                                   List<org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode> controllerOperations)
      • unexpectedOperationExecutionFailureDescription

                 value="Unexpected exception during execution: %s")
        String unexpectedOperationExecutionFailureDescription​(RuntimeException e)
      • couldNotFindTransformerRegistryFallingBack

                 value="Couldn\'t find a transformer to %s, falling back to %s")
        void couldNotFindTransformerRegistryFallingBack​(ModelVersion currentVersion,
                                                        ModelVersion fallbackVersion)
      • selectFailedCouldNotConvertAttributeToType

                 value="Could not convert the attribute \'%s\' to a %s")
        OperationFailedException selectFailedCouldNotConvertAttributeToType​(String attribute,
                                                                            org.jboss.dmr.ModelType type)
        Creates an exception indicating that an attribute could not be converted to the type required by a query select
        attribute - the name of the attribute
        type - the required type
      • failedSendingCompletedResponse

                 value="Failed sending completed response %s for %d")
        void failedSendingCompletedResponse​(@Cause
                                            Throwable cause,
                                            org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode response,
                                            int operationId)
      • failedSendingFailedResponse

                 value="Failed sending failure response %s for %d")
        void failedSendingFailedResponse​(@Cause
                                         Throwable cause,
                                         org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode response,
                                         int operationId)
      • proxiedOperationTimedOut

                 value="Execution of operation \'%s\' on remote process at address \'%s\' timed out after %d ms while awaiting initial response; remote process has been notified to terminate operation")
        String proxiedOperationTimedOut​(String operation,
                                        PathAddress target,
                                        long timeout)
      • timeoutAwaitingFinalResponse

                 value="Execution of operation \'%s\' on remote process at address \'%s\' timed out after %d ms while awaiting final response; remote process has been notified to terminate operation")
        void timeoutAwaitingFinalResponse​(String operation,
                                          PathAddress proxyNodeAddress,
                                          long timeout)
      • failedToParseElementLenient

                 value="Failed to parse element \'%s\', ignoring ...")
        void failedToParseElementLenient​(@Cause
                                         XMLStreamException e,
                                         String elementName)
      • missingRequiredServices

                 value="Required services that are not installed:")
        String missingRequiredServices()
      • deprecatedAndCurrentParameterMismatch

                 value="The deprecated parameter %s has been set in addition to the current parameter %s but with different values")
        OperationFailedException deprecatedAndCurrentParameterMismatch​(String deprecated,
                                                                       String current)
      • couldNotCreateHistoricalBackup

                 value="Could not create a timestamped backup of current history dir %s, so it may still include versions from the previous boot.")
        void couldNotCreateHistoricalBackup​(String currentHistoryDir)
      • runtimeModificationBegun

                 value="Modification of the runtime service container by a management operation has begun")
        String runtimeModificationBegun()
      • runtimeModificationComplete

                 value="Modification of the runtime service container by a management operation has completed")
        String runtimeModificationComplete()
      • cannotAddMoreThanOneJvmForServerOrHost

                 value="Cannot add more than one jvm. Add of \'%s\' attempted, but \'%s\' already exists")
        OperationFailedException cannotAddMoreThanOneJvmForServerOrHost​(PathAddress requested,
                                                                        PathAddress existing)
      • invalidMaxBytesLength

                 value="\'%s\' is an invalid value for parameter %s. Values must have a maximum length of %d bytes")
        String invalidMaxBytesLength​(String str,
                                     String parameterName,
                                     int max)
        A message indicating the value parameter is invalid and must have a maximum bytes length, represented by the length parameter.
        str - the invalid value.
        parameterName - the name of the parameter.
        max - the maximum length.
        the message.
      • invalidMinBytesLength

                 value="\'%s\' is an invalid value for parameter %s. Values must have a minimum length of %d bytes")
        String invalidMinBytesLength​(String str,
                                     String parameterName,
                                     int min)
        A message indicating the value parameter is invalid and must have a minimum bytes length, represented by the length parameter.
        str - the invalid value.
        parameterName - the name of the parameter.
        min - the minimum length.
        the message.
      • explodedDeploymentNotSupported

                 value="Exploded deployment is not supported by some servers")
        String explodedDeploymentNotSupported()
      • couldNotLoadModuleForTransformers

                 value="Could not load module \'%s\' for transformers")
        RuntimeException couldNotLoadModuleForTransformers​(String name,
                                                           org.jboss.modules.ModuleLoadException e)
      • wrongMaskedPasswordFormat

                 value="Masked password command has the wrong format.%nUsage: MASK-<encoded secret>;<salt>;<iteration count> where <salt>=UTF-8 characters, <iteration count>=reasonable sized positive integer")
        IOException wrongMaskedPasswordFormat()
      • invalidAddressFormat

                 value="\'%s\' is not a valid representation of a resource address")
        OperationFailedException invalidAddressFormat​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode address)
      • bootComplete

                 value="Boot complete")
        String bootComplete()
      • attributeWasNotMarkedAsReloadRequired

                 value="Attribute %s of resource %s was not marked as reload required, either set the RESTART_ALL_SERVICES flag, or register a custom write handler.")
        RuntimeException attributeWasNotMarkedAsReloadRequired​(String name,
                                                               PathAddress pathAddress)
      • typeConversionError

                 value="Couldn\'t convert %s to %s")
        String typeConversionError​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode value,
                                   Collection<org.jboss.dmr.ModelType> validTypes)
      • duplicateExtensionElement

                 value="Duplicate extension: an %s element with %s attribute value \'%s\' has already been parsed")
        XMLStreamException duplicateExtensionElement​(String elementConstant,
                                                     String attrConstant,
                                                     String module,
                                                     Location location)
        Creates an exception indicating the parser has found more than one extension element with the same 'module' attribute value.
        elementConstant - the constant 'extension'
        attrConstant - the constant 'module'
        module - the name of the extension module.
        a XMLStreamException for the error.
      • couldntConvertWarningLevel

                 value="Couldn\'t convert \'%s\' into proper warning level, threshold falling back to \'ALL\'. Possible values: SEVERE,WARNING,INFO,CONFIG,FINE,FINER,FINEST,ALL,OFF")
        String couldntConvertWarningLevel​(String level)
      • invalidSubnetFormat

                 value="Value %s for attribute %s is not a valid subnet format")
        OperationFailedException invalidSubnetFormat​(String value,
                                                     String name)
      • cannotDeleteFileOrDirectory

                 value="Cannot delete file or directory %s")
        void cannotDeleteFileOrDirectory​(File file)
      • serviceStatusReportFailureHeader

                 value="Operation has resulted in failed or missing services %n")
        String serviceStatusReportFailureHeader()
      • errorStoppingServer

                 value="Error stopping server")
        void errorStoppingServer​(@Cause
                                 Exception cause)
      • errorObtainingPassword

                 value="Error getting the password from the supplier %s")
        void errorObtainingPassword​(@Cause
                                    Exception cause,
                                    String message)
      • invalidRuntimeStageForProfile

                 value="The handler for operation \'%s\' at address \'%s\' attempted to add a stage %s step. This is not valid for a \'profile\' resource on process type %s so this step will not be executed.")
        void invalidRuntimeStageForProfile​(String operation,
                                           String address,
                                           OperationContext.Stage stage,
                                           ProcessType processType)
      • alreadyDefinedAttribute

                 value="%s with value \'%s\' in attribute %s is already defined")
        OperationFailedException alreadyDefinedAttribute​(String resource,
                                                         String value,
                                                         String attribute)
      • attributeExpressionDeprecated

                 value="Attribute \'%s\' in the resource at address \'%s\' has been configured with an expression, but support for use of expressions in this attribute\'s value may be removed in a future version. This attribute configures whether a capability that can be required by other parts of the configuration is present or itself configures a requirement for a capability provided by another part of the configuration. Full support for this kind of configuration cannot be provided when an expression is used.")
        void attributeExpressionDeprecated​(String name,
                                           String address)
      • servicesWithTransitiveUnavailability

                 value="%s additional services are down due to their dependencies being missing or failed")
        String servicesWithTransitiveUnavailability​(int count)
        A message for the service status report for unavailable dependencies.
        count - The number of missing services
        the message.
      • operationDeprecatedMessage

                 value="Operation %s against the resource at address %s is deprecated, and it might be removed in future version. See the the output of the read-operation-description operation to learn more about the deprecation.")
        String operationDeprecatedMessage​(String name,
                                          String address)
      • failedToCloneRepository

                 value="Failed to clone the repository %s")
        RuntimeException failedToCloneRepository​(@Cause
                                                 Exception cause,
                                                 String repository)
      • failedToPublishConfiguration

                 value="Failed to publish configuration to %s because of %s")
        ConfigurationPersistenceException failedToPublishConfiguration​(@Cause
                                                                       Throwable cause,
                                                                       String name,
                                                                       String error)
        Logs an error message indicating a failure to store the configuration file.
        cause - the cause of the error.
        name - the name of the configuration.
      • failedToDeleteConfigurationSnapshot

                 value="Failed to delete configuration snapshot %s")
        void failedToDeleteConfigurationSnapshot​(@Cause
                                                 Throwable cause,
                                                 String name)
      • failedToListConfigurationSnapshot

                 value="Failed to list configuration snapshots %s")
        void failedToListConfigurationSnapshot​(@Cause
                                               Throwable cause,
                                               String name)
      • systemPropertyAlreadyExist

                 value="System property \"%s\" is already set in the <system-properties> section of the configuration file. The value set in the command line will be overridden by that value.")
        void systemPropertyAlreadyExist​(String name)
      • missingManagementServices

                 value="Triggering roll back due to missing management services.")
        void missingManagementServices()
      • propertyCanOnlyBeUsedWithStandaloneOrEmbeddedServer

                 value="The system property \'%s\' can only be used with a standalone or embedded server")
        IllegalStateException propertyCanOnlyBeUsedWithStandaloneOrEmbeddedServer​(String propertyName)
      • propertyCanOnlyBeUsedWithAdminOnlyModeServer

                 value="The system property \'%s\' can only be used with an admin-only server")
        IllegalStateException propertyCanOnlyBeUsedWithAdminOnlyModeServer​(String propertyName)
      • couldNotFindDirectorySpecifiedByProperty

                 value="Could not find the directory \'%s\' specified by the system property \'%s\'. Please make sure it exists")
        IllegalStateException couldNotFindDirectorySpecifiedByProperty​(String fileName,
                                                                       String propertyName)
      • moreThanOneInstanceOfAdditionalBootCliScriptInvokerFound

                 value="More than one instance of AdditionalBootCliScriptInvoker found. Have: \'%s\'; found: \'%s")
        IllegalStateException moreThanOneInstanceOfAdditionalBootCliScriptInvokerFound​(String name,
                                                                                       String name1)
      • cliScriptPropertyDefinedWithoutMarkerDirectoryWhenNotSkippingReload

                 value="If using %s=true, when you use -D%s you need to set -D%s")
        IllegalStateException cliScriptPropertyDefinedWithoutMarkerDirectoryWhenNotSkippingReload​(String skipProperty,
                                                                                                  String scriptProperty,
                                                                                                  String markerDirectoryProperty)
      • initialisedAdditionalBootCliScriptSystemKeepingAlive

                 value="Initialised the additional boot CLI script functionality. The CLI commands will be read from %s. The server will remain running in admin-only mode after these have been executed, and the result of the cli operations will be written to %s")
        void initialisedAdditionalBootCliScriptSystemKeepingAlive​(File additionalBootCliScript,
                                                                  File doneMarker)
      • initialisedAdditionalBootCliScriptSystemNotKeepingAlive

                 value="Initialised the additional boot CLI script functionality. The CLI commands will be read from %s. The server will be rebooted to normal mode after these have been executed")
        void initialisedAdditionalBootCliScriptSystemNotKeepingAlive​(File additionalBootCliScript)
      • executingBootCliScript

                 value="Running the additional commands from the CLI script %s against the server which is running in admin-only mode")
        void executingBootCliScript​(File additionalBootCliScript)
      • completedRunningBootCliScript

                 value="Completed running the commands from the CLI script")
        void completedRunningBootCliScript()
      • restartingServerAfterBootCliScript

                 value="Restarting the server since the additional commands from the CLI script requires a restart. This will record that the restart has been initiated in the marker file %s since the restart mechanism will preserve all properties pertaining to the additional boot CLI script functionality (%s, %s, %s). The restart maintains the admin-only running mode, so a subsequent reload will happen")
        void restartingServerAfterBootCliScript​(File shutdownInitiated,
                                                String cliScriptProperty,
                                                String skipReloadProperty,
                                                String markerDirectoryProperty)
      • reloadingServerToNormalModeAfterAdditionalBootCliScript

                 value="Reloading the server to normal mode after execution of the additional commands from the CLI script. This will clear the properties triggering the additional boot cli script functionality if they were set (%s, %s, %s), and delete the marker file indicating the server was restarted")
        void reloadingServerToNormalModeAfterAdditionalBootCliScript​(String cliScriptProperty,
                                                                     String skipReloadProperty,
                                                                     String markerDirectoryProperty)
      • reloadingServerToNormalModeAfterRestartAfterAdditionalBootCliScript

                 value="Reloading the server to normal mode after restart follwoing execution of the additional commands from the CLI script. This will clear the properties triggering the additional boot cli script functionality if they were set (%s, %s, %s)")
        void reloadingServerToNormalModeAfterRestartAfterAdditionalBootCliScript​(String cliScriptProperty,
                                                                                 String skipReloadProperty,
                                                                                 String markerDirectoryProperty)
      • checkingForPresenceOfRestartMarkerFile

                 value="Checking for presence of marker file indicating that the server has been restarted following execution of the additional commands from the CLI script")
        void checkingForPresenceOfRestartMarkerFile()
      • foundRestartMarkerFile

                 value="Marker file indicating that the server has been restarted following execution of the additional commands from the CLI script found at %s")
        void foundRestartMarkerFile​(File file)
      • noRestartMarkerFile

                 value="No marker file found indicating that the server has been restarted following execution of the additional commands from the CLI script")
        void noRestartMarkerFile()
      • invalidAttributeValue

                 value="Value for attribute \'%s\' is invalid.")
        OperationFailedException invalidAttributeValue​(String attributeName)
      • invalidCredentialReferenceValue

                 value="Value for attribute \'%s\' is invalid: either \'%s\' must be specified on its own or \'%s\' needs to be specified with at least one of \'%s\' or \'%s\'")
        OperationFailedException invalidCredentialReferenceValue​(String attributeName,
                                                                 String clearTextAttributeName,
                                                                 String credentialStoreAttributeName,
                                                                 String clearTextAttributeName1,
                                                                 String alias)
      • invalidParameterName

                 value="Parameter name \'%s\' is invalid.")
        IllegalArgumentException invalidParameterName​(String parameterName)
      • unableToBuildCommandCredentialSource

                 value="Unable to create command based CredentialSource for credential reference.")
        OperationFailedException unableToBuildCommandCredentialSource​(@Cause
                                                                      Throwable throwable)
      • attributeUnresolvableUsingSimpleResolution

                 value="Attribute \'%s\' at resource \'%s\' with unresolved value \'%s\' cannot be resolved using the non-security-sensitive sources resolution supported by the \'resolve\' parameter. Response will report the unresolved value.")
        String attributeUnresolvableUsingSimpleResolution​(String attribute,
                                                          String address,
                                                          org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode unresolved)
      • expressionUnresolvableUsingSimpleResolution

                 value="Expression \'%s\' cannot be resolved using the non-security-sensitive sources resolution supported by the \'%s\' operation. Response will report the unresolved value.")
        String expressionUnresolvableUsingSimpleResolution​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode unresolved,
                                                           String opName)
      • runtimePackageDependencyAlreadyRegistered

                 value="The runtime dependency package \'%s\' is already registered at location \'%s\'")
        void runtimePackageDependencyAlreadyRegistered​(String pckg,
                                                       String location)
      • illegalCharsetName

                 value="Value \'%s\' is not a legal charset name")
        OperationFailedException illegalCharsetName​(String charset)
      • unsupportedCharset

                 value="Charset \'%s\' is not supported in this instance of the Java Virtual Machine")
        OperationFailedException unsupportedCharset​(String charset)
      • invalidAttributeDefinition

                 value="Attribute definition of attribute \'%s\' is null")
        IllegalArgumentException invalidAttributeDefinition​(String attributeName)
      • failedToParseYamlConfigurationFile

                 value="Error parsing yaml file %s")
        IllegalArgumentException failedToParseYamlConfigurationFile​(String path,
                                                                    Throwable throwable)
      • loadingYamlFiles

                 value="It took %s ms to load and parse the following yaml files [%s]")
        void loadingYamlFiles​(long duration,
                              String files)
      • noResourceRegistered

                 value="No registration found for address %s - Ignoring the subtree")
        void noResourceRegistered​(String address)
      • noResourceForUndefiningAttribute

                 value="Can\'t undefine attribute %s since there is no resource at %s")
        IllegalArgumentException noResourceForUndefiningAttribute​(String attribute,
                                                                  String address)
      • noAttributeSetForAddress

                 value="You have defined a resource for address %s without any attributes, doing nothing")
        void noAttributeSetForAddress​(String address)
      • unexpectedValueForResource

                 value="We have an unexpected value %s for address %s and name %s")
        void unexpectedValueForResource​(Object value,
                                        String address,
                                        String name)
      • noResourceRegistered

                 value="Couldn\'t find a resource registration for address %s with current registration %s")
        void noResourceRegistered​(String address,
                                  String registration)
      • missingListAttributeValueType

                 value="The attribute %s hasn\'t a valueType properly defined.")
        UnsupportedOperationException missingListAttributeValueType​(String name)
      • adminOnlyPolicyDeprecatedValue

                 value="\"fetch-from-master\" is a deprecated value for \"domain-controller.remote.admin-only-policy\", \"fetch-from-domain-controller\" will be used instead.")
        void adminOnlyPolicyDeprecatedValue()
      • threadDump

                 value="Thread dump:\n*******************************************************************************\n{0}\n===============================================================================\nEnd Thread dump\n*******************************************************************************\n",
        void threadDump​(String dump)
      • deadLock

                 value="Deadlock detected!\n*******************************************************************************\n{0}\n===============================================================================\nEnd Deadlock\n*******************************************************************************\n",
        void deadLock​(String dump)
      • threadDumpException

                 value="Exception thrown during generation of thread dump")
        void threadDumpException​(@Cause
                                 Exception cause)
      • errorConstructingYAMLMapping

                 value="While constructing a mapping; %s; expected a mapping for merging, but found %s")
        String errorConstructingYAMLMapping​(org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.Mark mark,
                                            org.yaml.snakeyaml.nodes.NodeId node)
      • argYaml

                 value="The yaml configuration files for customizing the configuration. Paths can be absolute, relative to the current execution directory or relative to the standalone configuration directory.")
        String argYaml()
        Instructions for the YamlConfigurationExtension#YAML_CONFIG command line argument.
        Instructions for the YamlConfigurationExtension#YAML_CONFIG command line argument.
      • noSatisfactoryCapability

                 value="There is no satisfactory capability \'%s\' available to resources with capability scope \'%s\'. This capability is registered at address(es) \'%s\', and are not accessible to resources with scope \'%s\'.")
        IllegalStateException noSatisfactoryCapability​(String capability,
                                                       String scopeName,
                                                       Set<RegistrationPoint> addresses,
                                                       String scopeNameAgain)
      • uuidIsEmpty

                 value="There is no UUID string at \'%s\'. A new value will be generated.")
        void uuidIsEmpty​(String path)
      • uuidNotValid

                 value="An invalid UUID string \'%s\' was found at \'%s\'. A new value will be generated.")
        void uuidNotValid​(String corruptedUuid,
                          String path)
      • failedToPublishConfigurationInvalidRemote

                 value="Failed to publish configuration, because the remote name %s is not valid.")
        ConfigurationPersistenceException failedToPublishConfigurationInvalidRemote​(String name)