
package control

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package parallel

Type Members

  1. class ManualTicker extends Ticker

    A Ticker implementation thta can be incremanted for test

  2. case class MultipleExceptions(causes: Seq[Throwable]) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  3. sealed abstract final class OSType extends Enum[OSType]

    operating system information

  4. sealed trait ResultClass extends AnyRef

    A classification of the code execution result

  5. trait Ticker extends AnyRef

    Ticker is for measuring the elapsed time.

Value Members

  1. object CommandLineTokenizer extends RegexParsers with LogSupport

    Tokenize single string representations of command line arguments into Array[String]

  2. object Control

  3. object OS

    OS type resolver

  4. object Parallel extends LogSupport

    Utilities for parallel execution.

  5. object ResultClass
  6. object Retry extends LogSupport

    Retry logic implementation helper

  7. object Shell extends LogSupport

    Launch UNIX (or cygwin) commands from Scala

  8. object Ticker
