Interface TransactionVerifier

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public interface TransactionVerifier
Defines how to verify an XRPL transaction using public key material supplied by the caller.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default <T extends Transaction>
    verify(Set<SignatureWithPublicKey> signatureWithPublicKeys, T unsignedTransaction)
    Verify that all signers have properly signed the unsignedTransaction.
    <T extends Transaction>
    verify(Set<SignatureWithPublicKey> signatureWithPublicKeys, T unsignedTransaction, int minSigners)
    Verify that minSigners from the collection of public keys have supplied signatures for a given signed transaction.
    <T extends Transaction>
    verify(SignatureWithPublicKey signatureWithPublicKey, T unsignedTransaction)
    Verify the supplied digital-signature to ensure that it was constructed using the private-key corresponding to signerPublicKey.
  • Method Details

    • verify

      <T extends Transaction> boolean verify(SignatureWithPublicKey signatureWithPublicKey, T unsignedTransaction)
      Verify the supplied digital-signature to ensure that it was constructed using the private-key corresponding to signerPublicKey.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The actual type of Transaction.
      signatureWithPublicKey - A SignatureWithPublicKey used for verification.
      unsignedTransaction - The Transaction of type TransactionVerifier that was signed.
      true if the signature is valid and verified; false otherwise.
    • verify

      default <T extends Transaction> boolean verify(Set<SignatureWithPublicKey> signatureWithPublicKeys, T unsignedTransaction)
      Verify that all signers have properly signed the unsignedTransaction.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The actual type of Transaction.
      signatureWithPublicKeys - A Set of SignatureWithPublicKey used for verification.
      unsignedTransaction - The Transaction of type TransactionVerifier that was signed.
      true if a minimum number of signatures are valid for the supplied transaction; false otherwise.
    • verify

      <T extends Transaction> boolean verify(Set<SignatureWithPublicKey> signatureWithPublicKeys, T unsignedTransaction, int minSigners)
      Verify that minSigners from the collection of public keys have supplied signatures for a given signed transaction.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The actual type of Transaction.
      signatureWithPublicKeys - A Set of SignatureWithPublicKey used for verification.
      unsignedTransaction - The transaction of type TransactionVerifier that was signed.
      minSigners - The minimum number of signatures required to form a quorum.
      true if a minimum number of signatures are valid for the supplied transaction; false otherwise.