
trait MessageCodec[A] extends LogSupport
trait LogSupport
trait LazyLogger
trait LoggingMethods
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class JavaListCodec[A]
class ListCodec[A]
class MapCodecBase[A, B, MapType]
class JavaMapCodec[A, B]
class ListMapCodec[A, B]
class MapCodec[A, B]
class SeqCodec[A]
class EnumCodec[A]
object BigDecimalCodec.type
object JavaSqlArrayCodec.type
object JavaSqlDateCodec.type
object JavaSqlTimeCodec.type
object JSONCodec.type
object JSONValueCodec.type
object FileCodec.type
class JavaEnumCodec[A]
object ZonedDateTimeCodec.type
object JavaUtilDateCodec.type
class LazyCodec[A]
object CountCodec.type
object DataSizeCodec.type
object ElapsedTimeCodec.type
class ObjectCodec[A]
object AnyArrayCodec.type
class AnyCodec
object BooleanArrayCodec.type
object ByteArrayCodec.type
object CharArrayCodec.type
object DoubleArrayCodec.type
object FloatArrayCodec.type
object IntArrayCodec.type
object LongArrayCodec.type
object BigIntCodec.type
object BigIntegerCodec.type
object BooleanCodec.type
object ByteCodec.type
object CharCodec.type
object DoubleCodec.type
object FloatCodec.type
object IntCodec.type
object LongCodec.type
object ShortCodec.type
object StringCodec.type
object UnitCodec.type
object RawMsgPackCodec.type
object ShortArrayCodec.type
object StringArrayCodec.type
object ValueCodec.type
object RawJsonCodec.type
class EitherCodec[A, B]
class OptionCodec[A]
object ThrowableCodec.type
object ULIDCodec.type
object UUIDCodec.type

Value members

Abstract methods

def pack(p: Packer, v: A): Unit
def unpack(u: Unpacker, v: MessageContext): Unit

Concrete methods

def fromJson(json: String): A
def fromJson(json: Array[Byte]): A
def fromMap(m: Map[String, Any]): A
def fromMsgPack(msgpack: Array[Byte]): A
def fromString(s: String): A

A shortcut for fromMsgPack(StringCodec.toMsgPack(s))

A shortcut for fromMsgPack(StringCodec.toMsgPack(s))

def pack(v: A): MsgPack

Converting the object into MessagePack (= Array[Byte])

Converting the object into MessagePack (= Array[Byte])

def toJSONObject(v: A): JSONObject
def toJson(v: A): String
def toMsgPack(v: A): Array[Byte]
def unpack(msgpack: MsgPack): A

Converting the input MessagePack into an object. If the conversion fails, throw an IllegalArgumentException

Converting the input MessagePack into an object. If the conversion fails, throw an IllegalArgumentException

def unpackBytes(msgpack: Array[Byte]): Option[A]
def unpackBytes(msgpack: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): Option[A]
def unpackJson(json: String): Option[A]
def unpackMsgPack(msgpack: Array[Byte]): Option[A]
def unpackMsgPack(msgpack: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): Option[A]

Inherited methods

inline protected def debug(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def debug(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def error(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def error(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def info(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def info(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def logAt(inline logLevel: LogLevel, inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def trace(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def trace(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def warn(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def warn(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from: