package wvlet.airframe.surface.reflect
Type members
Builds method call arguments
Builds method call arguments
case class ReflectMethodSurface(mod: Int, owner: Surface, name: String, returnType: Surface, args: Seq[MethodParameter]) extends MethodSurface with LogSupport
MethodSurface for JVM. This can call method through Java reflection
MethodSurface for JVM. This can call method through Java reflection
- Companion:
- object
class RuntimeGenericSurface(val rawType: Class[_], val typeArgs: Seq[Surface], val params: Seq[Parameter], val outer: Option[AnyRef], isStatic: Boolean) extends GenericSurface with LogSupport
Used when we can use reflection to instantiate objects of this surface
Used when we can use reflection to instantiate objects of this surface
case class RuntimeMethodParameter(method: MethodRef, index: Int, name: String, surface: Surface) extends MethodParameter with LogSupport
MethodParameter implementation using reflection for accessing parameter values
MethodParameter implementation using reflection for accessing parameter values
class SimpleObjectBuilder(surface: Surface) extends ObjectBuilder with StandardBuilder with LogSupport
ObjectBuilder support overriding nested parameters by specifying a parameter path (Path)
ObjectBuilder support overriding nested parameters by specifying a parameter path (Path)