Class AbstractBucketsApi<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractBucketsApi<T> extends Object implements Api<T>
  Methods related to object storage.
  Buckets represent a simple mechanism for storing user objects (binary data
  chunks such as images, monitoring lists, displays...) together with some
  The metadata is represented by simple (key,value) pairs where both key and
  value are strings.
  By default each user has a bucket named ``user.username`` which can be used
  without extra privileges. Additional buckets may be created and used if the
  user has the required privileges. The user bucket will be created
  automatically when the user tries to access it.
  The following limitations are implemented in order to prevent disk over
  consumption and keep the service responsive:
  *   The maximum size of an upload including data and metadata is 5MB.
  *   The maximum number of objects in one bucket is 1000.
  *   The maximum size of an bucket 100MB (counted as the sum of the size of
      the objects within the bucket).
  *   The maximum size of the metadata is 16KB (counted as the sum of the
      length of the keys and values).
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractBucketsApi

      public AbstractBucketsApi()
  • Method Details

    • listBuckets

      public abstract void listBuckets(T ctx, ListBucketsRequest request, Observer<ListBucketsResponse> observer)
        List buckets
    • getBucket

      public abstract void getBucket(T ctx, GetBucketRequest request, Observer<BucketInfo> observer)
        Get a bucket
    • createBucket

      public abstract void createBucket(T ctx, CreateBucketRequest request, Observer<> observer)
        Create a bucket
    • deleteBucket

      public abstract void deleteBucket(T ctx, DeleteBucketRequest request, Observer<> observer)
        Delete a bucket
        Deleting a bucket means also deleting all objects that are part of it.
    • getObject

      public abstract void getObject(T ctx, GetObjectRequest request, Observer<HttpBody> observer)
        Get an object
        The body of the response represents the object data. The ``Content-Type``
        header is set to the content type of the object specified when uploading
        the object. If no ``Content-Type`` was specified when creating the object,
        the ``Content-Type`` of the response is set to
    • uploadObject

      public abstract void uploadObject(T ctx, UploadObjectRequest request, Observer<> observer)
        Upload an object
        .. rubric:: Simple upload
        In case of simple upload, the objectName has to be specified as part of the URL
        and the ``Content-Type header`` has to be set to the type of the object. The body
        of the request is the object data.
        .. rubric:: Form upload
        The form based upload can be used to upload an object from an HTML form. In this
        case the Content-Type of the request is set to ``multipart/form-data``, and the
        body will contain at least one part which is the object data. This part includes
        a filename which is used as the object name as well as a ``Content-Type`` header.
        The name attribute for the file part is ignored.
        Additional parts (which do not specify a filename) will be used as metadata: the
        name is specified as part of the ``Content-Disposition`` and the value is the body
        of the part.
        This can be tested with curl using the ``-F`` option.
        .. rubric:: Example
        .. code-block:: http
            POST /api/buckets/_global/my_bucket HTTP/1.1
            Host: localhost:8090
            User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
            Accept: */*
            Content-Length: 1090
            Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------7109c709802f7ae4
            Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="object/name"
            Content-Type: text/plain
            [object data]
            Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name1"
            Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name2"
        This will create an object named ``object/name`` with two metadata properties:
        .. code-block:: json
                "name1": "value1",
                "name2": "value2"
    • listObjects

      public abstract void listObjects(T ctx, ListObjectsRequest request, Observer<ListObjectsResponse> observer)
        List objects
    • deleteObject

      public abstract void deleteObject(T ctx, DeleteObjectRequest request, Observer<> observer)
        Delete an object
    • getDescriptorForType

      public final getDescriptorForType()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface Api<T>
    • getRequestPrototype

      public final getRequestPrototype( method)
      Specified by:
      getRequestPrototype in interface Api<T>
    • getResponsePrototype

      public final getResponsePrototype( method)
      Specified by:
      getResponsePrototype in interface Api<T>
    • callMethod

      public final void callMethod( method, T ctx, request, Observer<> future)
      Specified by:
      callMethod in interface Api<T>
    • callMethod

      public final Observer<> callMethod( method, T ctx, Observer<> future)
      Specified by:
      callMethod in interface Api<T>