
object OffsetPacker

Write MessagePack code at a given position on the buffer and return the written byte length


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def packArray32Header(cursor: WriteCursor, arraySize: Int): Unit
def packArrayHeader(cursor: WriteCursor, arraySize: Int): Unit
def packBigInteger(cursor: WriteCursor, bi: BigInteger): Unit
def packBinaryHeader(cursor: WriteCursor, len: Int): Unit
def packBoolean(cursor: WriteCursor, v: Boolean): Unit
def packByte(cursor: WriteCursor, v: Byte): Unit
def packDouble(cursor: WriteCursor, v: Double): Unit
def packExtTypeHeader(cursor: WriteCursor, extTypeHeader: ExtTypeHeader): Unit
def packExtTypeHeader(cursor: WriteCursor, extType: Byte, payloadLen: Int): Unit
def packFloat(cursor: WriteCursor, v: Float): Unit
def packInt(cursor: WriteCursor, r: Int): Unit
def packLong(cursor: WriteCursor, v: Long): Unit
def packMap32Header(cursor: WriteCursor, mapSize: Int): Unit
def packMapHeader(cursor: WriteCursor, mapSize: Int): Unit
def packNil(cursor: WriteCursor): Unit
def packRawStringHeader(cursor: WriteCursor, len: Int): Unit
def packShort(cursor: WriteCursor, v: Short): Unit
def packString(cursor: WriteCursor, s: String): Unit
def packTimestamp(cursor: WriteCursor, v: Instant): Unit
def packTimestampEpochSecond(cursor: WriteCursor, epochSecond: Long, nanoAdjustment: Int): Unit
def packValue(cursor: WriteCursor, v: Value): Unit
def writePayload(cursor: WriteCursor, v: Array[Byte]): Unit
def writePayload(cursor: WriteCursor, v: Array[Byte], vOffset: Int, length: Int): Unit