Class CreateProcessorRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<CreateProcessorRequest.Builder>
      • clear

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder clear()
        Specified by:
        clear in interface
        Specified by:
        clear in interface
        clear in class<CreateProcessorRequest.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<CreateProcessorRequest.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public CreateProcessorRequest getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public CreateProcessorRequest build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public CreateProcessorRequest buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • clone

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder clone()
        Specified by:
        clone in interface
        Specified by:
        clone in interface
        clone in class<CreateProcessorRequest.Builder>
      • clearField

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder clearField​( field)
        Specified by:
        clearField in interface
        clearField in class<CreateProcessorRequest.Builder>
      • clearOneof

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder clearOneof​( oneof)
        Specified by:
        clearOneof in interface
        clearOneof in class<CreateProcessorRequest.Builder>
      • setRepeatedField

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder setRepeatedField​( field,
                                                               int index,
                                                               Object value)
        Specified by:
        setRepeatedField in interface
        setRepeatedField in class<CreateProcessorRequest.Builder>
      • addRepeatedField

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder addRepeatedField​( field,
                                                               Object value)
        Specified by:
        addRepeatedField in interface
        addRepeatedField in class<CreateProcessorRequest.Builder>
      • isInitialized

        public final boolean isInitialized()
        Specified by:
        isInitialized in interface
        isInitialized in class<CreateProcessorRequest.Builder>
      • mergeFrom

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder mergeFrom​( input,
                                                 throws IOException
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<CreateProcessorRequest.Builder>
      • setInstanceBytes

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder setInstanceBytes​( value)
         **Required.** The name of the Yamcs instance.
        optional string instance = 1;
      • hasName

        public boolean hasName()
         **Required.** The name of the processor. Must be unique for the Yamcs instance.
        optional string name = 2;
        Specified by:
        hasName in interface CreateProcessorRequestOrBuilder
      • getNameBytes

        public getNameBytes()
         **Required.** The name of the processor. Must be unique for the Yamcs instance.
        optional string name = 2;
        Specified by:
        getNameBytes in interface CreateProcessorRequestOrBuilder
      • setName

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder setName​(String value)
         **Required.** The name of the processor. Must be unique for the Yamcs instance.
        optional string name = 2;
      • clearName

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder clearName()
         **Required.** The name of the processor. Must be unique for the Yamcs instance.
        optional string name = 2;
      • setNameBytes

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder setNameBytes​( value)
         **Required.** The name of the processor. Must be unique for the Yamcs instance.
        optional string name = 2;
      • getClientId

        public int getClientId​(int index)
         The client IDs that should be connected to this processor.
        repeated int32 clientId = 3;
        Specified by:
        getClientId in interface CreateProcessorRequestOrBuilder
      • setClientId

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder setClientId​(int index,
                                                          int value)
         The client IDs that should be connected to this processor.
        repeated int32 clientId = 3;
      • addClientId

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder addClientId​(int value)
         The client IDs that should be connected to this processor.
        repeated int32 clientId = 3;
      • clearClientId

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder clearClientId()
         The client IDs that should be connected to this processor.
        repeated int32 clientId = 3;
      • setPersistent

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder setPersistent​(boolean value)
         Keep the processor when terminated. Default: ``no``.
        optional bool persistent = 4;
      • clearPersistent

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder clearPersistent()
         Keep the processor when terminated. Default: ``no``.
        optional bool persistent = 4;
      • hasType

        public boolean hasType()
         **Required.** The type of the processor. The available values depend on how
         Yamcs Server is configured. Most Yamcs deployments support at least a type
         ``Archive`` which allows for the creation of processors replaying archived
        optional string type = 5;
        Specified by:
        hasType in interface CreateProcessorRequestOrBuilder
      • getType

        public String getType()
         **Required.** The type of the processor. The available values depend on how
         Yamcs Server is configured. Most Yamcs deployments support at least a type
         ``Archive`` which allows for the creation of processors replaying archived
        optional string type = 5;
        Specified by:
        getType in interface CreateProcessorRequestOrBuilder
      • getTypeBytes

        public getTypeBytes()
         **Required.** The type of the processor. The available values depend on how
         Yamcs Server is configured. Most Yamcs deployments support at least a type
         ``Archive`` which allows for the creation of processors replaying archived
        optional string type = 5;
        Specified by:
        getTypeBytes in interface CreateProcessorRequestOrBuilder
      • setType

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder setType​(String value)
         **Required.** The type of the processor. The available values depend on how
         Yamcs Server is configured. Most Yamcs deployments support at least a type
         ``Archive`` which allows for the creation of processors replaying archived
        optional string type = 5;
      • clearType

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder clearType()
         **Required.** The type of the processor. The available values depend on how
         Yamcs Server is configured. Most Yamcs deployments support at least a type
         ``Archive`` which allows for the creation of processors replaying archived
        optional string type = 5;
      • setTypeBytes

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder setTypeBytes​( value)
         **Required.** The type of the processor. The available values depend on how
         Yamcs Server is configured. Most Yamcs deployments support at least a type
         ``Archive`` which allows for the creation of processors replaying archived
        optional string type = 5;
      • hasConfig

        public boolean hasConfig()
         Configuration options specific to the processor type. Note that this should
         be a string representation of a valid JSON structure.
        optional string config = 6;
        Specified by:
        hasConfig in interface CreateProcessorRequestOrBuilder
      • getConfig

        public String getConfig()
         Configuration options specific to the processor type. Note that this should
         be a string representation of a valid JSON structure.
        optional string config = 6;
        Specified by:
        getConfig in interface CreateProcessorRequestOrBuilder
      • getConfigBytes

        public getConfigBytes()
         Configuration options specific to the processor type. Note that this should
         be a string representation of a valid JSON structure.
        optional string config = 6;
        Specified by:
        getConfigBytes in interface CreateProcessorRequestOrBuilder
      • setConfig

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder setConfig​(String value)
         Configuration options specific to the processor type. Note that this should
         be a string representation of a valid JSON structure.
        optional string config = 6;
      • clearConfig

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder clearConfig()
         Configuration options specific to the processor type. Note that this should
         be a string representation of a valid JSON structure.
        optional string config = 6;
      • setConfigBytes

        public CreateProcessorRequest.Builder setConfigBytes​( value)
         Configuration options specific to the processor type. Note that this should
         be a string representation of a valid JSON structure.
        optional string config = 6;
      • setUnknownFields

        public final CreateProcessorRequest.Builder setUnknownFields​( unknownFields)
        Specified by:
        setUnknownFields in interface
        setUnknownFields in class<CreateProcessorRequest.Builder>
      • mergeUnknownFields

        public final CreateProcessorRequest.Builder mergeUnknownFields​( unknownFields)
        Specified by:
        mergeUnknownFields in interface
        mergeUnknownFields in class<CreateProcessorRequest.Builder>