Interface Transaction

    • Field Detail


        static final long RIPPLE_EPOCH
        This will be unnecessary once closeDateHuman() is removed.
        XRP Ledger represents dates using a custom epoch called Ripple Epoch. This is a constant for the start of that epoch.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • typeMap

        static final<Class<? extends Transaction>,​TransactionType> typeMap
        A bi-directional map of immutable transaction types to their corresponding TransactionType.

        This is useful for polymorphic Jackson deserialization.

    • Method Detail

      • computeMultiSigFee

        static XrpCurrencyAmount computeMultiSigFee​(XrpCurrencyAmount currentLedgerFeeDrops,
                                                    SignerListObject signerList)
        Computes the fee necessary for a multisigned transaction.

        The transaction cost of a multisigned transaction must be at least (N + 1) * (the normal transaction cost), where N is the number of signatures provided.

        currentLedgerFeeDrops - The current ledger fee, represented as an XrpCurrencyAmount.
        signerList - The SignerListObject containing the signers of the transaction.
        An XrpCurrencyAmount representing the multisig fee.
      • account

        Address account()
        The unique Address of the account that initiated this transaction.
        The Address of the account submitting this transaction.
      • fee

        XrpCurrencyAmount fee()
        The String representation of an integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this Payment transaction to the network.

        This field is auto-fillable

        An XrpCurrencyAmount representing the transaction cost.
        See Also:
      • sequence sequence()
        The sequence number of the account submitting the Transaction. A Transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account.

        This field is auto-fillable

        An UnsignedInteger representing the sequence of the transaction.
        See Also:
      • accountTransactionId

        Optional<Hash256> accountTransactionId()
        Hash value identifying another transaction. If provided, this Transaction is only valid if the sending account's previously-sent transaction matches the provided hash.
        An Optional of type Hash256 containing the account transaction ID.
      • lastLedgerSequence

        Optional<> lastLedgerSequence()
        Highest ledger index this transaction can appear in. Specifying this field places a strict upper limit on how long the transaction can wait to be validated or rejected.
        An Optional of type UnsignedInteger representing the last ledger sequence.
      • sourceTag

        Optional<> sourceTag()
        Arbitrary UnsignedInteger used to identify the reason for this Transaction, or a sender on whose behalf this Transaction is made.
        An Optional UnsignedInteger representing the source account's tag.
      • signingPublicKey

        Optional<String> signingPublicKey()
        Hex representation of the public key that corresponds to the private key used to sign this transaction. If an empty string, indicates a multi-signature is present in the signers() field instead.

        This field is automatically added when signing this Transaction.

        An Optional String containing the public key of the account submitting the transaction.
      • transactionSignature

        Optional<String> transactionSignature()
        The signature that verifies this transaction as originating from the account it says it is from.

        This field is automatically added when signing this Transaction.

        An Optional String containing the transaction signature.
      • closeDate

        Optional<> closeDate()
        This field will be removed in favor of TransactionResult.closeDate();
        The approximate close time (using Ripple Epoch) of the ledger containing this transaction. This is an undocumented field.
        An optionally-present UnsignedLong.