


package launcher

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ClassOptionSchema extends OptionSchema

    OptionSchema created from a class definition

  2. class CommandLauncher extends LogSupport

    Command launcher.

    Command launcher.

    class MyCommand(@option(prefix="-h,--help", description="display help", isHelp=true) help:Boolean) {
      @command(description="Say hello")
      def hello(@option(prefix="-r", description="repeat times")
                message:String = "hello") {
          for(i <- 0 until repeat) println(message)
    Launcher.execute[MyCommand]("hello -r 3")  // hello x 3
  3. trait HelpMessagePrinter extends AnyRef

    Interface for printing help messages

  4. case class Launcher extends Product with Serializable
  5. case class LauncherInfo(name: String, description: String, usage: String, isDefault: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class LauncherInstance(launcher: CommandLauncher, instance: Any) extends Product with Serializable
  7. case class LauncherResult(launcherStack: List[LauncherInstance], result: Option[Any]) extends Product with Serializable

    Command execution results

  8. class MethodOptionSchema extends OptionSchema

    OptionSchema created from a method definition

  9. class OptionParser extends LogSupport

    CommandTrait-line argument parser

  10. sealed trait OptionSchema extends LogSupport

    Schema of the command line options

  11. sealed trait StringTree extends AnyRef

    Holder of structured data consisting of named values.

    Holder of structured data consisting of named values. ValueHolder is immutable, so the set operations in this class return another ValueHolder and never modify the original ValueHolder.

    A(a, B(b, c))
    { a: apple, B:{b:book, c:car} }
    val n1 = EmptyNode.set("a", apple) => Node(a -> Leaf(apple))
    val n2 = n1.set("B.b", "book") => Node(a -> Leaf(apple), B -> EmptyNode.set("b", "book")) => Node(a -> apple, B -> Node(b -> Leaf(book)))
    val n3 = n2.set("B.c", "car") => Node(a -> apple, B -> Node(b -> Leaf(book), c -> Leaf(car)))
  12. class argument extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation
    @Retention() @Target()
  13. class command extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation
    @Retention() @Target()
  14. class option extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation
    @Retention() @Target()

Value Members

  1. object ClassOptionSchema extends LogSupport
  2. object HelpMessagePrinter extends LogSupport with AnsiColorPalette
  3. object Launcher extends LogSupport

    Command launcher

  4. object OptionParser extends LogSupport

    Creates option parsers

  5. object StringTree extends LogSupport
  6. object StringTreeCodec extends MessageCodec[StringTree]
