Interface Wallet

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Immutable public interface Wallet
Represents an Account on the XRP Ledger, otherwise known as a Wallet.
  • Method Details

    • builder

      static ImmutableWallet.Builder builder()
      Immutable wallet builder.
      The ImmutableWallet.Builder for this wallet.
    • privateKey

      PrivateKey privateKey()
      The private key of the wallet, encoded in hexadecimal. Non-optional because wallets are only used when private keys are in-memory. For delegated key environments, wallet will not be used (instead just a PublicKey will be used).
      An optionally present PrivateKey containing a private key.
    • publicKey

      PublicKey publicKey()
      The public key of this Wallet.
      A PublicKey containing the public key.
    • address

      Address address()
      The XRPL address of this wallet, in the Classic Address form.
      The classic Address of this wallet.