Interface KeyStoreType

All Known Implementing Classes:
ImmutableDefaultKeyStoreType, KeyStoreType.DefaultKeyStoreType

@Deprecated public interface KeyStoreType
This class will be removed once crypto-core is the primary mechanism for signing.

An extensible interface that can be used to identify a type of underlying key-storage, which typically treats key-material as "secret information" whereas the data encrypted by these keys is generally not stored in these platforms.

For example, a database password would not be stored in the key-store. Instead, a private key or symmetric key would be stored in the key-store, and the encrypted database password would be stored in some other system in encrypted form.

  • Field Details


      static final KeyStoreType DERIVED_SERVER_SECRET
      Private keys are derived from a seed that is derived from a unique identifier and an in-memory server secret.
    • GCP_KMS

      static final KeyStoreType GCP_KMS
      Private keys and symmetric secrets are stored in Google Cloud Platform KMS.
  • Method Details