
object CircuitBreaker extends LogSupport
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait LogSupport
trait LazyLogger
trait LoggingMethods
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case object CLOSED extends CircuitBreakerState
case object HALF_OPEN extends CircuitBreakerState
case object OPEN extends CircuitBreakerState

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def newCircuitBreaker(name: String): CircuitBreaker
def withConsecutiveFailures(numFailures: Int): CircuitBreaker

Create a CircuitBreaker that will be open if the number of consecutive failures exceeds the given threshold.

Create a CircuitBreaker that will be open if the number of consecutive failures exceeds the given threshold.

def withFailureRate(failureRate: Double, timeWindowMillis: Int): CircuitBreaker

Create a CircuitBreaker that will be open if the failure rate in a time window exceeds the given threshold. The failure rate will be decayed exponentially as time goes.

Create a CircuitBreaker that will be open if the failure rate in a time window exceeds the given threshold. The failure rate will be decayed exponentially as time goes.

def withFailureThreshold(numFailures: Int, numExecutions: Int): CircuitBreaker

Create a CircuitBreaker that will be open after observing numFailures out of numExecutions.

Create a CircuitBreaker that will be open after observing numFailures out of numExecutions.

Inherited methods

inline protected def debug(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def debug(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def error(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def error(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def info(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def info(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def logAt(inline logLevel: LogLevel, inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def trace(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def trace(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def warn(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from
inline protected def warn(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from