Class OrderedChildTypesAttachment

  • public class OrderedChildTypesAttachment
    extends Object
    We currently only care about ordered child resources when describing the model for the use of the sync handlers. We don't care about all that when describing the model for the server boot operations. This attachment is used to collect the information if present.
    Kabir Khan
    • Constructor Detail

      • OrderedChildTypesAttachment

        public OrderedChildTypesAttachment()
    • Method Detail

      • addOrderedChildResourceTypes

        public void addOrderedChildResourceTypes​(PathAddress resourceAddress,
                                                 Resource resource)
        If the resource has ordered child types, those child types will be stored in the attachment. If there are no ordered child types, this method is a no-op.
        resourceAddress - the address of the resource
        resource - the resource which may or may not have ordered children.