package http

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. http
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package impl
  2. package js

Type Members

  1. trait CompatApi extends AnyRef

    An interface for using different implementation betweeen Scala JVM and Scala.js

  2. trait Endpoint extends Annotation
    @Retention() @Target()
  3. sealed abstract class GrpcStatus extends PackSupport
  4. trait HttpBackend[Req, Resp, F[_]] extends AnyRef

    A base interface to implement http-server specific implementation

  5. trait HttpClient[F[_], Req, Resp] extends HttpClientBase[F, Req, Resp] with AutoCloseable

    Asynchronous HTTP Client interface

    Asynchronous HTTP Client interface


    An abstraction for Future type (e.g., Resolves the differences between Twitter Future, Scala Future, etc.)

  6. trait HttpClientBackend extends AnyRef

  7. trait HttpClientBase[F[_], Req, Resp] extends AnyRef

  8. case class HttpClientConfig(backend: HttpClientBackend = Compat.defaultHttpClientBackend, requestFilter: (Request) => Request = identity, rpcEncoding: RPCEncoding = RPCEncoding.MsgPack, retryContext: RetryContext = Compat.defaultHttpClientBackend.defaultRequestRetryer, codecFactory: MessageCodecFactory = MessageCodecFactory.defaultFactoryForJSON, circuitBreaker: CircuitBreaker = CircuitBreaker.withConsecutiveFailures(5), rxConverter: (Future[_]) => RxStream[_] = (f: Future[_]) => Rx.future(f)(Compat.defaultHttpClientBackend.defaultExecutionContext)) extends Product with Serializable

  9. class HttpClientException extends Exception

  10. case class HttpClientMaxRetryException(response: HttpResponse[_], retryContext: RetryContext, cause: Throwable) extends HttpClientException with Product with Serializable
  11. trait HttpContext[Req, Resp, F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Used for passing the subsequent actions to HttpFilter and for defining the leaf action of request processing chain.

  12. trait HttpFilter[Req, Resp, F[_]] extends HttpFilterType

    A filter interface to define actions for handling HTTP requests and responses.

    A filter interface to define actions for handling HTTP requests and responses.

    Implementations of HttpFilter must wrap an exception occurred in the filter.apply(request, context) with F[_]

  13. trait HttpFilterType extends AnyRef
  14. trait HttpMessage[Raw] extends HttpMessageBase[Raw]
  15. trait HttpMessageBase[Raw] extends AnyRef
  16. case class HttpMultiMap(underlying: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty) extends Product with Serializable

    Immutable MultiMap structure for representing Http headers, query parameters, etc.

  17. case class HttpMultiMapEntry(key: String, value: String) extends Product with Serializable
  18. trait HttpRequest[Req] extends AnyRef

    HttpRequest[Req] wraps native request classes (e.g., okhttp's Response, finagle Response, etc.) so that we can implement common logic for various backends.

  19. trait HttpRequestAdapter[Req] extends AnyRef

    A type class to bridge the original requests and backend-specific request types (e.g., finagle, okhttp, etc.)

  20. trait HttpResponse[Resp] extends AnyRef

    HttpResponse[Resp] wraps native response classes (e.g., okhttp's Response, finagle Response, etc.) so that we can implement common logic for various backends.

  21. trait HttpResponseAdapter[Resp] extends AnyRef

    A type class to bridge the original response type and HttpResponse

  22. class HttpResponseBodyCodec[Resp] extends MessageCodec[HttpResponse[_]]

  23. class HttpServerException extends Exception with HttpServerExceptionBase

    Exception to report errors to client

  24. trait HttpServerExceptionBase extends AnyRef

  25. class HttpStatus extends PackSupport
  26. trait HttpSyncClient[Req, Resp] extends HttpSyncClientBase[Req, Resp] with AutoCloseable

    A synchronous HTTP Client interface

  27. class HttpSyncClientAdapter[F[_], Req, Resp] extends HttpSyncClientAdapterBase[F, Req, Resp]

    A synchronous HttpClient that awaits responses.

  28. abstract class HttpSyncClientAdapterBase[F[_], Req, Resp] extends HttpSyncClient[Req, Resp]
  29. trait HttpSyncClientBase[Req, Resp] extends AnyRef
  30. trait RPC extends Annotation
    @Retention() @Target()
  31. trait RPCClientBase extends AnyRef
  32. sealed trait RPCEncoding extends AnyRef

  33. case class RPCErrorMessage(code: Int = RPCStatus.UNKNOWN_I1.code, codeName: String =, message: String = "", stackTrace: Option[Seq[GenericStackTraceElement]] = None, cause: Option[Throwable] = None, appErrorCode: Option[Int] = None, metadata: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty) extends Product with Serializable

    A model class for RPC error message body.

    A model class for RPC error message body. This message will be embedded to HTTP response body or gRPC trailer.

    We need this class to avoid directly serde RPCException classes with airframe-codec, so that we can properly propagate the exact stack trace to the client.

  34. case class RPCException(status: RPCStatus = RPCStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR_I0, message: String = "", cause: Option[Throwable] = None, appErrorCode: Option[Int] = None, metadata: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    RPCException provides a backend-independent (e.g., Finagle or gRPC) RPC error reporting mechanism.

    RPCException provides a backend-independent (e.g., Finagle or gRPC) RPC error reporting mechanism. Create this exception with (RPCStatus code).toException(...) method.

    If necessary, we can add more standard error_details parameter like

  35. class RPCHttpClient extends RPCClientBase with AutoCloseable with LogSupport

    A scala Future-based RPC http client implementation, which is mainly for supporting Scala.js

  36. class RPCHttpSyncClient extends RPCSyncClientBase with AutoCloseable

    HTTP client implementation base for RPC

  37. sealed abstract class RPCStatus extends PackSupport

    A base class for defining standard RPC error codes

  38. sealed trait RPCStatusType extends PackSupport

    RPC status types

  39. trait RPCSyncClientBase extends AnyRef

    Scala 2 specific helper method to make an RPC request

  40. case class ServerAddress(host: String, port: Int, scheme: String = "http") extends Product with Serializable

    Server address holder

  41. trait description extends Annotation
    @Retention() @Target()

Value Members

  1. val compat: CompatApi
  2. case object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  3. object GrpcStatus

    gRPC error code definitions in

  4. object Http

    An entry point to access airframe-http functionalities

  5. object HttpBackend
  6. object HttpClient extends LogSupport
  7. object HttpClientException extends LogSupport

    Common classifiers for HTTP client responses and exceptions in order to retry HTTP requests.

  8. object HttpContext
  9. object HttpFilter
  10. object HttpHeader
  11. object HttpMessage

    Http request/response data type definitions

  12. object HttpMethod
  13. object HttpMultiMap extends Serializable
  14. object HttpMultiMapCodec extends MessageCodec[HttpMultiMap]

  15. object HttpStatus

    HTTP status code collection.

  16. object RPCEncoding
  17. object RPCException extends Serializable
  18. object RPCHttpClient extends LogSupport
  19. object RPCStatus

    Define the standard RPC code that can be used for generic RPC service implementation.

    Define the standard RPC code that can be used for generic RPC service implementation.

    This covers all gRPC statuses and have pre-defined mappings to HTTP status (4xx, 5xx) code.

    If you need an application-specific error code, use an additional argument of the RPCError class.

  20. object RPCStatusType
  21. object ServerAddress extends LogSupport

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
