
case class HttpClientConfig(name: String, backend: HttpClientBackend, requestFilter: Request => Request, responseFilter: Response => Response, rpcEncoding: RPCEncoding, retryContext: RetryContext, codecFactory: MessageCodecFactory, circuitBreaker: CircuitBreaker, connectTimeout: Duration, readTimeout: Duration, clientFilter: RxHttpFilter, httpLoggerConfig: HttpLoggerConfig, httpLoggerProvider: HttpLoggerConfig => HttpLogger, loggingFilter: HttpLogger => HttpClientFilter) extends HttpChannelConfig

A common immutable configuration for all HTTP clients in airframe-http. To modify any configuration, use withXXX methods.

The generated HTTP client has multiple layers of filters:

  • requestFilter: A filter to modify the request before sending it to the backend. This can be used for adding common HTTP headers (e.g., User-Agent, Authentication header, etc.)
  • clientFilter: A filter to modify the request/response.
  • loggingFilter: A filter to log individual requests and responses, including retried requests. The default behavior is logging each request with its response stats to log/http_client.json file.
  • responseFilter: A filter to modify the response before returning it to the caller.


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def newAsyncClient(serverAddress: String): AsyncClient

Create a default Async client for Scala.js in web browsers

Create a default Async client for Scala.js in web browsers


def newSyncClient(serverAddress: String): SyncClient

Remove any client-side filter

Remove any client-side filter


Disable http-client side logging

Disable http-client side logging


def withCircuitBreaker(f: CircuitBreaker => CircuitBreaker): HttpClientConfig

Add a new RxClientFilter. This filter is useful for adding a common error handling logic for the Rx[Response].

Add a new RxClientFilter. This filter is useful for adding a common error handling logic for the Rx[Response].


def withCodecFactory(newCodecFactory: MessageCodecFactory): HttpClientConfig
def withConnectTimeout(duration: Duration): HttpClientConfig

Use Debug Console http logging

Use Debug Console http logging


Customize logger configuration

Customize logger configuration


def withName(name: String): HttpClientConfig
def withReadTimeout(duration: Duration): HttpClientConfig
def withRequestFilter(newRequestFilter: Request => Request): HttpClientConfig

Add a custom request filter, e.g., for adding Authentication headers

Add a custom request filter, e.g., for adding Authentication headers


Add a custom response filter to the last response, mostly for debugging purpose

Add a custom response filter to the last response, mostly for debugging purpose


def withRetryContext(filter: RetryContext => RetryContext): HttpClientConfig

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]


Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]


Inherited from: