Class BeanDeploymentModule

  • public class BeanDeploymentModule
    extends Object
    A collection of Bean Deployment archives that share similar bean visibility.

    When the module is created all BDA's are given visibility to each other. They can then be given visibility to other bda's or bean modules with one operation.

    Stuart Douglas
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • addBeanDeploymentModule

        public void addBeanDeploymentModule​(BeanDeploymentModule module)
        Makes all BeanDeploymentArchiveImpls in the given module accessible to all bdas in this module
        module - The module to make accessible
      • addService

        public <S extends org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.api.Service> void addService​(Class<S> clazz,
                                                                                S service)
        Adds a service to all bean deployment archives in the module
        Type Parameters:
        S - The service type
        clazz - The service type
        service - The service
      • getModuleDescriptor

        public org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.spi.EEModuleDescriptor getModuleDescriptor()