
trait MessageCodec[A] extends LogSupport
trait LogSupport
trait LazyLogger
trait LoggingMethods
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def pack(p: Packer, v: A): Unit
def unpack(u: Unpacker, v: MessageContext): Unit

Concrete methods

def fromJson(json: String): A
def fromJson(json: Array[Byte]): A
def fromMap(m: Map[String, Any]): A
def fromMsgPack(msgpack: Array[Byte]): A
def fromString(s: String): A

A shortcut for fromMsgPack(StringCodec.toMsgPack(s))

A shortcut for fromMsgPack(StringCodec.toMsgPack(s))

def pack(v: A): MsgPack

Converting the object into MessagePack (= Array[Byte])

Converting the object into MessagePack (= Array[Byte])

def toJSONObject(v: A): JSONObject
def toJson(v: A): String
def toMsgPack(v: A): Array[Byte]
def unpack(msgpack: MsgPack): A

Converting the input MessagePack into an object. If the conversion fails, throw an IllegalArgumentException

Converting the input MessagePack into an object. If the conversion fails, throw an IllegalArgumentException

def unpackBytes(msgpack: Array[Byte]): Option[A]
def unpackBytes(msgpack: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): Option[A]
def unpackJson(json: String): Option[A]
def unpackMsgPack(msgpack: Array[Byte]): Option[A]
def unpackMsgPack(msgpack: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): Option[A]

Inherited methods

inline protected def debug(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def debug(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def error(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def error(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def info(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def info(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def logAt(inline logLevel: LogLevel, inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def trace(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def trace(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def warn(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def warn(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from